General API
GET /api/available-jobs
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header |
An API key that’s authorized to act on behalf of X-API-USER |
string |
Header |
The user for which this request is being made |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
The list of available jobs grouped by category |
< AvailableJobsCategory > array |
POST /api/runjob/{jobid}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header |
An API key that’s authorized to act on behalf of X-API-USER |
string |
Header |
The user for which this request is being made |
string |
Path |
jobid |
The UUID of the job type |
string |
Query |
sample |
Whether to process only a sample of the input records |
boolean |
Body |
inputSpec |
The job files input specification |
Body |
params |
Any job-specific parameters |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
The initial job state |
Jobs API
GET /api/job/{uuid}/download/{file}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header |
An API key that’s authorized to act on behalf of X-API-USER |
string |
Header |
The user for which this request is being made |
string |
Path |
file |
The job output filename |
string |
Path |
uuid |
The job run UUID |
string |
GET /api/job/{uuid}/files
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header |
An API key that’s authorized to act on behalf of X-API-USER |
string |
Header |
The user for which this request is being made |
string |
Path |
uuid |
The job run UUID |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
The list of output files |
< DatasetFile > array |
GET /api/job/{uuid}/preview/{file}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header |
An API key that’s authorized to act on behalf of X-API-USER |
string |
Header |
The user for which this request is being made |
string |
Path |
file |
The job output filename |
string |
Path |
uuid |
The job run UUID |
string |
GET /api/job/{uuid}/result
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header |
An API key that’s authorized to act on behalf of X-API-USER |
string |
Header |
The user for which this request is being made |
string |
Path |
uuid |
The job run UUID |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
The WASAPI result listing |
GET /api/job/{uuid}/sample_viz_data
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header |
An API key that’s authorized to act on behalf of X-API-USER |
string |
Header |
The user for which this request is being made |
string |
Path |
uuid |
The job run UUID |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
The sample visualization data |
GET /api/job/{uuid}/state
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header |
An API key that’s authorized to act on behalf of X-API-USER |
string |
Header |
The user for which this request is being made |
string |
Path |
uuid |
The job run UUID |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
The job state |
Name | Description | Schema |
codeUrl |
A link to the job source code |
string |
description |
string |
infoUrl |
A link to information about the job |
string |
internal |
Whether the job is internal/non-user-facing use only |
boolean |
name |
string |
publishable |
Whether the job output is publishable to |
boolean |
uuid |
Unique job type identifier |
string |
Name | Schema |
categoryDescription |
string |
categoryName |
string |
jobs |
< AvailableJob > array |
Name | Schema |
accessToken |
string |
creationTime |
string |
fileType |
string |
filename |
string |
lineCount |
integer (int64) |
md5Checksum |
string |
mimeType |
string |
sizeBytes |
integer (int64) |
Name | Schema |
collectionId |
string |
inputType |
string |
specs |
< InputSpec > array |
type |
string |
uuid |
string |
Name | Schema |
activeStage |
string |
activeState |
string |
failed |
boolean |
finished |
boolean |
finishedTime |
string |
id |
string |
name |
string |
queue |
string |
queuePos |
integer (int32) |
sample |
integer (int32) |
startTime |
string |
started |
boolean |
state |
string |
uuid |
string |
Name | Schema |
edges |
< Tuple2[String, String] > array |
nodes |
< Tuple2[String, String] > array |
Name | Schema |
count |
integer (int32) |
files |
< WasapiResponseFile > array |
next |
string |
previous |
string |