A meetup on github workflows
A basic summary of the commit and what it does
Close #1, Close #3, Ref #10
- other change i made
- some minor thing
- woohoo
- take advantage of GH features (close #1, etc)
- clean up your history (rebase... to one commit
- whenever there's a problem
- close them
onlymostly via pull request
- never commit to master
- always work on Branches
git checkout -b <branch_name>
- Great!!!!!
- there should be an issue for it
- squash down to one commit
git rebase -i
(for interactive)git rebase -i HEAD~<# of commits>
- push it up
- open a pull request
git commit --amend
IE, someone else made changes where i made changes... and the button won't turn green.
- get caught up to master
git checkout master
git pull upstream master
git checkout <my_branch>
git rebase master
- see "i didn't solve the problem"
- branch off your branch
- you didn't need to change the original branch you branched off of (aka, you got it right the first time)
- rebase like normal (someone else changed the code problem)
- you had to change the branch you branched from.
- temp branch dance with some cherry picking
- it's cool, just checkout from there.
- then go back to master...
- and drop that commit
git reset --hard HEAD~1