README last updated 08/10/2024
- Functions and analysis scripts for bulk RNAseq analysis
- Contains functions and analysis scripts for post crick RNAseq pipeline
- Script for extracting count matrices from DESEq2 object output from pipeline
- Function to extract PCA and meta data dataframe from RNAseq pipeline DESeq2 object
- Analysis script for GSEA
- Function for running GSEA and creating plots
- Required inputs:
- DE_Table = the differential expression results table for the comparison of interest
- pathways = gmt file read in by gmtfile
- min = minimum pathway size
- max = maximum pathway size
- saveRes = whether results should be saved as CSV (True or False)
- plotTop = whether top results should be plotted (True or False)
- compName = name of differential comparison name DE table is from
- saveDir = where outputs should be saved
- Contains any scripts that have been made for projects where some sort of custom analysis was required
- Is an archive of old scripts previously run on QMUL HPC.
- Contains scripts for testing the nf-core pipeline