~ Command & Control via Python ~ .o .oooooooooo. .oooooo. .oo. .oooooo. .8' .8'`888 `Y88. d8P' `Y8b .88' `8. d8P' `Y8b .888888888888888 .d88'oooo ooo888 88. .8' 888 .8' .8' 888ooo88P' `88. .8' 888 `88.8P 888 .888888888888' 888 `88..8' 888 d888[.8'888 .8' .8' 888 `888' `88b oo 88' `88. `88b ooo .8' .8' o888o .8' `Y8bood8P' `bodP'`88.`Y8bood8P' o..P' `Y8P' ~ Multi-threaded telnet command execution ~ ~ silentphoenix & shellzrus ~
usage: pycc.py [-h] [-c CMD] [-l HOSTLIST] [-p PORT] [-u USER] [-P PASSWORD] [-t MAXTHREADS] [-m MODE] [-T TIMEOUT] [-k ALIVE] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c CMD, --cmd CMD Command to run on the hosts -l HOSTLIST, --hostlist HOSTLIST List of hosts to manage -p PORT, --port PORT Port to connect to -u USER, --user USER Username to authenticate with -P PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD Password to authenticate with -t MAXTHREADS, --maxThreads MAXTHREADS Max threads to allow before bailing -m MODE, --mode MODE Mode: s/d (shell/daemon) Trap and send command to background if daemonize. Defaults to shell -T TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT Default telnet timeout Defaults to 30. Increase for longer running commmands. Defaults to 30 -k ALIVE, --alive ALIVE Keep connections open, do not send exit after command. Defaults to off.
- Create a file with your telnet hosts, one per line
- Edit your credentials and prompt (if needed)
- Run it: python pycc -l listofzombies -t 500 -c 'uname -a'
This program is a fine piece of python because you can also use it to handle other programs (like shell scripts, or netcat, etc). Just edit the host_function paremeters. Was originally multithreading telnet through expect, until I rewrote it to just use python (to conserve resources and for cleansliness).