- Upgrade FIO SDK to v1.1.0
- Retry failed FIO tx broadcasts
- Update FIO explorer
- Add Telos (TLOS)
- EOS fixes
- FIO register domain
- FIO check pub address error handling
- Added free FIO address link
- Updated FIO api urls to remove port
- Update ETH gas price sanity check values
- Add Synthetix ERC20 tokens (SNX, SBTC, and SUSD)
- Save FIO tx fee between makeSpend() requests to the same address to reduce network calls
- Pass parent currency code in error when there's insufficient parent currency to pay transaction fee
- Increase timeout on network-dependent block height test
- Use eth_estimategas and eth_getcode to improve ETH and ERC20 token transaction fee estimation
- Disable asyncWaterfall for some FIO operations
- Save numTransactions in localWalletData
- Add cleaners to Etherscan get tx api responses
- FIO checkTransactions algorithm update to page transactions
- Fix REPv2 token address
- Add REPV2 ERC20 token
- Add new Tezos API
- FIO - fix multicastServers
- FIO fix domain reg url
- Add get domains method to FIO plugin
- FIO fallback ref mode
- Add fee strings to ethEngine makeSpend() return value
- Add Compound ERC20 token (COMP)
- Update FIO apiUrls
- Categorize servers by rpc and etherscan
- Fix case where a FIO address could appear associated with two FIO wallets
- Add etherclusterApiServers[] to rskInfo.js
- Add custom FIO domain support
- Add FIO address renewal support
- Tezos - Add makeMutex to wrap makeSpend() to avoid entering it more than once
- Refactor EOS plugin to remove owner key to support importing wallets
- Add Ethereum Classic support
- Remove own receive address from Tezos makeSpend
- Refactor ETH and RSK to use common code
- FIO performance improvements
- isAccountAvailable() renamed to doesAccountExist()
- Add cleaners v0.2.0 type checking
- Fix duplicate FIO address after registration
- Reprioritize EOS Hyperion nodes to resolve transaction history view issue
- Add TPID to FIO requests
- Fix Max Sends
- Updated fioInfo.js to mainnet
- Add FIO
- Import EOS private key
- Fix XLM transaction history not showing
- Remove FIO codebase, accidentally included in v0.6.8.
- Add MET token
- Add response error checking to fetch() calls
- Fixed crash when Etherscan API returned text rather than a number by adding decimal and hex regex to response validation
- EOS - Revert fetch update to fix syncing
- EOS - Add Greymass Fuel
- Add ETH internal transaction support
- Upgrade to edge-core-js v0.16.17
- Upgrade devDependencies
- Fix missing parent currency code from enabledTokens
- Add Amberdata support
- RBTC fixes
- Add 'xrp-ledger:' prefix support
- Fix nonce query to save nonce as string.
- Add try/catch to checkAndUpdate
- Ensure ETH is checked for balance and txs
- Update Tezos explorer and RPC nodes
- Optimize multiple API support for ETH
- Add CDAI
- Add Alethio API
- Add Blockchair API
- Add support for eth_estimateGas
- Refactor ETH for API flexibility (no functional change)
- Accept multiple etherscan API keys.
- Update usage of EOS API endpoints
- Fix Tezos Babylon compatibility.
- Update HERC contract address.
- Include compound tokens info
- Connect to multiple EOS Hyperion nodes (with fallback).
- Replace ripplecharts with bithomp.
- Directly connect to EOS producers (with fallback).
- Remove BlockScout due to delayed / cached results
- Fix XTZ seed issue (
- Allow XTZ mnemonic import
- Adjustments to dependencies
- Display mnemonic seeds for RSK when available.
- Upgrade Ripple network libraries
- Add Chainlink token
- Fix RSK key management
- Fix BNB balance stuck loading on new accounts
- Remove BNB as possible ERC20 token
- Removed
data from BNB transactions
- Implementation of Binance Chain (BNB)
- Remove cached RPC node from being used for XTZ getBalance
- Remove unnecessary code for ETH errors
- Skip one XTZ node for
loop to fix engine block height
- Add AGLD to list of known tokens
- Validate Ethereum addresses prior to sending.
- Add support for RSK & Tezos mnemonic keys.
- Fix Tezos URI generation.
- Add basic FIO key generation shims.
- Change Tezos signedTx property from string to hex
- Change Tezos currency symbol to 't' due to font issue with official symbol
- Set default
property on EdgeTransactions to empty string
- Integration of RSK / RBTC
- Integration of Tezos
- Allow importing of XLM and XRP private keys
- Implement ignoring of zero-amount transactions (ie proxy allowance)
- Fix
issue throwing error whenotherParams
does not exist
- Implement Totle transactions (extra proxy allowance transaction)
- Fix EOS infinite loop issue
- Fix Outgoing EOS transaction issue
- Fix EOS syncing issue
- Fix node 12 compatibility
- Fix BRZ token multiplier / denomination / decimals
- Add BRZ as a native ERC20 token
- Fix importing Ethereum private keys starting with 0x.
- Allow multiple unconfirmed Ethereum spends at once.
- Fix toke denomination issue for encodeUri and parseUri
- Increase unit test timeout
- Update Ripple block explorer link.
- Add ability to import Ethereum private keys.
- Add ability to detect dropped Ethereum transactions.
- Get Ethereum to catch insufficient token balance transactions
- Convert Infura eth_getBalance to decimal string.
- Fix GUSD denominations.
- Improve Ethereum token syncing using multiple servers.
- Fix GUSD and TUSD contract addresses
- Fix incorrect Ethereum private key parsing.
- Add popular ERC-20 tokens
- Fix CORS issues during EOS activation on react-native.
- Upgrade to the edge-core-js v0.15.0 and adapt to breaking changes.
- Fix the node entry point not to crash
- Fix a crash on boot on React Native
- Upgrade to the edge-core-js v0.14.0 types
- Modernize the build system
- Fix ETH blockHeight from fluttering in/out of confirmation
- Fix XLM makeSpend if called multiple times and older edgeTransaction is used for signTx
- Properly call onTransactionsChanged on new txs
- Fix EOS accounts from being detected after activation
- Fix display of ETH private seeds
- Fix XRP incorrect spend amounts
- Fix syncing of ETH wallets after network disconnect/reconnect
- Improve syncing of XRP wallets by connecting to multiple servers
- Improve syncing of XRP wallets by detecting connection failure and retrying
- Change ETH fee estimates for better confirmation times
- Change broadcastTx to broadcast to all APIs at the same time
- Add Infura to broadcast APIs
- Add EOS support
- Add Ethereum support
- Retry failed XRP broadcasts
- Publish with a cleaned lib/ directory. Identical code to 0.0.15
- Use new colored icons
- Fix saving read back of lastAddressQueryHeight to prevent always querying from block 0
- Do not load transactions until core asks for getTransactions or we have to save a new tx to disk
- Fix incorrect error thrown from makeSpend due to insufficient funds
- Fix parseUri for unique identifiers of XLM and XRP
- Full spend/receive functionality for Ripple/XRP refactored from edge-currency-ripple
- Full spend/receive functionality for Stellar with memo.id support
- EOS support for send/receive
- EOS support for showing outgoing transactions only
- EOS missing ability to activate account