Developer tool for better real-time log visualization.
Note: currently only Rails logs are supported. But you're welcome to contribute a parser for your framework.
npm install -g logv
cat some.log | logv
rails s | logv
Press ESCape for command mode
Available commands are:
- show [list of constraints]
- Example: show verb=GET path=~users
- hide [list of contraints]
- Example: hide verb=GET path=~status
- reset
- Resets the filters and shows last 1000 items
- clear
- Clears the list
- Transforms all log records to Javascript objects, which allows you to
- Include/exclude them based on attributes
- query them
- Scopes
- All logging for a single request can be rendered as 1 expandable line
- Custom highlighting of log records (like SQL, JSON, XML, stacktraces)
- Extendable - you can create a parser for your own log format
- Can run on your server/development machine
- Piping - just do
rails s | logv
...and enjoy