尽管Computer Security在信息化的当代已经很重要了,但它依然越来越重要。如果你不注重它,就会这样……
我们接下来要讨论的问题,在The Open Web Application Security Project® (OWASP)和National Vulnerability Database近年所公布的网络安全议题中占据高位。它们是:
- Injection errors
- Information leaks
- Information Flow Security
- Confidentiality and Integrity
- Explicit Flows and Covert Channels
- Taint Analysis
"A practical system needs both access and flow control to satisfy all security requirements."
--D. Denning, 1976
- Access Control concerns how information is accessed.
- Information Flow Security concerns how information is propagated.
If the information in variable x is transferred to variable y, then there is information flow x->y.
Connects information flow to security
- Classifies program variables into different security level
- 为变量定出安全等级。可以类比Linux中的用户权限管理,如root用户和普通用户。
- Specifies permissible flows between these levels, i.e., information flow policy
- 然后设定信息流政策。比如Linux中的root用户可以做一切事情,而普通用户不可能访问root用户专有的文件和文件夹。
一种常用的策略是Noninterference policy——高秘密等级的信息不应该影响到低秘密等级的信息。这能够保证攻击者无法通过观测低秘密等级的信息推测出和高秘密等级的信息。
- Confidentiality(在信息流安全的语境中)侧重于防止攻击者获取到机密信息,即保护关键数据不被攻击者读取。
- Integrity(在信息流安全的语境中)侧重于防止攻击者通过恶意提权或SQL注入等手段执行了高执行权限的命令,即保护关键数据不被攻击者写入。
More on Integrity-a Board Definition(在信息流安全以外的语境中,Integrity有更多的含义):
To ensure the correctness, completeness, and consistency of data.
- Correctness
- E.g., for information flow integrity, the (trusted) critical data should not be corrupted by untrusted data
- Completeness
- E.g., a database system should store all data ompletely
- Consistency
- E.g., a file transfer system should ensure that the file contents
- This kind of information flow is called implicit flow, which may arise when the control flow is affected by secret information.
- Any differences in side effects under secret control encode information about the control, which may be publicly observable and leak secret information.
- Mechanisms for signalling information through a computing system are known as channels.
- 信道传输信息。
- Channels that exploit a mechanism whose primary purpose is not information transfer are called covert channels.
- 原本的目的不是传递信息,却传递了信息的信道,我们就称之为隐藏信道。
Side Channel: "AF缺乏淡水"
- 在电影《中途岛海战》中,有这样一段对话,大意如下:
类比于同位素标记,我们通过给关心的数据打上标记,而把数据分为tainted/untainted data.
- Sources of tainted data is called sources. In practice, tainted data usually come from the return values of some methods (regarded as sources).
- Taint analysis tracks how tainted data flow through the program and observes if they can flow to locations of interest (called sinks). In practice, sinks are usually some sensitive methods.
“Can tainted data flow to a sink?”换一种问法其实就是“Which tainted data a pointer (at a sink) can point to?”
- Treats tainted data as (artificial) objects
- Treats sources as allocation sites (of tainted data)
- Leverages pointer analysis to propagate tainted data
我们在Domain中添加Tainted data。和之前一样,用下标的i和j标识data产生的位置。
- 𝑆𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑠: a set of source methods (the calls to these methods return tainted data)
- 𝑆𝑖𝑛𝑘𝑠: a set of sink methods (that tainted data flow to these methods violates security polices)
- 𝑇𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑡𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑠: a set of pairs of tainted data and sink methods
- E.g., $$ (𝑡_𝑖, 𝑚)\in$$ 𝑇𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑡𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑠 denotes that the tainted data from call site 𝑖 (which calls a source method) may flow to sink method 𝑚
void main() {
A x = new A();
String pw = getPassword();
A y = x;
x.f = pw;
String s = y.f;
// 这个log会写下什么惊人的东西吗?
String getPassword() {
return new String(…);
class A {
String f;
- Concept of information flow security
- Confidentiality & integrity
- Explicit flows & covert channels
- Use taint analysis to detect unwanted information flow