In this notebook, we shall use a single-cell RNAseq data to deconvolve a bulk RNAseq data using minimal set of steps.
-This notebook uses the same dataset as in bulkRNAseq.ipynb tutorial.
-import dissect #import DISSECT
# Get config file and update with required changes
-config = dissect.config
-config["experiment_folder"] = "tutorial_tldr" # folder to store results
-config["simulation_params"]["scdata"] = "data/scRNAseq/sampled_100_data8k.h5ad" # Path to single cell data
-config["simulation_params"]["type"] = "bulk" # Type of simulation. bulk or ST
-config["simulation_params"]["celltype_col"] = "cell_type" # Cell type column name in .obs of single-cell data
-config["deconv_params"]["test_dataset"] = "data/bulkRNAseq/bulk_gse120502.txt"
# run dissect
Starting simulations
-Number of batches in single-cell data is 1. If this is incorrect, please specify name of the batch column as in the single-cell data object (.obs)
-100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 6000/6000 [01:47<00:00, 55.57it/s] --
----- - -Preprocessing datasets -Removing genes which have less than 0.1 variance in their expressions. -test dataset has 16872 distinct and variable genes. -simulated dataset has 13669 distinct genes. -There are 11505 common genes between simulated and test dataset. -Saving numpy files. -Done. ------ - -Estimating cell type fractions -Loading prepared datasets... -Starting training model 0 --
step: 5000| loss: 0.0101: 100%|████████████████████████████████| 5000/5000 [10:26<00:00, 7.98it/s] --
Starting training model 1 --
step: 5000| loss: 0.0101: 100%|████████████████████████████████| 5000/5000 [10:28<00:00, 7.96it/s] --
Starting training model 2 --
step: 5000| loss: 0.0141: 100%|████████████████████████████████| 5000/5000 [10:26<00:00, 7.98it/s] --
Starting training model 3 --
step: 5000| loss: 0.0142: 100%|████████████████████████████████| 5000/5000 [10:27<00:00, 7.97it/s] --
Starting training model 4 --
step: 5000| loss: 0.0108: 100%|████████████████████████████████| 5000/5000 [10:23<00:00, 8.02it/s] --
Predictions are saved to tutorial_tldr/dissect_fractions.txt
-Estimating cell type-specific gene expression per sample
-Estimating expression of 11529 common genes
-Preparing training datasets.
-100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 55/55 [34:27<00:00, 37.59s/it] --
Estimated gene expression per cell type is saved at tutorial_tldr/est_expression_layered.h5ad and is included in the layers attribute of the anndata object. -Estimated gene expression per cell type for all samples is saved at tutorial_tldr/est_expression.h5ad, corresponding samples are in sample attribute of the anndata.obs. --
import os
-import pandas as pd
-result_path = os.path.join(config["experiment_folder"],
- "dissect_fractions.txt")
-df = pd.read_table(result_path, index_col=0)
- | Bcells | -CD4Tcells | -CD8Tcells | -Monocytes | -NK | -Unknown | -
T63_LPS_FC1_4 | -0.050518 | -0.270509 | -0.339228 | -0.150402 | -0.099190 | -0.090153 | -
T81_LPS_FC1_4 | -0.120564 | -0.335213 | -0.265350 | -0.116297 | -0.060124 | -0.102452 | -
T104_LPS_FC1_4 | -0.041854 | -0.475849 | -0.260466 | -0.081914 | -0.066639 | -0.073278 | -
T4_GARD_BATCH_2 | -0.082372 | -0.348196 | -0.327580 | -0.073475 | -0.091737 | -0.076641 | -
K47_LPS_FC1_4 | -0.070813 | -0.304194 | -0.265212 | -0.175816 | -0.081244 | -0.102720 | -
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-import seaborn as sns
-sns.set(style="whitegrid", font_scale=1.3) # set figure params
Show cell type composition of each sample¶
-show_samples = 50 # We will show composition of the first 50 samples.
-# show estimates of first 50 samples. More gets hard to see.
-df.iloc[0:show_samples,:].plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, figsize=(15,5))
-plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1,1.02), frameon=False)
Text(0, 0.5, 'Estimate')-
Show distribution of cell type proportions¶
-import scanpy as sc
-melted = df.melt(var_name="Cell type", value_name="Estimation")
-ax = sns.boxplot(data=melted, x="Cell type", y="Estimation")
-sns.stripplot(data=melted, x="Cell type", y="Estimation", linewidth=1, edgecolor="gray", ax=ax, hue="Cell type", legend=True)
Let's load our results for gene expression estimation and see how it is structured, how we can visualize it and use it for downstream analysis.
-adata_est =["experiment_folder"], "est_expression.h5ad"))
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 1500 × 11529 - obs: 'sample', 'cell_type' - layers: 'scaled_counts' --
Since the data object is compatible with Scanpy, default Scanpy functions can be used. Below we'll show an example.
-show expression of highly variable genes¶
-n_hvg = adata_est.var[adata_est.var.highly_variable].sort_values(by="dispersions",
- ascending=False).index[0:200]
-[:, n_hvg], cmap="RdBu_r", obs_keys="cell_type")