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Create a new pull request by comparing changes across two branches. If you need to, you can also . Learn more about diff comparisons here.
base repository: iglance/iGlance
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: v2.0.6
Choose a base ref
head repository: iglance/iGlance
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: master
Choose a head ref
Showing with 4,186 additions and 2,106 deletions.
  1. +29 −10 .github/
  2. +12 −0 .github/FUNDING.yml
  3. +0 −4 .github/
  4. +2 −0 .github/issue_label_bot.yaml
  5. +34 −9 .github/workflows/build.yml
  6. +59 −0 .github/workflows/lint.yml
  7. +59 −0 .github/workflows/tests.yml
  8. +2 −1 .gitignore
  9. +24 −17
  10. +64 −0 Sparkle/updates/appcast.xml
  11. BIN Sparkle/updates/
  12. BIN Sparkle/updates/
  13. BIN Sparkle/updates/
  14. BIN Sparkle/updates/
  15. BIN Sparkle/updates/
  16. BIN Sparkle/updates/
  17. BIN Sparkle/updates/
  18. BIN Sparkle/updates/
  19. BIN Sparkle/updates/
  20. BIN Sparkle/updates/
  21. BIN Sparkle/updates/
  22. BIN Sparkle/updates/
  23. BIN Sparkle/updates/
  24. BIN Sparkle/updates/
  25. BIN Sparkle/updates/
  26. BIN Sparkle/updates/
  27. BIN Sparkle/updates/
  28. BIN Sparkle/updates/
  29. BIN Sparkle/updates/
  30. BIN Sparkle/updates/
  31. BIN Sparkle/updates/
  32. +1 −1 Version.txt
  33. +1 −1 iGlance/Libraries/AppMover
  34. +1 −1 iGlance/Libraries/SMCKit
  35. +1 −1 iGlance/Libraries/SystemKit
  36. +8 −5 iGlance/Podfile
  37. +9 −9 iGlance/Podfile.lock
  38. +1 −1 iGlance/iGlance/.swiftlint.yml
  39. +1 −0 iGlance/iGlance/Cartfile
  40. +1 −0 iGlance/iGlance/Cartfile.resolved
  41. +8 −0 iGlance/iGlance/Carthage/Checkouts/LaunchAtLogin/.editorconfig
  42. +1 −0 iGlance/iGlance/Carthage/Checkouts/LaunchAtLogin/.gitattributes
  43. +4 −0 iGlance/iGlance/Carthage/Checkouts/LaunchAtLogin/.github/funding.yml
  44. +2 −0 iGlance/iGlance/Carthage/Checkouts/LaunchAtLogin/.gitignore
  45. +7 −0 ...ance/Carthage/Checkouts/LaunchAtLogin/.swiftpm/xcode/package.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata
  46. +514 −0 iGlance/iGlance/Carthage/Checkouts/LaunchAtLogin/LaunchAtLogin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
  47. +18 −9}
  48. +87 −0 ...eckouts/LaunchAtLogin/LaunchAtLogin.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/LaunchAtLoginHelper.xcscheme
  49. 0 ...auncher.entitlements → Carthage/Checkouts/LaunchAtLogin/LaunchAtLogin/LaunchAtLogin.entitlements}
  50. +30 −0 iGlance/iGlance/Carthage/Checkouts/LaunchAtLogin/Package.swift
  51. +22 −0 iGlance/iGlance/Carthage/Checkouts/LaunchAtLogin/Sources/LaunchAtLogin/Info.plist
  52. +1 −1 ...Checks.plist → Carthage/Checkouts/LaunchAtLogin/Sources/LaunchAtLogin/LaunchAtLogin.entitlements}
  53. +4 −0 iGlance/iGlance/Carthage/Checkouts/LaunchAtLogin/Sources/LaunchAtLogin/LaunchAtLogin.h
  54. +67 −0 iGlance/iGlance/Carthage/Checkouts/LaunchAtLogin/Sources/LaunchAtLogin/LaunchAtLogin.swift
  55. BIN ...lance/Carthage/Checkouts/LaunchAtLogin/Sources/LaunchAtLogin/
  56. BIN iGlance/iGlance/Carthage/Checkouts/LaunchAtLogin/Sources/LaunchAtLogin/
  57. +80 −0 iGlance/iGlance/Carthage/Checkouts/LaunchAtLogin/Sources/LaunchAtLogin/Toggle.swift
  58. +49 −0 iGlance/iGlance/Carthage/Checkouts/LaunchAtLogin/Sources/LaunchAtLogin/
  59. +23 −0 iGlance/iGlance/Carthage/Checkouts/LaunchAtLogin/Sources/LaunchAtLogin/
  60. +4 −10 ...lance/{iGlanceLauncher → Carthage/Checkouts/LaunchAtLogin/Sources/LaunchAtLoginHelper}/Info.plist
  61. +8 −0 ...nce/Carthage/Checkouts/LaunchAtLogin/Sources/LaunchAtLoginHelper/LaunchAtLoginHelper.entitlements
  62. +25 −0 iGlance/iGlance/Carthage/Checkouts/LaunchAtLogin/Sources/LaunchAtLoginHelper/main.swift
  63. +21 −0 iGlance/iGlance/Carthage/Checkouts/LaunchAtLogin/
  64. +9 −0 iGlance/iGlance/Carthage/Checkouts/LaunchAtLogin/license
  65. +202 −0 iGlance/iGlance/Carthage/Checkouts/LaunchAtLogin/
  66. BIN iGlance/iGlance/Carthage/Checkouts/LaunchAtLogin/storyboard-binding.png
  67. +270 −198 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
  68. +21 −1 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/iGlance.xcscheme
  69. +1 −1 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/iGlanceLauncher.xcscheme
