In the near future, we will introduce FakerPHP as a DataProvider to the bundle. You will be able to create a config file for each class, where you specify which FakerProvider should be used for which field. Mentioned config file will look something like this:
firstName: 'firstNameMale|firstNameFemale'
lastName: 'lastName'
email: 'email'
adress: 'address, city postcode'
In your fixture, you will then be able to use our DataProvider like this:
$dataProviderFactory->generate(YourObject::class, $amount, $options = null);
In the options array, you can override any attribute while generating the data. Example:
$dataProviderFactory->generate(YourObject::class, $amount, [
'firstName' => 'John',
'lastName' => 'Doe',
'email' => '[email protected]'