diff --git a/.github/workflows/test-kubo-e2e.yml b/.github/workflows/test-kubo-e2e.yml
index 205fdd2d3..60e65b090 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/test-kubo-e2e.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/test-kubo-e2e.yml
@@ -46,11 +46,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Provision Kubo Gateway
run: |
# Import car files
- cars=$(find ./fixtures -name '*.car')
- for car in $cars
- do
- ipfs dag import --pin-roots=false --stats "$car"
- done
+ find ./fixtures -name '*.car' -exec ipfs dag import --pin-roots=false {} \;
# Import ipns records
records=$(find ./fixtures -name '*.ipns-record')
@@ -63,7 +59,7 @@ jobs:
uses: ./gateway-conformance/.github/actions/test
- subdomain-url: http://example.com
+ subdomain-url: http://example.com:8080
json: output.json
xml: output.xml
html: output.html
diff --git a/fixtures/redirects_file/dnslink.yml b/fixtures/redirects_file/dnslink.yml
index 69c5f2cc7..0bafb8867 100644
--- a/fixtures/redirects_file/dnslink.yml
+++ b/fixtures/redirects_file/dnslink.yml
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# yaml-language-server: $schema=fixture.schema.json
- custom-dnslink:
- domain: dnslink-enabled-on-fqdn.example.org
+ redirects-examples:
+ domain: dnslink-redirects-examples.example.org
# cid of ./redirects.car:/examples/
path: /ipfs/QmYBhLYDwVFvxos9h8CGU2ibaY66QNgv8hpfewxaQrPiZj
- dnslink-spa:
+ redirects-spa:
domain: dnslink-enabled-with-spa.example.org
# cid of ./redirects-spa.car
path: /ipfs/bafybeib5lboymwd6p2eo4qb2lkueaine577flvsjjeuevmp2nlio72xv5q
diff --git a/tests/dnslink_gateway_test.go b/tests/dnslink_gateway_test.go
index 15c8614cd..bfa5ba6a4 100644
--- a/tests/dnslink_gateway_test.go
+++ b/tests/dnslink_gateway_test.go
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package tests
import (
- "net/url"
@@ -11,7 +10,6 @@ import (
. "github.com/ipfs/gateway-conformance/tooling/test"
- "github.com/ipfs/gateway-conformance/tooling/tmpl"
func TestDNSLinkGatewayUnixFSDirectoryListing(t *testing.T) {
@@ -20,28 +18,15 @@ func TestDNSLinkGatewayUnixFSDirectoryListing(t *testing.T) {
fixture := car.MustOpenUnixfsCar("dir_listing/fixtures.car")
file := fixture.MustGetNode("ą", "ę", "file-źł.txt")
- // DNSLink domain and fixture we will be using for Host headerthis test
- dnsLinkHostname := "dnslink-website.example.org"
dnsLinks := dnslink.MustOpenDNSLink("dir_listing/dnslink.yml")
dnsLink := dnsLinks.MustGet("dir-listing-website")
- tests := SugarTests{}
- // Sent requests to endpoint defined by --gateway-url
- u, err := url.Parse(GatewayURL)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- // Host header should use dnslink domain with the same scheme as --gateway-url
- hostHdr := tmpl.Fmt("{{scheme}}://{{dnslink}}", u.Scheme, dnsLink)
- tests = append(tests, SugarTests{
+ tests := SugarTests{
Name: "Backlink on root CID should be hidden (TODO: cleanup Kubo-specifics)",
Request: Request().
- Header("Host", hostHdr).
- URL(GatewayURL),
+ Path("/").
+ Header("Host", dnsLink),
Response: Expect().
@@ -53,8 +38,8 @@ func TestDNSLinkGatewayUnixFSDirectoryListing(t *testing.T) {
Name: "Redirect dir listing to URL with trailing slash",
Request: Request().
- Header("Host", hostHdr).
- URL(GatewayURL + "/ą/ę"),
+ Path("/ą/ę").
+ Header("Host", dnsLink),
Response: Expect().
@@ -64,8 +49,8 @@ func TestDNSLinkGatewayUnixFSDirectoryListing(t *testing.T) {
Name: "Regular dir listing (TODO: cleanup Kubo-specifics)",
Request: Request().
- Header("Host", hostHdr).
- URL(GatewayURL + "/ą/ę"),
+ Path("/ą/ę/").
+ Header("Host", dnsLink),
Response: Expect().
@@ -81,13 +66,13 @@ func TestDNSLinkGatewayUnixFSDirectoryListing(t *testing.T) {
Contains("Index of"),
- Contains(`/ipns/{{hostname}}/ą/ę`, dnsLinkHostname),
+ Contains(`/ipns/{{hostname}}/ą/ę`, dnsLink),
Contains(``, file.Cid()),
- }...)