  70. +52 −0 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/iGlanceUITests.xcscheme
  71. +68 −0 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/iGlanceUnitTests.xcscheme
  72. +73 −69 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/AppDelegate.swift
  73. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/128.png
  74. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/16.png
  75. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/256.png
  76. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/32.png
  77. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/512.png
  78. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/AppIcon_128.png
  79. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/AppIcon_128@2.png
  80. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/AppIcon_16.png
  81. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/AppIcon_16@2.png
  82. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/AppIcon_256.png
  83. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/AppIcon_256@2.png
  84. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/AppIcon_32.png
  85. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/AppIcon_32@2.png
  86. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/AppIcon_512.png
  87. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/AppIcon_512@2.png
  88. +33 −28 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json
  89. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/MenubarIcons/ArrowDownIcon.imageset/ArrowDownIcon@2.png
  90. +4 −4 ...sets.xcassets/MenubarIcons/{NetworkBandwidthIcon.imageset → ArrowDownIcon.imageset}/Contents.json
  91. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/MenubarIcons/ArrowUpIcon.imageset/ArrowUpIcon@2.png
  92. +21 −0 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/MenubarIcons/ArrowUpIcon.imageset/Contents.json
  93. BIN .../iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/MenubarIcons/BatteryIcons/BatteryIcon.imageset/BatteryIcon@2.png
  94. +4 −4 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/MenubarIcons/BatteryIcons/BatteryIcon.imageset/Contents.json
  95. BIN .../Assets.xcassets/MenubarIcons/BatteryIcons/BatteryIconCharging.imageset/BatteryIconCharging@2.png
  96. BIN ...Assets.xcassets/MenubarIcons/BatteryIcons/BatteryIconCharging.imageset/BatteryIconCharging@2x.png
  97. +4 −4 ...ance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/MenubarIcons/BatteryIcons/BatteryIconCharging.imageset/Contents.json
  98. BIN ...ce/Assets.xcassets/MenubarIcons/BatteryIcons/BatteryIconPlugged.imageset/BatteryIconPlugged@2.png
  99. +4 −4 ...lance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/MenubarIcons/BatteryIcons/BatteryIconPlugged.imageset/Contents.json
  100. +3 −3 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/MenubarIcons/Contents.json
  101. BIN ...nce/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/MenubarIcons/NetworkBandwidthIcon.imageset/NetworkBandwidthIcon@2.png
  102. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/SidebarIcons/BatteryMenuIcon.imageset/BatterMenuIcon.pdf
  103. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/SidebarIcons/BatteryMenuIcon.imageset/Battery.pdf
  104. +5 −5 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/SidebarIcons/BatteryMenuIcon.imageset/Contents.json
  105. +5 −5 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/SidebarIcons/CpuMenuIcon.imageset/Contents.json
  106. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/SidebarIcons/CpuMenuIcon.imageset/Cpu.pdf
  107. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/SidebarIcons/CpuMenuIcon.imageset/CpuMenuIcon.pdf
  108. +5 −5 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/SidebarIcons/DashboardMenuIcon.imageset/Contents.json
  109. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/SidebarIcons/DashboardMenuIcon.imageset/Dashboard.pdf
  110. BIN ...nce/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/SidebarIcons/DashboardMenuIcon.imageset/DashboardMenuIcon.pdf
  111. +5 −5 ...Assets.xcassets/SidebarIcons/{PreferencesMenuIcon.imageset → DiskMenuIcon.imageset}/Contents.json
  112. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/SidebarIcons/DiskMenuIcon.imageset/DiskMenuIcon.pdf
