This is a small python script to generate grids of images from a WMS server.
You must modify
with your own parameters, they are self-explicit :
- url for the server
- your selection of layers
Then launch the script with the correct parameters (as seen below).
Coordinates are specified in Lambert93.
Please note that it's very crude, with no error checks..
(Optionaly you could specify a wmts server and some levels of zoom if you want wmts tiles.)
- Python 3
- OWSLib
- pyproj
$ python --help
usage: [-h] [-s SIZE] [-x XL93] [-y YL93] [-n NBTILES] [-f FORMAT] [-d DELTA] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [--centered] [--wmts]
Generate images in a grid fashion from a wms server (or tiles from wmts)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SIZE, --size SIZE image size in pixels (default=512)
-x XL93, --xl93 XL93 lower left x L93 (default=498465.5 )
-y YL93, --yl93 YL93 lower left y L93 (default=6601459.5)
-n NBTILES, --nbtiles NBTILES
nb of tiles per line and column (square grid, default=1)
-f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
format of images, 'jpeg', 'png' or 'geotiff' (default='jpeg')
-d DELTA, --delta DELTA
length of one square tile side (meters, default=3000)
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
output directory for images (default=.)
--centered generate wms tiles centered around x, y for zoom level(s) and layer in config file. discard all other options except -o and -s
--wmts generate wmts tiles for zoom level(s) and layer in config file. discard all other options except -x -y and -o
--wld creates .wld file to georeference each tile (for wms only)
Getting images from a WMS server, defined by a 3x3 grid, its lower left coordinate, and a (default) 3000 m length for each tile's side for a list of layers defined in
$ python -x 649257.2 -y 6858461.9 -n 3 -o out
out/scan50_1.jpg written
out/etatmajor_1.jpg written
out/cassini_1.jpg written
out/ortho_1.jpg written
out/scan50_2.jpg written
out/etatmajor_2.jpg written
out/cassini_2.jpg written
out/ortho_2.jpg written
out/scan50_3.jpg written
out/etatmajor_3.jpg written
out/cassini_3.jpg written
out/ortho_3.jpg written
out/scan50_4.jpg written
out/etatmajor_4.jpg written
out/cassini_4.jpg written
out/ortho_4.jpg written
out/scan50_5.jpg written
out/etatmajor_5.jpg written
out/cassini_5.jpg written
out/ortho_5.jpg written
out/scan50_6.jpg written
out/etatmajor_6.jpg written
out/cassini_6.jpg written
out/ortho_6.jpg written
out/scan50_7.jpg written
out/etatmajor_7.jpg written
out/cassini_7.jpg written
out/ortho_7.jpg written
out/scan50_8.jpg written
out/etatmajor_8.jpg written
out/cassini_8.jpg written
out/ortho_8.jpg written
out/scan50_9.jpg written
out/etatmajor_9.jpg written
out/cassini_9.jpg written
out/ortho_9.jpg written
The WMS server and the layers to get is set in the relevant section of
and should look like :
# layers auxquels on peut acceder
# WMS config
# selection des layers parmi ceux definis au dessus par indice, et préfixe utilisé dans le nom des images générées
WMS_SELECTION = {4: 'scan50', 1:'etatmajor', 2:'cassini', 0:'ortho'}
Getting 256x256 images from a WMS server, containing each coordinate and the levels of zoom for each layer set in
$ python -o out_wms_centered --centered -s 256
out_wms_centered/c0_classic_zl_8.jpg written
out_wms_centered/c0_scan50_zl_8.jpg written
out_wms_centered/c0_classic_zl_9.jpg written
out_wms_centered/c0_scan50_zl_9.jpg written
out_wms_centered/c0_classic_zl_10.jpg written
out_wms_centered/c0_scan50_zl_10.jpg written
out_wms_centered/c1_classic_zl_8.jpg written
out_wms_centered/c1_scan50_zl_8.jpg written
out_wms_centered/c1_classic_zl_9.jpg written
out_wms_centered/c1_scan50_zl_9.jpg written
out_wms_centered/c1_classic_zl_10.jpg written
out_wms_centered/c1_scan50_zl_10.jpg written
out_wms_centered/c2_classic_zl_8.jpg written
out_wms_centered/c2_scan50_zl_8.jpg written
out_wms_centered/c2_classic_zl_9.jpg written
out_wms_centered/c2_scan50_zl_9.jpg written
out_wms_centered/c2_classic_zl_10.jpg written
out_wms_centered/c2_scan50_zl_10.jpg written
The WMS server, layers to get, zoom levels, and the coordinates are set in the relevant section of
and should look like :
# layers auxquels on peut acceder
# WMS config
# selection des layers parmi ceux definis au dessus par indice, et préfixe utilisé dans le nom des images générées
WMS_SELECTION = {7: 'classic', 4: 'scan50'}
# ...
# ...
# ...
COORDS = [(923115.73, 6321563.12), (659972.58, 7087925.63), (357197.12, 6684541.92)]
# MAX = 18
WMTS_LEVELS = [8, 9, 10]
Getting tiles from a WMTS server, containing each coordinate and for the levels of zoom set in
for the layer specified.
$ python -o out_wmts --wmts
out_wmts/c0_classic_zl_10.jpg written
out_wmts/c0_classic_zl_11.jpg written
out_wmts/c0_classic_zl_12.jpg written
out_wmts/c1_classic_zl_10.jpg written
out_wmts/c1_classic_zl_11.jpg written
out_wmts/c1_classic_zl_12.jpg written
out_wmts/c2_classic_zl_10.jpg written
out_wmts/c2_classic_zl_11.jpg written
out_wmts/c2_classic_zl_12.jpg written
The relevant section of
should look like this :
# layers auxquels on peut acceder
# ...
# ...
# ...
# WMTS config
# index dans LAYERS et prefixe à utiliser
WMTS_LAYER = {'idx': 7, 'prefix': 'classic'}
# if --wmts or --centered option is set, it will get all tiles containing (resp. centered around)
# each coordinate in COORDS for all zoom levels in WMTS_LEVELS
COORDS = [(923115.73, 6321563.12), (659972.58, 7087925.63), (357197.12, 6684541.92)]
# MAX = 18
WMTS_LEVELS = [10, 11, 12]