+ }
RunWithSpecs(t, helpers.UnwrapSubdomainTests(t, tests), specs.DNSLinkGateway)
diff --git a/tests/redirects_file_test.go b/tests/redirects_file_test.go
index 20dca0048..1a667b3d9 100644
--- a/tests/redirects_file_test.go
+++ b/tests/redirects_file_test.go
@@ -35,11 +35,12 @@ func TestRedirectsFileSupport(t *testing.T) {
redirectDirBaseURL := Fmt("{{scheme}}://{{cid}}.ipfs.{{host}}", u.Scheme, redirectDirCID, u.Host)
+ // TODO hostHdr := Fmt("{{cid}}.ipfs.{{host}}", redirectDirCID, u.Host)
tests = append(tests, SugarTests{
Name: "request for $REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/redirect-one redirects with default of 301, per _redirects file",
Request: Request().
- Header("Host", u.Host).
URL("{{url}}/redirect-one", redirectDirBaseURL),
Response: Expect().
@@ -235,20 +236,14 @@ func TestRedirectsFileSupport(t *testing.T) {
func TestRedirectsFileSupportWithDNSLink(t *testing.T) {
tooling.LogTestGroup(t, GroupDNSLink)
dnsLinks := dnslink.MustOpenDNSLink("redirects_file/dnslink.yml")
- dnsLink := dnsLinks.MustGet("custom-dnslink")
- u, err := url.Parse(SubdomainGatewayURL)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- dnsLinkBaseUrl := Fmt("{{scheme}}://{{dnslink}}.{{host}}", u.Scheme, dnsLink, u.Host)
+ dnsLink := dnsLinks.MustGet("redirects-examples")
tests := SugarTests{
- Name: "request for $DNSLINK_FQDN/redirect-one redirects with default of 301, per _redirects file",
+ Name: "request for //{dnslink} redirects with default of 301, per _redirects file",
Request: Request().
- URL("{{url}}/redirect-one", dnsLinkBaseUrl),
+ Header("Host", dnsLink).
+ Path("/redirect-one"),
Response: Expect().
@@ -256,10 +251,11 @@ func TestRedirectsFileSupportWithDNSLink(t *testing.T) {
- Name: "request for $DNSLINK_FQDN/en/has-no-redirects-entry returns custom 404, per _redirects file",
+ Name: "request for //{dnslink}/en/has-no-redirects-entry returns custom 404, per _redirects file",
Hint: `ensure custom 404 works and has the same cache headers as regular /ipns/ paths`,
Request: Request().
- URL("{{url}}/not-found/has-no-redirects-entry", dnsLinkBaseUrl),
+ Header("Host", dnsLink).
+ Path("/not-found/has-no-redirects-entry"),
Response: Expect().
@@ -274,30 +270,69 @@ func TestRedirectsFileSupportWithDNSLink(t *testing.T) {
- RunWithSpecs(t, helpers.UnwrapSubdomainTests(t, tests), specs.DNSLinkGateway, specs.RedirectsFile)
+ // TODO:
+ RunWithSpecs(t, tests, specs.DNSLinkGateway, specs.RedirectsFile)
func TestRedirectsFileWithIfNoneMatchHeader(t *testing.T) {
fixture := car.MustOpenUnixfsCar("redirects_file/redirects-spa.car")
dnsLinks := dnslink.MustOpenDNSLink("redirects_file/dnslink.yml")
- dnsLink := dnsLinks.MustGet("dnslink-spa")
+ dnsLink := dnsLinks.MustGet("redirects-spa")
u, err := url.Parse(SubdomainGatewayURL)
if err != nil {
- pageURL := Fmt("{{scheme}}://{{dnslink}}.{{host}}/missing-page", u.Scheme, dnsLink, u.Host)
+ dnslinkAtSubdomainGw := Fmt("{{dnslink}}.ipns.{{host}}", dnslink.InlineDNS(dnsLink), u.Host)
var etag string
RunWithSpecs(t, helpers.UnwrapSubdomainTests(t, SugarTests{
- Name: "request for $DNSLINK_FQDN/missing-page returns body of index.html as per _redirects",
+ Name: "request for //{{dnslink}}.ipns.{{subdomain-gateway}}/missing-page returns body of index.html as per _redirects",
+ Request: Request().
+ Path("/missing-page").
+ Headers(
+ Header("Host", dnslinkAtSubdomainGw),
+ Header("Accept", "text/html"),
+ ),
+ Response: Expect().
+ Status(200).
+ Headers(
+ Header("Etag").
+ Checks(func(v string) bool {
+ etag = v
+ return v != ""
+ }),
+ ).
+ Body(fixture.MustGetRawData("index.html")),
+ },
+ }), specs.SubdomainGatewayIPNS, specs.RedirectsFile)
+ RunWithSpecs(t, helpers.UnwrapSubdomainTests(t, SugarTests{
+ {
+ Name: "request for //{dnslink}.ipns.{subdomain-gw}/missing-page with If-None-Match returns 304",
+ Request: Request().
+ Path("/missing-page").
