Ensure that JRE 1.8 or higher is installed in your system. Also ensure that 8080 TCP port is free.
Download MSI installer from releases page. Double click on it. Currently installer is unsigned. It leads to red alert during installation. Do not afraid: it's OK.
We've prepared universal installation script. Just run this command in your terminal.
curl -sL https://git.io/pravda-for-unix | bash
Then we need to run local node. First of all lets build initial coin distribution config.
pravda gen address -o my-wallet.json
This command will generate ED25519 key pair. It's a valid Pravda wallet. Now you can add an address to coin distribution config.
"address": "address from my-wallet.json",
"amount": 1000000000
Save this to my-coin-distribution.json
. Now lets initialize node configuration.
pravda node init --local --coin-distribution my-coin-distribution.json
Congratulations! The configuration is written to pravda-data/node.conf
directory (also you can chose data directory using --data-dir
key). Now let's run the node.
pravda node run
Now you have our own Pravda network with one validator, and one billion coins on your account. Check out http://localhost:8080/ui
You are very rich! Now you want to donate a part of your wealth to some poor guy. Let's generate wallet for him.
pravda gen address -o another-wallet.json
Wallet for poor guy is created. Now let's copy his address and transfer some coins.
pravda broadcast transfer \
--wallet my-wallet.json \
--to <address-of-poor-guy> \
--amount 1000000
Now the poor guy is not so poor. We have done a good deed.