Nicholas Car
Brigette Metzler (partial)
Rowan Brownlee
Stephen Pratt
Edmond Chuc
Simon Cox
Will Francis
Michael Henry
Kerina (Health)
Armin Haller
John Machin
Brigette Metler (partial)
- Acceptance of previous minutes - Plenary 2020-07-02
- Notice about postponement of AGM
- Sub group updates
- Recommendations and Solutions
- Visibility
- Governance
- General Business
- (Nick) Vocabulary Catalogues interoperability experiment update
- (Nick) CatPrez - the imminent semantic catalogue
- Minutes reviewd and accepted
- AGM postponed until October, a brief discussion/description of situation took place
- Subgroup updates
- Visibility: (Brigette) they have a list of people from agencies that they want to touch base with. Have not completed, will do so by October.
- Systems: (Nick) we need better notifications of URIs requested, emails could be send to the mailing list on request of a new PID
- Rec: (Nick) AGOP, pyLODE online
- General Business
- (Will) GA is working on Loop3D ontologies, GA has stoop up VocPrez for CGI & GGIC vocabs
- (Will) GA has a new concpetual model of subregisters within the domain. Attempting to align with standards (O&M, GeoScieML) and also GA databases. This will assist with PID administration.
- (Edmond) TERN is making vocabs of ecological plot observation methods. Might soon work on drone data as Semantic Data
- (Nick) Vocabulary System interoperability experiment update
- (Nick) CatPrez - the imminent semantic catalogue
- (Nick) OGC Testbed 16 work on DGGS
- (Nick) Linked Data training material
- Nick to look into email notification of requests for new URIs
- Rowan to update on ARDC PID progress