+ Headers(
+ Header("Host", dnslinkAtSubdomainGw),
+ Header("Accept", "text/html"),
+ Header("If-None-Match", etag),
+ ),
+ Response: Expect().
+ Status(304),
+ },
+ }), specs.SubdomainGatewayIPNS, specs.RedirectsFile)
+ RunWithSpecs(t, helpers.UnwrapSubdomainTests(t, SugarTests{
+ {
+ Name: "request for //{dnslink}/missing-page returns body of index.html as per _redirects",
Request: Request().
- URL(pageURL).
+ Path("/missing-page").
+ Header("Host", dnsLink),
Header("Accept", "text/html"),
Response: Expect().
@@ -315,10 +350,11 @@ func TestRedirectsFileWithIfNoneMatchHeader(t *testing.T) {
RunWithSpecs(t, helpers.UnwrapSubdomainTests(t, SugarTests{
- Name: "request for $DNSLINK_FQDN/missing-page with If-None-Match returns 301",
+ Name: "request for //{dnslink}/missing-page with If-None-Match returns 304",
Request: Request().
- URL(pageURL).
+ Path("/missing-page").
+ Header("Host", dnsLink),
Header("Accept", "text/html"),
Header("If-None-Match", etag),
diff --git a/tooling/helpers/subdomain.go b/tooling/helpers/subdomain.go
index 06d04f19f..8dbd8f325 100644
--- a/tooling/helpers/subdomain.go
+++ b/tooling/helpers/subdomain.go
@@ -25,28 +25,46 @@ func UnwrapSubdomainTests(t *testing.T, tests test.SugarTests) test.SugarTests {
func unwrapSubdomainTest(t *testing.T, unwraped test.SugarTest) test.SugarTests {
- baseURL := unwraped.Request.GetURL()
+ var baseURL, rawURL string
req := unwraped.Request
expected := unwraped.Response
+ host := req.GetHeader("Host")
+ if host != "" {
+ // when custom Host header and Path are present we skip legacy magic
+ // and use them as-is
+ u, err := url.Parse(test.GatewayURL)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic("failed to parse GatewayURL")
+ }
+ // rawURL is gateway-url + Path
+ u.Path = unwraped.Request.Path_
+ unwraped.Request.Path_ = ""
+ rawURL = u.String()
+ // baseURL is rawURL with hostname from Host header
+ u.Host = host
+ baseURL = u.String()
+ } else {
+ // Legacy flow based on URL instead of Host header
+ baseURL := unwraped.Request.GetURL()
- u, err := url.Parse(baseURL)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- // Because you might be testing an IPFS node in CI, or on your local machine, the test are designed
- // to test the subdomain behavior (querying http://{CID}.my-subdomain-gateway.io/) even if the node is
- // actually living on or somewhere else.
- //
- // The test knows two addresses:
- // - GatewayURL: the URL we connect to, it might be "dweb.link", "", etc.
- // - SubdomainGatewayURL: the origin that informs value in Host HTTP header used for subdomain requests, it might be "dweb.link", "localhost", "example.com", etc.
+ u, err := url.Parse(baseURL)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ // change the low level HTTP endpoint to one defined via --gateway-url
+ // to allow testing Host-based logic against arbitrary gateway URL (useful on CI)
+ u.Host = test.GatewayHost
- // host is the subdomain ggateway origin we are testing, it might be `localhost` or `example.com`
- host := u.Host
+ rawURL = u.String()
+ }
- // rawURL is the low level HTTP endpoint that is supposed to understand Host header (it might be ``)
- u.Host = test.GatewayHost
- rawURL := u.String()
+ // TODO: we want to refactor this magic into explicit Proxy test suite.
+ // Having this magic here silently modifies headers such as Host, and if a
+ // test fails, it is difficult to grasp how much really is broken, because
+ // number of errors is always multiplied x3. We should have standalone
+ // proxy test for subdomain gateway and dnslink (simple GET should be
+ // enough) and remove need for UnwrapSubdomainTests.
return test.SugarTests{
diff --git a/tooling/test/sugar.go b/tooling/test/sugar.go
index 5c5a7a2a9..705270661 100644
--- a/tooling/test/sugar.go
+++ b/tooling/test/sugar.go
@@ -52,12 +52,24 @@ func (r RequestBuilder) Query(key, value string, args ...any) RequestBuilder {
func (r RequestBuilder) GetURL() string {
if r.Path_ != "" {
- panic("not supported")
+ // This seems to be some tech debt. Generally, we want to move away from URL,
+ // and instead just provide Path + Host header
+ panic("calling GetURL() is not supported when Path is set")
return r.URL_
+func (r RequestBuilder) GetHeader(hdr string) string {
+ if r.Headers_ != nil {
+ v, ok := r.Headers_[hdr]
+ if ok {
+ return v
+ }
+ }
+ return ""
func (r RequestBuilder) Proxy(path string, args ...any) RequestBuilder {
r.Proxy_ = tmpl.Fmt(path, args...)
return r