IMPORTANT: This is not an official Niryo One ROS2 port!
However, this provides a fully functional ROS2 Stack for the Niryo One, although only the core functions have been ported. Feel free to contribute more.
This port added a few features, including:
- Full namespacing support
- Gripper controller (At the moment, command_interface is disabled)
Clone the repository and build with colcon build
Start the driver with ros2 launch niryo_one_bringup
for simulation or ros2 launch niryo_one_bringup
for the actual robot. Namespace the driver by adding ns:=foo
after the last argument
Currently, the User interface has not been ported, so the calibration and learning mode have to be called manually with the ROS2 service CLI.
ros2 service call /niryo_one/calibrate_motors niryo_one_msgs/srv/SetInt "{value : 1}"
ros2 service call /niryo_one/activate_learning_mode niryo_one_msgs/srv/SetInt "{value : 0}"
(0 = disable)
- Gripper joint_state reading is off
- Very rarely niryo_one_hardware_interface plugin crashes on launch