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380 lines (270 loc) · 18.2 KB

File metadata and controls

380 lines (270 loc) · 18.2 KB
  • CompositeView

    • Cleaned up the method to get / cache the itemViewContainer
    • Allow itemViewContainer to be a function that return a jQuery selector string
  • View render methods all return this in the standard Marionette views (the async views still return a deferred object).

  • CompositeView

    • Added itemViewContainer to specify which element children / itemView instances should be appended to
  • CollectionView

    • Now triggers "before:render" and "render" events
  • Region

    • Returns a deferred/promise from the show method, with Marionette.Async
  • Fixed bug in template cache for Marionette.Async

  • Marionette can now be installed with Volo

  • CollectionView and CompositeView properly close their emptyView instance when an item is added to the view's collection
  • CollectionView and CompositeView will show their emptyView after the last item has been removed from the collection
  • BREAKING Async Support Removed From Core Marionette

    • Marionette no longer supports asynchronous / deferred rendering in any view, by default
    • Async / deferred rendering are now provided via backbone.marionette.async.js add-on
  • Split the single src/backbone.marionette.js file into multiple files for easier maintenance

  • Marionette.Async:

    • Added Marionette.Async add-on which provides support for rendering and retrieving templates asynchronously
  • Marionette.View:

    • BREAKING Renamed the getTemplateSelector method to getTemplate
    • Call unbindAll to unbind all bound events, later in the close process, so the close event can be listened to
  • ItemView:

    • BREAKING The template attribute no longer allows you to specify a function that returns a jQuery selector. Override getTemplate to do this.
    • BREAKING The renderHtml method has been removed from the ItemView
    • BREAKING Async support removed
  • CollectionView:

    • BREAKING Async support removed
    • Now supports optional emptyView attribute, to specify what view to render when no items exist in the collection
    • Fixed a memory leak for closed item views
    • ItemView is now guaranteed to have it's "onRender" and "onShow" methods called, when rendering the collection and when adding a new item to the collection / rendering the new item view
    • Calls an onItemAdded method when adding an item/item view, just prior to rendering the item view
    • Can now specify an itemViewOptions object literal on your collection view definition, and the data will be passed to each itemView instance as part of the itemView's options
    • The appendHtml method receives a third argument of the itemView's "index" for sorted collections
  • CompositeView:

    • BREAKING When a CompositeView's collection is reset, only the collection will be re-rendered. It will no longe re-render the composite's template/model, just the collection.
    • BREAKING Async support removed
    • (see change list for CollectionView)
  • Layout:

    • BREAKING Regions specified within a layout are now available immediately after creating a layout instance
    • BREAKING Re-rendering a layout will close all regions and reset them to the new DOM elements that were rendered
    • BREAKING Layouts no longer have a .vent event aggregator hanging off them
    • BREAKING Async support removed
  • Region:

    • BREAKING Removed the ability to send a second parameter to a regions' "show" method
    • BREAKING Changed the implementation of Region to allow easier overriding of how the new view is added to the DOM
    • BREAKING Async support removed
  • TemplateCache:

    • BREAKING Moved TemplateCache to object instances instead of single object literal
    • BREAKING Moved the loadTemplate and compileTemplate to TemplateCache.prototype
    • BREAKING TemplateCache.get no longer accepts a callback method. It always returns jQuery promise
  • Renderer:

    • BREAKING Removed the renderHtml method
    • Rendering a pre-compiled template function is now much easier - just override the Renderer.render method.
  • Modules:

    • BREAKING Modules must be defined on an instance of a Marionette.Application, and cannot be defined from another module directly
    • BREAKING Modules no longer allow you to return a custom module object from the module definition function
    • BREAKING Modules no longer allow you to add initializers to them
    • BREAKING Modules no longer have a .vent event aggregator hanging off them
    • Extracted Marionette.Module in to it's own constructor function to be used as modules, instead of Marionette.Application
    • Modules allow you to pass in any arbirary arguments, after the module definition function, and they will be supplied to the module definition function
    • The this argument in a module definition function is now the module itself
  • Callbacks:

    • BREAKING Switched the order of parameters for the run method to args, context
  • BindTo:

    • The unbinding of an event now considers the context parameter when unbinding, allowing multiple handers to be bound to the same event from the same object, and unbinding only one of them
  • Fixed: A call to .module will correctly pass the Application instance from which .module was called, as the second parameter of the module definition function
  • Module definitions can be split across multiple files and/or multiple calls to define the module
  • Views now have the ability to define triggers which will convert a DOM event in to a view.trigger event
  • Module definition functions will only be applied to the last module in the . chain
  • Added modules and sub-modules through the Application object


  • An itemView instance as part of a Collection View or Composite View, will have it's events bubbled up through the parent view, prepended with "itemview:" as the event name


  • The onBefore method of ItemView can now return a deferred object
  • Code cleanup for rendering methods


  • Fixed issue with unbindAll in BindTo, that was skipping some items


  • The bindTo method on the EventAggregator now returns a binding configuration object
  • Automatic mixing in of templateMethods as template / view helper methods, in views that use the serializeData function
  • A friendlier error message will be thrown from an appRouter if a route is configured with a method that does not exist on the controller


  • Extracted compileTemplate method in TemplateCache for clarity and easier modification
  • ItemView will wait until onRender has completed before triggering other rendered events
  • Region now supports an onShow method, when defining a custom region
  • Moved the default serializeData method to the base Marionette.View
  • CompositeView now calls the serializeData method to get the model's data for the view
  • BindTo changes:
    • The bindTo method returns a "binding" object so that it can be unbound easily
    • Now has an unbindFrom method that will unbind a binding object


  • ItemView now has a renderHtml method that can be overriden to render the item view's data
  • Region now supports an initialize function when extending a region to your own object type
  • CollectionView correctly defers until all children are rendered
  • Underscore templates are cached as pre-compiled templates, instead of re-compiling them on every render
  • Updating AMD support to also work with CommonJS / NodeJS
  • Correctiong build to include header / license info for all output files
  • Pass JSLint with no warnings (run w/ Anvil.js build process)
  • Removed GZip release files, as they were broken anyways


  • BREAKING: The renderTemplate method has moved from the ItemView prototype on to the Renderer object
  • BREAKING: The appendHtml method of the CollectionView now takes collectionView, itemView as the arguments, instead of el, html
  • Added Marionette.View object, to contain a few basic parts of every Marionette view
  • Added Marionette.Renderer object, to handle template rendering
  • Views correctly trigger the "close" events before unbinding event subscribers
  • Additional CollectionView changes:
    • Extracted getItemView method to retrieve the itemView type, either from this.itemView or this.options.itemView
    • Extracted buildItemView method to build each item's view
    • Renamed removeChildView to removeItemView to make the language consistent
    • Triggers "item:added" event after each item has been added
    • Triggers "item:removed" event after an item has been removed
  • CompositeView changes:
    • No longer takes a modelView. Now directly renders the template specified
    • Defaults to a recurive structure, where itemView is the current composite view type
  • A Region will trigger a show event from any view that it shows
  • Added common "render" event to all the view types
  • Updated to Backbone v0.9.2
  • Updated to jQuery v1.7.2
  • AMD / RequireJS compliant version is provided
  • Now using Anvil.js for builds


  • CollectionView and CompositeView can render without a collection


  • ItemView changes
    • Calls a beforeRender and beforeClose method on the view, if it exists
    • Triggers a item:before:render event, just prior to rendering
    • Triggers a item:before:close and item:closed events, around the view's close method
  • CollectionView changes
    • Calls a beforeRender and beforeClose method on the view, if it exists
    • Triggers a collection:before:render event before rendering
    • Triggers a collection:before:close and collection:closed event, surrounding closing of the view
  • The CollectionView and CompositeView now close child views before closing itself


  • BREAKING: The CollectionView no longer has a reRender method. Call render instead
  • BREAKING: The TemplateCache.get method now returns a plain string instead of a jQuery selector object
  • Fixed a bug with closing and then re-using a Layout with defined regions
  • Fixed a potential race condition for loading / caching templates where a template would be loaded multiple times instead of just once


  • Fixed the composite view so that it renders the collection correctly when the collection is "reset"
  • Fixed the composite view so that it re-renders correctly
  • Fixed various deferred usages to only return promises, instead of the full deferred object


  • BREAKING: Renamed LayoutManager to Layout

  • BREAKING: Renamed RegionManager to Region

  • BREAKING: Renamed TemplateManager to TemplateCache

  • Layout

    • BREAKING: Layout.render no longer returns the view itself, now returns a jQuery deferred object
    • The .vent attribute is now available in the initializer method
    • Ensures that regions select the $el within the Layout's $el instead of globally on the page
    • Initialize the regions before the layout, allowing access to the regions in the onRender method of the layout
    • Close the Layout's regions before closing the layout itself
  • CompositeView

    • BREAKING: CompositeView.render no longer returns the view itself, now returns a jQuery deffered object
    • Will only render the collection once. You can call renderCollection explicitly to re-render the entire collection
    • Will only render the model view once. You can call renderModel explicitly to re-render the model
    • Correctly close and dispose of the model view
    • Triggers various events during rendering of model view and collection view
    • Calls 'onRender' method of composite view, if it exists
  • ItemView