  113. +5 −5 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/SidebarIcons/FanMenuIcon.imageset/Contents.json
  114. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/SidebarIcons/FanMenuIcon.imageset/Fan.pdf
  115. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/SidebarIcons/FanMenuIcon.imageset/FanMenuIcon.pdf
  116. +5 −5 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/SidebarIcons/MemoryMenuIcon.imageset/Contents.json
  117. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/SidebarIcons/MemoryMenuIcon.imageset/Memory.pdf
  118. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/SidebarIcons/MemoryMenuIcon.imageset/MemoryMenuIcon.pdf
  119. +5 −5 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/SidebarIcons/NetworkMenuIcon.imageset/Contents.json
  120. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/SidebarIcons/NetworkMenuIcon.imageset/Network.pdf
  121. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/SidebarIcons/NetworkMenuIcon.imageset/NetworkMenuIcon.pdf
  122. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/SidebarIcons/PreferencesMenuIcon.imageset/Preferences.pdf
  123. +15 −0 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/SidebarIcons/SettingsMenuIcon.imageset/Contents.json
  124. BIN ...ce/iGlance/iGlance/Assets.xcassets/SidebarIcons/SettingsMenuIcon.imageset/PreferencesMenuIcon.pdf
  125. +22 −3 iGlance/iGlance/{iGlanceLauncher/Extensions.swift → iGlance/BackgroundColorView.swift}
  126. +492 −143 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard
  127. +0 −3 iGlance/iGlance/{Shared → iGlance}/Constants.swift
  128. +15 −0 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Credits.plist
  129. 0 iGlance/iGlance/{Shared → iGlance}/CustomLogFormatter.swift
  130. +14 −7 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Graphs/BarGraph.swift
  131. +7 −4 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Graphs/Graph.swift
  132. +5 −5 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Graphs/LineGraph.swift
  133. +4 −0 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Info.plist
  134. +28 −14 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Logger.swift
  135. +15 −0 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/MainWindow/MainViews/BatteryViewController.swift
  136. +19 −0 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/MainWindow/MainViews/CpuViewController.swift
  137. +3 −3 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/MainWindow/MainViews/DashboardView/CustomDashboardBox.swift
  138. +33 −19 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/MainWindow/MainViews/DashboardView/DashboardViewController.swift
  139. +53 −0 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/MainWindow/MainViews/DiskViewController.swift
  140. +9 −0 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/MainWindow/MainViews/FanViewController.swift
  141. +18 −0 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/MainWindow/MainViews/MainViewView.swift
  142. +16 −5 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/MainWindow/MainViews/MainViewViewController.swift
  143. +18 −0 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/MainWindow/MainViews/MemoryViewController.swift
  144. +7 −0 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/MainWindow/MainViews/NetworkViewController.swift
  145. +75 −61 ...nceModal/PreferenceModalViewController.swift → MainWindow/MainViews/SettingsViewController.swift}
  146. +16 −13 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/MainWindow/MainWindowController.swift
  147. +20 −0 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/MainWindow/MainWindowDelegate.swift
  148. +6 −9 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/MainWindow/MainWindowViewController.swift
  149. +22 −4 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/MainWindow/Sidebar/SidebarButtonView.swift
  150. +0 −8 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/MainWindow/Sidebar/SidebarView.swift
  151. +88 −86 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/MainWindow/Sidebar/SidebarViewController.swift
  152. +31 −14 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/MenuBarItems/BatteryMenuBarItem.swift
