Releases: italia/design-comuni-plone-theme
Releases · italia/design-comuni-plone-theme
8.3.1 (2023-08-10)
Bug Fixes
- card persona images now have fixed size (#275) (cfbdbc8)
- event card in listing breaking with invalid dates (94aa154)
- event dates in cards when recurrence is entirely in the past (#277) (5c45415)
- focus on cookie banner toggles (#282) (ccc3c73)
- querystring results when block ids are the same on different pages (#278) (71db4d3)
- restored full-width class to listing block (#280) (d19c08a)
- wrong layout for external link indicator icon if objects are Plone Links in anonimous view (#270) (4bbb741)
- deploy to rancher disabled (d924ef1)
- updated publiccode (c8769d2)
8.3.0 (2023-08-04)
- coherent description in card persona everywhere (#273) (137fdd5)
- rimosso link a form contatto, aggiunto link a motore di ricerca del sito (#269) (6793855)
- upgrade to volto alpha.19 (02e3096)
Bug Fixes
- equal height for card persona in uo people (#276) (3a5e8d1)
- height of accessibility icon for external links (#268) (8714eb2)
- optional chaining for pdc data in OfficeCard (#274) (88ec896)
- z-index moved to a generic block (#265) (c0d729c)
- updated publiccode (6329a9b)
8.1.0 (2023-07-20)
Bug Fixes
- a11y title in external links (a9bd127)
- card persona styles (2f10bde)
- changed title of Altri Documenti section to Documenti (#253) (2f84496)
- error while cherry-picking changes from v2 (8d30c6f)
- upgrade volto-data-grid-widget to 2.2.1 (08bff18)
- updated publiccode (f27748c)
8.0.0 (2023-07-12)
- this is now a Volto theme add-on 💥 (#166)
- added time field in calendar block, changed layout of date (#167)
- rethink login process and improve unauthorized page (#113)
- remove contents customization (#136)
- empty serviceUrl in servizio schema org metatags when not available (23602fd)
- focus on sidemenu shifts correctly between selected items and page content (#212) (bb7c0f6)
- upgraded volto-data-grid-widget 2.2.0 (40be1a7)
- a11y for Slider listing template (#226) (7198e7b)
- added accordion in SideMenu component (#121) (1b342a0)
- updated gdpr add-on and enabled focus trap in cookie banner (d860cb1)
- upgrade to volto 16.21.0 (5b0eafc)
- added checkbox for event images in calendar (#208) (e5dcd91)
- aggiunto blocco search (#198) (2f7c7b1)
- twitter errors (#206) (6cee7ed)
- aggiornamento icone da fa5 a fa6 (#194) (59cd2ac)
- disabled contact-form route (#187) (9e39568)
- upgraded volto-form-block (e18e153)
- custom validation and error message for Event if end date is prior to start date (#170) (f94794a)
- added time field in calendar block, changed layout of date (#167) (1908586)
- rethink login process and improve unauthorized page (#113) (80c4777)
- added custom validation for CT Servizio 'Accedere al servizio' section (#144) (4918407)
- added metadata for ct servizio (#151) (c3d4ff0)
- updated customerSatisfaction with ModelloPratica condition (#145) (010071a)
- added contact info in officeCard from pdc (#137) (5bbddd9)
- lazy load optional footer image (30d5650)
- remove contents customization (#136) (3ca63d0)
- update volto to 16.20.4 (6a72b51)
- intersectionObserver new settings and css block _smallblockLinkstemplate (#125) (719067f)
- show next generation eu logo by default (ac66238)
- add configurable PNRR/NextGenerationEU footer logo (a1f575b)
- moved topics section from PageHeader and positioned them after Contacts section in ServizioView (#123) (3aaa3dd)
- added data-elements where needed for validator (#95) (5ce1d5d)
- added page-name data-element on page titles (3796e83)
- added page-name data-element on page titles (52e8a37)
- avviso per limite caratteri (#88) (4c95c88)
- added description field to select field on form block (#91) (34f01a7)
- added legal-notes data-element in editors (00ca40b)
- timeline_tempi_scadenze non è più obbligatorio (9e13282)
- add new sort indexes in BandiSearch block: effective and modified date (#83) (62e4322)
- change patrocinato_da field from TextLine to RichText; change 'contatti interni' to 'organizzato da' (d712d66)
- increase char counter limit to 255 (3a7b7cc)
- update and rebuild i18n catalog (ac3a220)
- added new customer satisfaction using new volto-feedback and addons (#74) (2d0a894)
- object browser breadcrumbs (#68) (ba4b918)
- upgraded volto 16.11.0 (3520bc3)
- added conditional to set pdf download in a new tab (2fcbb2b)
- allineamento bottone blocco elenco e linea sotto al titolo (#58) (b3ca7de)
- new color for links inside the draftjs editor on footer site config (#63) (c735228)
- google maps block restricted and removed from privacy options (#71) (abbedf5)
- upgraded design-react-kit and bootstrap-italia ([960ce5c]...