Title | Project | Purpose | sequence | lastupdate | tag | version |
Readme - jacMultiSite on One Installation |
Yellow CMS - HACK |
Draft a README FILE. |
readme-30 |
2024-04-21 05:41:30 -0700 |
readme, system |
0.0.9 |
This is a CORE HACK. It is NOT AN EXTENSION. However, it is rather simple.
An in-depth paragraph about your project and overview of use.
File: jac-yellow-system-cfg.php
Located adjacent to your yellow.php file. Specifies the location of the yellow system folder.
$JACyellowsystemLocation = 'yellow/';
$this->system->set("coreSystemDirectory", $JACyellowsystemLocation."system/");
$this->system->set("coreCacheDirectory", $JACyellowsystemLocation."system/cache/");
$this->system->set("coreExtensionDirectory", $JACyellowsystemLocation."system/extensions/");
$this->system->set("coreLayoutDirectory", $JACyellowsystemLocation."system/layouts/");
$this->system->set("coreThemeDirectory", $JACyellowsystemLocation."system/themes/");
$this->system->set("coreTrashDirectory", $JACyellowsystemLocation."system/trash/");
$this->system->set("coreWorkerDirectory", $JACyellowsystemLocation."system/workers/");
list($pathInstall, $pathRoot, $pathHome) = $this->lookup->findFileSystemInformation();
$this->system->set("coreServerInstallDirectory", $pathInstall);
$this->system->set("coreServerRootDirectory", $pathRoot);
$this->system->set("coreServerHomeDirectory", $pathHome);
approx line 100 find these lines........
if ($this->system->get("coreDebugMode")>=1) {
ini_set("display_errors", 1);
And simply insert the lines below before the datew_default_timezone line.....
if ($this->system->get("coreDebugMode")>=1) {
ini_set("display_errors", 1);
// --------------------------------------- jacmgr
// insert these lines below
// jacmgr jachack April2024
if (file_exists('jac-yellow-system-cfg.php')){
// --------------------------------------- jacmgr
// continue with original core.php
// Datenstrom Yellow, https://github.com/datenstrom/yellow
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//jacmgr: jachack to use one system folder for multiple sites
if (file_exists('jac-yellow-system-cfg.php')){
// must agree with what is in 'jac-yellow-system-cfg.php'
$JACyellowsystemLocation = 'yellow/';
//can't chage this unless you also add to $JACyellowsysteLocation
$JACyellowSystemFolderName = 'system';
} else {
// standard yellow system install with no jachac
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// continues below normally....
if (PHP_SAPI!="cli") {
$yellow = new YellowCore();
} else {
$yellow = new YellowCore();
+--topfolder/root (i.e. www.example.com)
| yellow.php
| jac-yellow-system-cfg.php [ specifies system is at $JACyellowsystemLocation = 'yellow/'; ]
| jacsite-cfg.php [ specifies content is at /sites/example/content/ ]
| .htaccess
| robot.txt
|-+-media [ media for main top level site ]
| |-+--downloads
| |-+--images
| |-+--thumbnails
| |-+--| system (current version in use)
| | |-+--extensions
| | |-+--layouts
| | |-+--themes
| | | | example.css
| | | | example.png
| | | | site1.css
| | | | site1.png
| | | | site2.css
| | | | site2.png
| | | | site3.css
| | | | site3.png
| | | |-+--jaccopenhagen
| | | | |jaccopenhagen-original.css
| | | | |jaccopenhagen-orange.css
| | | | |jaccopenhagen-blue.css
| | | |-+--fontawesome
| | |
| | |-+--workers
| | | each yellow extension.php
| | | each jac extension.php that include from subfolder jac
| | |-+--jac
| | |-+--jacextension1
| | |-+--jacextension2
| | |-+--jacextension3
| | |-+--jacextension4
| |
| |-+--| system-08 (prior version accessible by modifying site system config)
| | |-+--extensions
| | |-+--layouts
| | |-+--themes
| | |-+--workers
| |
| |-+--| system-myhack (my hacked version accessible by modifying site system config)
| |-+--extensions
| |-+--layouts
| |-+--themes
| |-+--workers
|-+-example [This is only CONTENT folder for TOP Level site www.example.com ]
| | .htaccess
| | robot.txt
| |-+--content
| | yellow.php
| | jac-yellow-system-cfg.php [ specifies system is at $JACyellowsystemLocation = '../../yellow/'; ]
| | jacsite-cfg.php
| | .htaccess
| | robot.txt
| |-+--content
| |-+--media
| | yellow.php
| | jac-yellow-system-cfg.php [ specifies system is at $JACyellowsystemLocation = '../../yellow/'; ]
| | jacsite-cfg.php
| | .htaccess
| | robot.txt
| |-+--content
| |-+--media
| | yellow.php
| | jac-yellow-system-cfg.php [ specifies system is at $JACyellowsystemLocation = '../../yellow/'; ]
| | jacsite-cfg.php
| | .htaccess
| | robot.txt
| |-+--content
| |-+--media