  153. +5 −1 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/MenuBarItems/Cpu/CpuTempMenuBarItem.swift
  154. +4 −0 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/MenuBarItems/Cpu/CpuUsageMenuBarItem.swift
  155. +129 −0 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/MenuBarItems/DiskUsageMenuBarItem.swift
  156. +5 −1 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/MenuBarItems/FanMenuBarItem.swift
  157. +20 −8 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/MenuBarItems/MemoryUsageMenuBarItem.swift
  158. +2 −2 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/MenuBarItems/MenuBarItem.swift
  159. +4 −1 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/MenuBarItems/MenuBarItemManager.swift
  160. +56 −67 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/MenuBarItems/Network/NetworkMenuBarItem.swift
  161. +7 −7 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Modals/AboutModal/AboutModalViewController.swift
  162. +12 −1 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Modals/ModalViewController.swift
  163. +0 −189 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Modals/PreferenceModal/PreferenceWindow.storyboard
  164. +23 −3 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/SystemInfo/BatteryInfo.swift
  165. +11 −39 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/SystemInfo/DiskInfo.swift
  166. +6 −2 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/SystemInfo/MemoryInfo.swift
  167. +10 −53 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/SystemInfo/NetworkInfo.swift
  168. +32 −0 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/SystemInfo/SystemInfo.swift
  169. +37 −4 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/SystemInfo/Utils.swift
  170. +83 −22 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Theme/ThemeManager.swift
  171. +306 −4 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/UserSettings.swift
  172. +6 −0 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Utils/CodableColor.swift
  173. +43 −0 iGlance/iGlance/iGlance/Utils/Dialog.swift
  174. +0 −117 iGlance/iGlance/iGlanceLauncher/AppDelegate.swift
  175. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlanceLauncher/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/128.png
  176. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlanceLauncher/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/16.png
  177. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlanceLauncher/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/256.png
  178. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlanceLauncher/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/32.png
  179. BIN iGlance/iGlance/iGlanceLauncher/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/512.png
  180. +0 −63 iGlance/iGlance/iGlanceLauncher/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json
  181. +0 −6 iGlance/iGlance/iGlanceLauncher/Assets.xcassets/Contents.json
  182. +0 −684 iGlance/iGlance/iGlanceLauncher/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard
  183. +22 −0 iGlance/iGlance/iGlanceUITests/Info.plist
  184. +96 −0 iGlance/iGlance/iGlanceUITests/iGlanceUITests.swift
  185. +22 −0 iGlance/iGlance/iGlanceUnitTests/Info.plist
  186. +106 −0 iGlance/iGlance/iGlanceUnitTests/UserSettingsTest.swift
  187. BIN icons/MenuBarIcons/Battery.afdesign
  188. BIN icons/MenuBarIcons/Battery_Charging.afdesign
  189. BIN icons/MenuBarIcons/Battery_Plugged.afdesign
  190. BIN icons/MenuBarIcons/Network.afdesign
  191. BIN icons/Sidebar_icons/Battery.afdesign
  192. BIN icons/Sidebar_icons/Cpu.afdesign
  193. BIN icons/Sidebar_icons/Dashboard.afdesign
  194. BIN icons/Sidebar_icons/Fan.afdesign
  195. BIN icons/Sidebar_icons/Memory.afdesign
  196. BIN icons/Sidebar_icons/Network.afdesign
  197. BIN icons/Sidebar_icons/Preferences.afdesign
  198. BIN icons/iGlance_logo.afdesign
  199. BIN icons/iGlance_logo_black.png
  200. BIN icons/iGlance_logo_white.png
  201. BIN readme_images/Menubar_Preview.jpg
  202. BIN readme_images/iGlance_Preview.jpg
  203. BIN readme_images/iGlance_Preview.png
  204. BIN readme_images/logo.png
39 changes: 29 additions & 10 deletions .github/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,25 +1,44 @@
# How to Contribute

