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EasySwoole WeChat

EasySwoole WeChat is an Whole-Coroutine WeChat SDK Which is base on swoole 4.x ,We Design this SDK just because we need faster than faster !


Get Instance

use EasySwoole\WeChat\WeChat;
$wechat = new WeChat();

Set Global Temp Dir

$wechat->config()->setTempDir('my dir');


OfficialAccount WeChat Sand Box:

Exception Catch

Exception for EasySwoole\WeChat\Exception\RequestError or EasySwoole\WeChat\Exception\OfficialAccountError will be throw when you exec any officialAccount action if your network was wrong or you had pass some invalid argument. So you must catch these Exception,just like :

use EasySwoole\WeChat\Exception\RequestError;
use EasySwoole\WeChat\Exception\OfficialAccountError;

}catch (RequestError $requestError){

}catch (OfficialAccountError $error){

Init OfficialAccount Config

$wechat->officialAccount()->getConfig()->setAppId('your appid')->setAppSecret('your aoo secret')->setToken('your token');


use EasySwoole\WeChat\WeChat;
use EasySwoole\WeChat\Bean\OfficialAccount\AccessCheck;
use EasySwoole\WeChat\Bean\OfficialAccount\RequestMsg;
use EasySwoole\WeChat\Bean\OfficialAccount\RequestedReplyMsg;
use EasySwoole\WeChat\Bean\OfficialAccount\RequestConst;
$wechat = new WeChat();

 * will call for every request ,if you return false means break up the process,
 * if return an RequestedReplyMsg means break up the process but also reply the msg,
 * if none return ,continue the process

$wechat->officialAccount()->server()->preCall(function (RequestMsg $msg){
//    var_dump($msg->__toString());

 * if user send test msg
$wechat->officialAccount()->server()->onMessage()->set('test',function (RequestMsg $msg){
    $reply = new RequestedReplyMsg();
    $reply->setContent('hello from server');
    return $reply;

$wechat->officialAccount()->server()->onMessage()->set(RequestConst::DEFAULT_ON_MESSAGE,function (RequestMsg $msg){
    $reply = new RequestedReplyMsg();
    $reply->setContent('you say :'.$msg->getContent());
    return $reply;

$wechat->officialAccount()->server()->onEvent()->onSubscribe(function (RequestMsg $msg){
    var_dump("{$msg->getFromUserName()} has SUBSCRIBE");
    $reply = new RequestedReplyMsg();
    $reply->setContent('Welcome to EasySwoole');
    return $reply;

$wechat->officialAccount()->server()->onEvent()->onUnSubscribe(function (RequestMsg $msg){
    var_dump("{$msg->getFromUserName()} has UBSCRIBE");

$wechat->officialAccount()->server()->onEvent()->set(RequestConst::DEFAULT_ON_EVENT,function (){
    $reply = new RequestedReplyMsg();
    $reply->setContent('this is event default reply');
    return $reply;

$http = new swoole_http_server("", 9501);
$http->on("request", function ($request, $response)use($wechat){
    if($request->server['request_method'] == 'GET'){
        $bean = new AccessCheck($request->get);
        $verify = $wechat->officialAccount()->server()->accessCheck($bean);
        $res = $wechat->officialAccount()->server()->parserRequest($request->rawContent());

Access Token

// if success return token


Get OfficialAccount Server List


NetWork Check

use EasySwoole\WeChat\Bean\OfficialAccount\NetCheckRequest;
$req = new NetCheckRequest();


namespace EasySwoole\WeChat;

use EasySwoole\WeChat\Bean\OfficialAccount\QrCodeRequest;
$qrRequest = new QrCodeRequest;

$qrCode = $wechat->officialAccount()->qrCode();
$tick = $qrCode->getTick($qrRequest);
$url = $qrCode::tickToImageUrl($tick);


$buttons = [
            "type" => "click",
            "name" => "今日歌曲",
            "key"  => "V1001_TODAY_MUSIC"
            "name"       => "菜单",
            "sub_button" => [
                    "type" => "view",
                    "name" => "搜索",
                    "url"  => ""
                    "type" => "view",
                    "name" => "视频",
                    "url"  => ""
                    "type" => "click",
                    "name" => "赞一下我们",
                    "key" => "V1001_GOOD"

    $matchRule = [
        "tag_id" => "2",
        "sex" => "1",
        "country" => "中国",
        "province" => "广东",
        "city" => "广州",
        "client_platform_type" => "2",
        "language" => "zh_CN"
    // create menu
    // create conditional menu
    $menuId = $wechat->officialAccount()->menu()->create($buttons, $matchRule);
    // query menu
    // menu conditional menu
    $wechat->officialAccount()->menu()->match('openid OR wechat ID');
    // delete all menu
    // delete conditional menu


    // jsApi instance
    $jsApi = $wechat->officialAccount()->jsApi();

