A partner-hosted app is hosted by you as an integrator. To authorise, the app uses the authorisation code grant.
In an authorisation code grant flow, you use a temporary authorisation code to exchange for an access token from the authorisation server. A temporary authorisation code is generated from the authorisation server using API credentials. API credentials include a client secret and client ID.
To authorise your app using authorisation code grant, you need to get API credentials for the app by creating an app in your Dashboard on the Developer Portal.
Note: If you want to build a self-hosted app that will be hosted by merchants, create a self-hosted app.
- Prerequisites
- Get API credentials for a new app
- Request a new client secret for an existing app
- Next task
- Related API reference
- You have an account for the Developer Portal. If you don't have an account, sign up for a developer account.
If you need API credentials for a new app, create a public app in your Dashboard.
Log in to the Developer Portal.
On your Dashboard, click Create a new app.
On the Create a new app page, click Public API credentials to open the form for the new app.
Fill in the form for the new app.
Click Get credentials to create your API credentials.
Download your API credentials and save them somewhere safe.
Tip: As the client ID doesn't change, if you lose the API credentials, you can request a new client secret.
The client ID of an existing app doesn't change. If you need a new client secret for an existing app, request it in your Dashboard.
Log in to the Developer Portal.
On your Dashboard, choose the app for which you need to request a new secret. The current client secret is hidden.
On the app page, click Request new client secret to deactivate the current secret and generate a new secret. The new client secret will be shown.
Download your API credentials and save them somewhere safe.