Thanks for taking the time and wanting to contribute to this project 👍🏼🎉
<b>First of all thanks for taking the time and wanting to contribute to this project 👍🏼🎉</b>

## How can I start coding?

Before you start coding it is best to directly comment on the issue and tell everyone that you want to work on it. This prevents misunderstandings such that two persons start working on the same issue.
Before you start coding it is best to directly comment on the issue and tell everyone that you want to work on it. This prevents misunderstandings such that two persons start working on the same issue. We will then assign the issue to you as soon as possible.

Now that everyone knows that you wanna work on this issue you can start by forking the repository. This will create a copy of the repository on your GitHub account. After cloning your forked repository you have to install all the dependencies of the project using [CocoaPods]( with the following command in the directory `./iGlance` (you should see a file named `Podfile` in this directory):
Now that everyone knows that you wanna work on this issue you can start by forking the repository. This will create a copy of the repository on your GitHub account. After forking the repository you can clone it using the following command (be sure to use SSH). More info on how to clone a repository using SSH can be found [here](

pod install
git clone --recurse-submodules

We have a `master` and a `development` branch in this repository. The `master` branch is responsible for all the releases. We push to this branch only if we release a new version of `iGlance`. The development (as the name suggests) is for developing.
Therefore the next step is to create a new branch which is based on the `development` branch. Name your branch after the following scheme:
## Installing the dependencies

After cloning your forked repository you have to install the dependencies of the project using [CocoaPods]( and [Carthage]( To install the dependencies using both dependency managers you can execute the following command (including the parantheses) in the root directory (in the following called `<root>`) of the cloned repository:

(cd ./iGlance && pod install && cd ./iGlance && carthage update)

If you get an error during building the carthage libraries [this]( might help you.

## Setting up Xcode
To get started using Xcode you need to open the workspace file `<root>/iGlance/iGlance.xcworkspace`. To test if everything is setup correctly you can select the `iGlance` scheme at the upper left corner and run the app by clicking `Product > Run`. The app should be built now and start running.
To setup Xcode correctly with CocoaPods you should see a warning saying `"Update to recommended settings"`. By clicking on the warning and letting Xcode automatically update the project settings should fix the warning.

Now you are ready to start developing!🎉

## Getting ready for development

We have a `master` and a `development` branch in this repository. The `master` branch is responsible for all the releases. We push to this branch only if we release a new version. The development (as the name suggests) is for developing.
Therefore the next step is to create a new branch which is based on the `development` branch. To make it clear which issue is referenced by this branch your branch should be named after the following scheme:


This will make it clear which issue is referenced by this branch.
Now you can start coding 🎉💻🖥

Now you can start coding 💻🖥
## Merging your code

After you finished implementing the feature you can create a new pull request to merge your feature branch into our `development` branch.
After you finished implementing the feature you can create a new pull request.
Please create a pull request that will merge the changes on your `feature branch` into the `development` branch in the main repository. [Here]( you can find more info on how to create a pull request from your branch.
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions .github/FUNDING.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# These are supported funding model platforms

github: [D0miH] # Replace with up to 4 GitHub Sponsors-enabled usernames e.g., [user1, user2]
patreon: # Replace with a single Patreon username
open_collective: # Replace with a single Open Collective username
ko_fi: # Replace with a single Ko-fi username
tidelift: # Replace with a single Tidelift platform-name/package-name e.g., npm/babel
community_bridge: # Replace with a single Community Bridge project-name e.g., cloud-foundry
liberapay: # Replace with a single Liberapay username
issuehunt: # Replace with a single IssueHunt username
otechie: # Replace with a single Otechie username
custom: # Replace with up to 4 custom sponsorship URLs e.g., ['link1', 'link2']
4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions .github/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,7 @@
<!--- Provide a general summary of your changes in the Title above -->

