This is a FleCSI 2.0 version of the MPAS-Ocean code The project is under development!
The primary requirement for building FleCSI is that you have a C++17-capable compiler.
You'll need the following tools in order to build FleCSI:
- Boost >= 1.70
- CMake >= 3.12
- GCC >= 8
- HDF5 with HL support
- Parmetis
MPAS-Ocean has additional FleCSI-related dependencies beyond those mentioned above.
First install and initialize spack.
git clone
cd spack
source share/spack/
# load your compilers of choice and tell spack to find them
module load gcc/9.3.0
spack compiler find
Clone MPAS-O-FLeCSI2 repo
git clone [email protected]:mpas/mpas-o-flecsi-2.0.git
Add the MPAS-O-FleCSI 2 spack repo (includes spackage for mpasflecsi-deps), and tell spack to install the dependencies.
spack repo add mpas-o-flecsi-2.0/spack-repo
spack install mpasoflecsi-deps%[email protected] backend=legion ^[email protected]
Note, in addition to the dependencies installed by spack, you need to have cmake and mpich on your system.
cd mpas-o-flecsi-2.0
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j 8