are installed and configured- this plugin downloaded and configured
- build snap-relay for Linux by running
GOOS=linux go build -o snap-relay main.go
from the top level of the snap-relay repo
This docker-compose example will load two plugins: snap-relay and snap-plugin-publisher-influxdb, start a task, and publish metrics to influxDB from the relay collector plugin.
In a terminal window navigate to the docker-example directory of this plugin and run,
$ docker-compose up -d
Check that the two plugins and the task manifest were loaded correctly:
$ docker logs init
$ docker exec -it snap ash
The above command will open a bash terminal where you can perform normal snaptel commands such as the following,
$ snaptel plugin list
, $ snaptel metric list
, $ snaptel task list
, etc. You can see the full list of snap commands here.
To exit the container, $ exit
$ docker exec -it influxdb bash
The above command will drop you into a bash terminal in the influxDB container. To access the influx database first type, ```$ influx````
Specify which database you want to use:
$ use snap
You can see the full list of series,
$ show series
To see the metrics from a specific series,
$ select * from "<SOME_SERIES>"
Visit to see the full list of capabilities of the influxDB interactive shell.
To close the container, $ exit
and $ exit