## Description

<!--- Describe your changes in detail -->

## Related Issue

<!--- This project only accepts pull requests related to open issues -->
<!--- If suggesting a new feature or change, please discuss it in an issue first -->
<!--- If fixing a bug, there should be an issue describing it with steps to reproduce -->
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .github/issue_label_bot.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
feature_request: 'enhancement'
43 changes: 34 additions & 9 deletions .github/workflows/build.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -2,23 +2,48 @@ name: Build

- master
- development
branches: [ master, development ]
- master
- development
branches: [ master, development ]


runs-on: macos-latest

- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
submodules: 'recursive'
- name: Build
run: pod install && xcodebuild -workspace iGlance.xcworkspace -scheme iGlance -config Release CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="" CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO

- name: get pods home directory from cache
uses: actions/cache@v1
path: ./iGlance/cocoaPodsHomeDir
key: ${{ runner.os }}--pods-homeDir-key-${{ hashFiles('**/Podfile.lock') }}
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}--pods-homeDir-key-
- name: get installed pods from cache
uses: actions/cache@v1
path: ./iGlance/Pods
key: ${{ runner.os }}--pods-key-${{ hashFiles('**/Podfile.lock') }}
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}--pods-key-
- name: execute 'pod install'
working-directory: ./iGlance
run: pod install
CP_HOME_DIR: ./cocoaPodsHomeDir

# update carthage
- name: execute 'carthage update'
working-directory: ./iGlance/iGlance
run: carthage update

- name: build project
working-directory: ./iGlance
run: xcodebuild -workspace iGlance.xcworkspace -scheme iGlance -config Release CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="" CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO
59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/lint.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actions

name: Linting

# Controls when the action will run. Triggers the workflow on push or pull request
# events but only for the master branch
branches: [ master, development ]
branches: [ master, development ]

# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
# This workflow contains a single job called "lint"
# The type of runner that the job will run on
runs-on: macos-latest

# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
# Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
- name: checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
submodules: "recursive"

- name: get pods home directory from cache
uses: actions/cache@v1
path: ./iGlance/cocoaPodsHomeDir
key: ${{ runner.os }}--pods-homeDir-key-${{ hashFiles('**/Podfile.lock') }}
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}--pods-homeDir-key-
- name: get installed pods from cache
uses: actions/cache@v1
path: ./iGlance/Pods
key: ${{ runner.os }}--pods-key-${{ hashFiles('**/Podfile.lock') }}
restre-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}--pods-key-
# install the necessary pods
- name: execute 'pod install'
working-directory: ./iGlance
run: pod install
CP_HOME_DIR: ./cocoaPodsHomeDir

# update carthage
- name: execute 'carthage update'
working-directory: ./iGlance/iGlance
run: carthage update

# Runs the linting command
- name: run linting command
working-directory: ./iGlance/iGlance
run: ../Pods/Swiftlint/swiftlint
59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/tests.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actions

name: Tests

# Controls when the action will run. Triggers the workflow on push or pull request
# events but only for the master branch
branches: [ master, development, feature/59-add-tests ]
branches: [ master, development ]

# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
# This workflow contains a single job called "test"
# The type of runner that the job will run on
runs-on: macos-latest

# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
# Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
- name: checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
submodules: "recursive"