    // web authorization redirect link
    $jsAuthRequest = new JsAuthRequest;
    $jsAuthRequest->setType($jsAuthRequest::TYPE_USER_INFO); // 
    $link = $jsApi->auth()->generateURL($jsAuthRequest);
    // code to access token
    $code = '' // auth code from url param
    $snsAuthBean  = $jsApi->auth()->codeToToken($code);
    // access token to user info
    $user = $jsApi->auth()->tokenToUser($snsAuthBean);
    $user->getNickname(); // ... and more
    // code to user info
    $user = $jsApi->auth()->codeToUser($code);  // then get user info like above
    // refresh access token
    $token = $snsAuthBean->getRefreshToken(); // refresh token need to be stored by yourself
    $snsAuthBean = $jsApi->auth()->refreshToken($token);
    // ckeck token (openid and access token is required)
    $check = $jsApi->auth()->authCheck($snsAuthBean);
    $url = '';  // current request url given by yourself
    // jsApi signature (this is the information wx.config needs)
    $jsApiSignaturePack = $jsApi->jsApi()->sdk()->signature($url);


    use Swoole\Coroutine;
    use EasySwoole\WeChat\Bean\OfficialAccount\MediaRequest;
    use EasySwoole\WeChat\Bean\OfficialAccount\MediaResponse;
    // upload
    $path = 'image.jpg';
    $type = MediaRequest::TYPE_IMAGE;
    // the path type
    $mediaBean = new MediaRequest(); // or new MediaRequest(['path' => $path, 'type' => $type);
    $response = $wechat->officialAccount()->media()->upload($mediaBean);
    // the stream
    $stream = Coroutine::readFile($path);
    $mediaBean = new MediaRequest();
    $response = $wechat->officialAccount()->media()->upload($mediaBean);
    // get 
    $response = $wechat->officialAccount()->media()->get($mediaId);
    if($response instanceof MediaResponse) {
        // or 
        $response->saveAs($directory, $filename)
    // if get media type is video
    $response = [
        'video_url': $downUrl


    // upload
    use EasySwoole\WeChat\Bean\OfficialAccount\MediaRequest;
    use EasySwoole\WeChat\Bean\OfficialAccount\MediaArticle;
    $mediaBean = new MediaRequest();
    // if media type is video must setTitle and setIntroduction
    // $mediaBean->setTitle('title');
    // $mediaBean->setIntroduction('introduction');
    $mediaUploadResponse = $wechat->officialAccount()->material()->upload($mediaBean)['media_id'];
    $thumbMediaId = $mediaUploadResponse['media_id'];
    // upload article
    $article = [
        'title' => 'EasySwoole/Wechat!',
        'thumb_media_id' => $thumbMediaId,
        'author' => 'EasySwoole/Wechat',
        'show_cover' => 1,
        'digest' => 'digest',
        'content' => 'content',
        'source_url' => '',

    $mediaArticle_0 = new MediaArticle($article);
    $mediaArticle_1 = new MediaArticle($article);
    // uploadArticle parameter is `Variable-length argument lists` but parameter must be MediaArticle object
    $uploadArticleResponse = $wechat->officialAccount()->material()->uploadArticle($mediaArticle_0, $mediaArticle_1);

    // get media
    $materialGetResponse = $wechat->officialAccount()->material()->get($uploadArticleResponse['media_id']);

    // upload article image
    $mediaBean = new MediaRequest();
    // uploadArticleImage will not return media_id
    $imageUrl = $wechat->officialAccount()->material()->uploadArticleImage($mediaBean)['url'];

    // update article
    $newMediaArticle_0 = new MediaArticle($materialGetResponse['news_item'][0]);
    $newMediaArticle_0->setContent("<img src='{$imageUrl}' alt='image alt'>");
    $updateArticleResponse = $wechat->officialAccount()->material()->updateArticle($uploadArticleResponse['media_id'], $newMediaArticle_0, 0);

    // delete media
    $materialDeleteResponse = $wechat->officialAccount()->material()->delete($uploadArticleResponse['media_id']);

WeChat MiniProgram (New)

Current support auth、qrcode with WeChat MiniProgram ( Automatic access token management )

create wxa instance

First you need to initialize an instance

$wxa = new \EasySwoole\WeChat\MiniProgram\MiniProgram;
$wxa->getConfig()->setAppId('your appid')->setAppSecret('your appsecret');

wxa session

You can see open-ability-login for details. Suppose you've got the code you need to log in:

$code = '';
$session = $wxa->auth()->session($code);

You will get an array containing the fields described in the document, see code2Session

create qrcode

From the documentation, we can see that there are three ways to create qccodes.

$response1 = $wxa->qrCode()->getWxaCode('/pages/index/index', 450);
$response2 = $wxa->qrCode()->getWxaCodeUnLimit('/pages/index/index', 'scene');
$response3 = $wxa->qrCode()->createWxaQrCode('/pages/index/index', 450);

This seems too simple, and the method can support more parameters, as follows:

 function getWxaCode($path, $width = 430, $autoColor = false, $lineColor = null, $isHyaline = false){}
 function getWxaCodeUnLimit($path, $scene, $width = 430, $autoColor = false, $lineColor = null, $isHyaline = false)
 function createWxaQrCode($path, $width = 430)