diff --git a/docs/en/history/history.md b/docs/en/history/history.md
index d9fb58267..02e5336d0 100644
--- a/docs/en/history/history.md
+++ b/docs/en/history/history.md
@@ -481,10 +481,52 @@ https://github.com/Steiger04/ioBroker.radar-trap
Adapter to detect speed traps and obstacles.
-## Admin (10.6.2024) – new feature
-- Log tab was improved. (Mostly layout and GUI)
-- Added support for the adapter's auto-update option. New version of js-controller required.
-- Only installed adapters in the adapter tab or first 100 adapters are shown. To see more adapters, the user must enter some filter.
+## waterkotte-easycon (12.4.2024) – new adapter at latest
+Adapter for Gree and C&H conditioners.
+## vis-2-widgets-inventwo (25.4.2024) – new adapter at latest
+Adds switches, buttons, sliders and more as widgets for ioBroker VIS 2.0.
+## webui (3.10.2023) - new adapter
+This is a complete visualization system for ioBroker.
+* completely based on webcomponents
+* wysiwyg editor for UI, but you can also switch to source view, or split view
+* multi window ui in edit view, like in visal studio
+* bindings per drag/drop of ioBroker objects on ui-elments or properties
+* complex bindings with javascript inside, and converters
+* simple script language wich could be created via ui
+## hiob (22.5.2024) – new adapter at latest
+This app allows you to control your ioBroker Smarthome system via the hiob app. It is an simpler and faster alternative to comparable projects with fewer configuration possibilities. It is mainly intended for Android devices, but also works on Windows and Linux desktops.
+## notificationforandroidtv (22.5.2024) – new adapter at latest
+Notification integration for IoBroker includes support for Notifications for Android TV and Notifications for Fire TV. With this integration, you can send notifications to your Android TV device. It enables an overlay displaying the message content for a customizable duration before disappearing. Additionally, it supports sending images, such as those from security cameras, and custom icons. Icons function similarly to images, appearing smaller and to the left of the notification, while images display larger and above the notification.
+These notifications operate within the global scope of your Android TV device, appearing regardless of the active application.
+## IOB Mobile App for Android und iOS (04.6.2024) - new app
+Wiki: https://github.com/peter9teufel/iobmobile-issues/wiki/IOB-Mobile-Quickstart
## gree-hvac (10.6.2024) – new adapter at stable
@@ -493,3 +535,8 @@ https://github.com/XHunter74/ioBroker.gree-hvac
Adapter for Gree and C&H conditioners.
+## Admin (10.6.2024) – new feature
+- Log tab was improved. (Mostly layout and GUI)
+- Added support for the adapter's auto-update option. New version of js-controller required.
+- Only installed adapters in the adapter tab or first 100 adapters are shown. To see more adapters, the user must enter some filter.