- name: get pods home directory from cache
uses: actions/cache@v1
path: ./iGlance/cocoaPodsHomeDir
key: ${{ runner.os }}--pods-homeDir-key-${{ hashFiles('**/Podfile.lock') }}
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}--pods-homeDir-key-
- name: get installed pods from cache
uses: actions/cache@v1
path: ./iGlance/Pods
key: ${{ runner.os }}--pods-key-${{ hashFiles('**/Podfile.lock') }}
restre-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}--pods-key-
# install the necessary pods
- name: execute 'pod install'
working-directory: ./iGlance
run: pod install
CP_HOME_DIR: ./cocoaPodsHomeDir

# update carthage
- name: execute 'carthage update'
working-directory: ./iGlance/iGlance
run: carthage update

# Runs the unit tests
- name: run unit tests
working-directory: ./iGlance
run: xcodebuild test -workspace iGlance.xcworkspace -scheme iGlanceUnitTests -destination 'platform=OS X,arch=x86_64' CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="" CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED=NO -verbose
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -4,4 +4,5 @@ xcuserdata/


41 changes: 24 additions & 17 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
<p align="center"><img width="400" src="icons/iGlance_logo_black.png" alt="iGlance logo"/></p>
# ⚠️ This project is no longer under active development ⚠️

<p align="center"><img width="800" src="readme_images/logo.png" alt="iGlance logo"/></p>

<p align="center">
<a href="">
@@ -18,8 +20,7 @@
iGlance is a small system monitor that displays current stats about your Mac on the menu bar. It is built to be highly customizable so that everyone can adjust it to his/her needs. A full list of all the features is below. If you encounter any bugs or have suggestions for new features, feel free to write them down in the Issues tab.

<p align="center">
<img src="readme_images/Menubar_Preview.jpg" title="Menubar Preview" alt="Menubar Preview" width="400"/>
<img src="readme_images/iGlance_Preview.jpg" title="iGlance Preview" alt="iGlance Preview"/>
<img src="readme_images/iGlance_Preview.png" title="iGlance Preview" alt="iGlance Preview"/>

# Features
@@ -39,7 +40,17 @@ There are two possible ways to install iGlance:
1. Download the iGlance.dmg from and manually move the app into the applications folder.
2. Install iGlance using [brew](

`brew cask install iglance`
`brew install --cask iglance`

# Contribute

There are two ways you can contribute to this project:

1. You can star this repository and tell all your friends about our cool app ;)
2. You can work on one of the open issues. Please read our [Contribution Guide]( and our [Code of Conduct]( before you start.

Contributor Hall of Fame:

# Warning about iStat X

@@ -49,9 +60,10 @@ We have nothing to do with an app called "iStats X: CPU & Memory" which is avail

### Version 2.1:

- Import/Export Settings
- ~~Import/Export Settings~~
- ~~Add tests for settings import/export~~
- ~~App re-design for Big Sur~~
- Use database to save all the read information (for displaying graphs and to prevent reading value multiple times when changing e.g. the width of the menu bar items)
- Add UI tests
- Use drag and drop to arrange/add the menu bar items

### Version 2.2
@@ -60,19 +72,14 @@ We have nothing to do with an app called "iStats X: CPU & Memory" which is avail
- Display the disk io (read/write speed)
- Add the public ip address to the menu of the network menu bar item

# Contribute

There are two ways you can contribute to this project:

1. You can star this repository and tell all your friends about our cool app ;)
2. You can work on one of the open issues. Please read our [Contribution Guide]( and our [Code of Conduct]( before you start.

# Credits

- <a href="">beltex</a> for providing the SMCKit and SystemKit Library
- <a href="">CocoaLumberjack</a> for their awesome logging framework
- <a href="">Oskar Groth</a> for providing his AppMover framework
- And of course all the other <a href="">contributors</a>.
- [beltex]( for providing the [SMCKit]( and [SystemKit]( Library
- [CocoaLumberjack]( for their awesome logging framework
- [Oskar Groth]( for providing his [AppMover]( framework
- [Sindre Sorhus]( for providing his [LaunchAtLogin]( library
- Facebook for making their [device mockups]( publicly available for the design community
- And of course all the other [contributors](

# License
