NITF - MIL-STD-2500C - National Imagery Transmission Format
This is the core repo which contains the common types and structures within NITF. This DFDL schema project is meant to be linked against by other schema projects that use NITF envelopes to contain other well defined data, such as Raster images.
Schemas that will use this NITF core repo will be expected to provide a schema file that implements the following types:
- taggedRecordExtension
- imageData
These implementations should reside within a schema defined at com/tresys/nitf/xsd/nitf_extension_types.dfdl.xsd
Examples can be seen in the dfdl-nitf repo, which uses hexBinary elements for these extensions, or in the dfdl-raster repo, which provides a structured schema for Raster image data embedded within NITF.