[x] First-or-create
[x] handler that takes a set of elevator-names and opens/closes outages appropriately [x] test handler^Wworker [x] runner for said handler
[x] seed station list - dumped as data/seed.sql [x] Strip # and . from elevator names so SFO is handled properly?
[x] notifier code [x] link notifier to outage code [x] wire up heroku [x] wire up postgres [x] wire up sendgrid [x] wire up mailtrap? [x] fix email sender [x] Add admin notifier for errors [x] Add admin notifier for new (stationless) elevators [x] some metrics
[x] UI to configure notifications per-user [x] encrypted sessions [x] flash [x] rack-csrf [x] google analytics [x] rollbar middleware in app [x] rollbar should ignore Sinatra::NotFound
[ ] add current-outages info to index
Maybe: [ ] Use bundler groups for smarter requiring [ ] shorten elevator names [x] keen.io instead of silly Models::Metric [ ] remove Models::Metric [ ] better organization of initializers [ ] graceful shutdown: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/dynos#the-dyno-manager [ ] replace rest-client with faraday