This repository is for MooTools developers; not users. All users should download MooTools from
You are welcome to contribute to MooTools! What we ask of you:
a. To report a bug:
- Crete a jsFiddle with the minimal amount of code to reproduce the bug.
- Create a Github Issue, and link to the jsFiddle.
b. To fix a bug:
- Clone the repo.
- Fix the bug.
- Add a spec.
- Build and run the specs.
- Push to your Github fork.
- Create Pull Request, and send Pull Request.
Do try to contibute! This is a community project.
Current build process uses Grunt, Grunt MooTools Packager plugin, and Karma related repos.
By default, the build process runs the tests (specs) relevant to the build. To build without testing see the packager
build targets.
This means 1.4.6
that is compatible with: 1.3.x
, 1.2.x
, and so on.
grunt # or
grunt packager:all # to only build the source
This means 1.4.6
without deprecated code in 1.3.x
, 1.2.x
, and so on.
'Proceed at your own risk'
See the changelog or the blog related to each version for migrating your code.
grunt nocompat # or
grunt packager:nocompat # to only build the source
See the Gruntfile for further options.
# with compat
grunt --file=Function # builds all deps on Core/Function, builds all Specs on Specs/Core/Function, runs karma
grunt --module=Class # builds all deps on Class *folder*, builds all Specs on Specs/Class *folder*
# without compat
grunt nocompat --file=Function # builds all deps on Core/Function, builds all Specs on Specs/Core/Function, runs karma
grunt nocompat --module=Class # builds all deps on Class *folder*, builds all Specs on Specs/Class *folder*
You'll need to add a specific task to the Gruntfile. See line 24 for an example.
I you want to test your local repo you need just some small steps. Follow these in order:
$ git clone # clone the MooTools repo
$ cd mootools-core # get into the directory
$ npm install # install de testing tools
$ npm install grunt-cli -g # install the Grunt command line interface
$ grunt default # run the specs!
You can also change which browser to call in the Gruntfile.js.
Note that most browsers need to be closed when starting tests so Grunt-Karma opens and closes the browser. Otherwise they might not close on its own and fire a timeout error for inactivity.
continuous: {
browsers: ['PhantomJS', 'IE', 'Chrome', 'Firefox', 'Safari']
If the log is too long, or if you want to store it in a file you can do:
$ grunt > logs.txt # This will create a new file called logs.txt in the local directory
Every new Build and Pull Request is now tested on Travis and Sauce Labs. You can also open your own free account on Travis and Sauce Labs to test new code ideas there.
Travis testing uses PhantomJS which is a virtual testing system. When connected to Sauce Labs then it is possible to choose any number of different Browsers and Platforms. You will need in this case to change the login key so it will match your account.
To add new Browsers in Sauce Labs testing you can do some changes in the Gruntfile.js:
add a new browser to the custom launchers already in the Gruntfile.
customLaunchers: { chrome_linux: { base: 'SauceLabs', browserName: 'chrome', platform: 'linux' },
add the chosen browser to a task (max 3 browsers per task if you are using a free account):
sauce2: { port: 9877, browsers: [ 'safari7', 'safari6', 'safari5_osx10_6' ],
These tasks can be chained so its possible to test more than 3 browsers on the same test. But not more than 3 paralel.
Example of a task chain: (This will run registered tasksthat have been defined in the steps described before.)
grunt.registerTask('default:travis', [
// 'karma:sauce5',
// 'karma:sauce6'
This test suite is ready for Travis & SauceLabs. You can also run locally.
- IE
- Firefox
- Safari
- Chrome
- Opera
- PhantomJS (virtual browser)