- {% with { 'compound': false } %}{{- block('form_label') }}{% endwith %}
+ {% with { 'compound': false } %}{{ block('form_label') }}{% endwith %}
+ {% if has_focus_mode %}
+ {{- block('focus_mode') }}
+ {% endif %}
{% if widget_container_block is defined %}
{{ widget_container_block|raw }}
{% else %}
diff --git a/src/bundle/Resources/views/themes/admin/ui/form_fields.html.twig b/src/bundle/Resources/views/themes/admin/ui/form_fields.html.twig
index a599b77d89..61d124552c 100644
--- a/src/bundle/Resources/views/themes/admin/ui/form_fields.html.twig
+++ b/src/bundle/Resources/views/themes/admin/ui/form_fields.html.twig
@@ -270,7 +270,6 @@
{%- block richtext_widget -%}
{% set attr = attr|merge({ 'hidden': true }) %}
@@ -500,3 +499,43 @@
{{- form_errors(form) -}}
{%- endblock %}
+{%- block focus_mode -%}
+ {%- set title_icon -%}
+ {%- endset -%}
+ {%- set title -%}
+ {{ 'focus_mode.disbale_hint'|trans({ '%icon%': title_icon|raw })|desc('To exit distraction free mode, click the %icon% or press Esc')|raw }}
+ {%- endset -%}
+ {% include '@ibexadesign/ui/component/alert/alert.html.twig' with {
+ type: 'complementary',
+ title,
+ icon_path: ibexa_icon_path('system-information'),
+ show_close_btn: true
+ } only %}