SeqPurge (2024_08-110-g317f43b9)
Removes adapter sequences from paired-end sequencing data.
Mandatory parameters:
-in1 <filelist> Forward input gzipped FASTQ file(s).
-in2 <filelist> Reverse input gzipped FASTQ file(s).
-out1 <file> Forward output gzipped FASTQ file.
-out2 <file> Reverse output gzipped FASTQ file.
Optional parameters:
-a1 <string> Forward adapter sequence (at least 15 bases).
-a2 <string> Reverse adapter sequence (at least 15 bases).
-match_perc <float> Minimum percentage of matching bases for sequence/adapter matches.
Default value: '80'
-mep <float> Maximum error probability of insert and adapter matches.
Default value: '1e-06'
-qcut <int> Quality trimming cutoff for trimming from the end of reads using a sliding window approach. Set to 0 to disable.
Default value: '15'
-qwin <int> Quality trimming window size.
Default value: '5'
-qoff <int> Quality trimming FASTQ score offset.
Default value: '33'
-ncut <int> Number of subsequent Ns to trimmed using a sliding window approach from the front of reads. Set to 0 to disable.
Default value: '7'
-min_len <int> Minimum read length after adapter trimming. Shorter reads are discarded.
Default value: '30'
-threads <int> The number of threads used for trimming (up to three additional threads are used for reading and writing).
Default value: '1'
-out3 <file> Name prefix of singleton read output files (if only one read of a pair is discarded).
Default value: ''
-summary <file> Write summary/progress to this file instead of STDOUT.
Default value: ''
-qc <file> If set, a read QC file in qcML format is created (just like ReadQC).
Default value: ''
-block_size <int> Number of FASTQ entries processed in one block.
Default value: '10000'
-block_prefetch <int> Number of blocks that may be pre-fetched into memory.
Default value: '32'
-ec Enable error-correction of adapter-trimmed reads (only those with insert match).
Default value: 'false'
-debug Enables debug output (use only with one thread).
Default value: 'false'
-progress <int> Enables progress output at the given interval in milliseconds (disabled by default).
Default value: '-1'
-compression_level <int> Output FASTQ compression level from 1 (fastest) to 9 (best compression).
Default value: '1'
Special parameters:
--help Shows this help and exits.
--version Prints version and exits.
--changelog Prints changeloge and exits.
--tdx Writes a Tool Definition Xml file. The file name is the application name with the suffix '.tdx'.
--settings [file] Settings override file (no other settings files are used).
SeqPurge 2024_08-110-g317f43b9
2022-07-15 Improved scaling with more than 4 threads and CPU usage.
2019-03-26 Added 'compression_level' parameter.
2019-02-11 Added writer thread to make SeqPurge scale better when using many threads.
2017-06-15 Changed default value of 'min_len' parameter from 15 to 30.
2016-08-10 Fixed bug in binomial calculation (issue #1).
2016-04-15 Removed large part of the overtrimming described in the paper (~75% of reads overtrimmed, ~50% of bases overtrimmed).
2016-04-06 Added error correction (optional).
2016-03-16 Version used in the SeqPurge paper: