This concourse-ci server helper will try to configure you concourse server right of the bat.
generates keys for concourse and puts those onto a volume, to be shared with concourse for production use
if vault is enabled, does the complete vault setup for you. Generating vault server cert/kets, enabling cert based auth, creating client certs and sharing those with concourse-ci-server-web so it can authenticate It has also vault support, generating keys for the value, if you set
Those are some examples
You find the docker image at eugenmayer/concourse-configurator
- Use the tag for your Concourse baseline version, so
- That is your best starting point
- For all rancher users, see this catalog
Yet we do use the KV version 1 API since Concourse ( 5.4.0 as of writing ) does not support the version 2 kv (versioned values )