    • BREAKING: ItemView.render no longer returns the view itself, now returns a jQuery deferred object
    • Optimization to only call .toJSON on either model or collection, not both
    • Trigger "item:rendered" method after rendering (in addition to calling onRender method of the view)
  • CollectionView

    • BREAKING: CollectionView.render no longer returns the view itself, now returns a jQuery deferred object
    • Trigger "collection:rendered" method after rendering (in addition to calling onRender method)
  • Large updates to the readme/documentation

  • Heavy use of jQuery.Deferred() and jQuery.when/then to better support asynchronous templates and rendering


  • BREAKING: Renamed CompositeRegion to LayoutManager
  • Aliased CompsiteRegion to LayoutManager for backwards compatibility
  • Bug fix for correctly initializing LayoutManager with specified options in constructor


  • Controller methods fired from an AppRouter are now called with this set to the controller, instead of the router
  • Fixed a bug in the CompositeView where the list wouldn't render when passing in a populated collection


  • BREAKING: Extraced CompositeView out of the collection view
  • Added CompositeView for managing leaf-branch/composite model structures
  • Added CompositeRegion for managing nested views and nested region managers
  • Added attachView method to RegionManager to attach existing view without rendering / replacing
  • Specify how to attach HTML to DOM in region manager's show method


  • Don't re-render an ItemView when the view's model "change" event is triggered


  • Allow RegionManager to be instantiated with an el specified in the options
  • Change how RegionManagers are added to an Application instance, to reduce memory usage from extraneous types


  • AppRouter can have it's controller specified directly in the router definition or in the construction function call
  • Extracted Marionette.EventAggregator out in to it's own explicit object


  • CollectionView closes existing child views before re-rendering itself, when "reset" event of collection is triggered
  • CollectionView now has "initialEvents" method which configures it's initial events
  • ItemView now has "initialEvents" method which configures it's initial events


  • CollectionView renders itself when the view's collection "reset" event is fired
  • ItemView renders itself when the view's model "change" event is fired
  • ItemView renders itself when the view's collection "reset" event is fired


  • Fixed bug with RegionManagers trying to select element before DOM is ready, to lazy-select the element on first use of show


  • BREAKING: Removed the setOptions method from the Callbacks object
  • Refactored Callbacks object to use a jQuery Deferred instead of my own code
  • Fixed template manager's clear so it properly clears a single template, when only one is specified
  • Refactored the RegionManager code to support several new features
    • now support returning a jQuery deferred object from a view's render method
    • now have a close method that you can call to close the current view
    • now trigger a "view:show" and "view:close" event
    • correctly remove reference to previous views, allowing garbage collection of the view
    • now support the bindTo and unbindAll methods, for binding/unbinding region manager events


  • Minor fix to context of template manager callback, to fix issue w/ async template loading


  • BREAKING: Rewrote the template manager to be async-template loading friendly
  • BREAKING: Dropping support for Backbone v0.5.3 and below
  • Added Marionette.Callbacks to manage a collection of callbacks in an async-friendly way
  • Guarantee the execution of app initializer functions, even if they are added after the app has been started.
  • App triggers "start" event after initializers and initializer events
  • Updated to Backbone v0.9.1


  • Make region managers initialize immediately when calling app.addRegions


  • BREAKING: view.el for ItemView and CollectionView is no longer a jQuery selector object. Use view.$el instead
  • BREAKING: regionManger.el is no longer a jQuery selector object. Use regionManager.$el instead
  • Updated to use Backbone v0.9.0
  • Updated to use Underscore v1.3.1
  • Removed default itemView from the CollectionView definition
  • CollectionView now explicitly checks for an itemView defined on it, and throws an error if it's not found


  • Bind the context (this) of application initializer functions to the application object


  • Added AppRouter, to reduce boilerplate routers down to simple configuration
  • CollectionView can be treated as a composite view, rendering an model and a collection of models
  • Now works with either jQuery, Zepto, or enter.js
  • ItemView will throw an error is no template is specified


  • Return this (the view itself) from ItemView and CollectionView render method
  • Call onRender after the CollectionView has rendered itself


  • Fixed global variable leaks
  • Removed declared, but unused variables


  • Fixed binding events in the collection view to use bindTo (#6)
  • Updated specs for collection view
  • Documentation fixes (#7)


  • Added TemplateManager to cache templates
  • CollectionView binds to add/remove and updates rendering appropriately
  • ItemView uses TemplateManager for template retrieval
  • ItemView and CollectionView set this.el = $(this.el) in constructor


  • Added ItemView
  • Added CollectionView
  • Added BindTo
  • Simplified the way extend is pulled from Backbone


  • Initial release
  • Created documentation
  • Generated annotated source code