To start using this module, you will need to do some setup first.
Once setup, you will need to make the module aware of your Stripe API keys.
First log into your Stripe account and find your API page (as below)
Now add these to your module config. You can do this in two possible ways:
You can add your api keys using the default Silverstripe Configuration
If you do this, the config variables are:
You can alternativley set the keys up in your _ss_environment.php file.
If you use environmental config, you will need to add the following to your _ss_environment.php
// Stripe Keys for Stripe Forms module
define("STRIPE_TEST_SK", "Test Secret Key");
define("STRIPE_TEST_PK", "Test Publishable Key");
define("STRIPE_LIVE_SK", "Live Secret Key");
define("STRIPE_LIVE_PK", "Live Publishable Key");
While the site is in dev mode the test key's will be used.
As soon as you switch the site to stage or live, the live key will be used instead.
There is a dedicated page of docs for integrating with Stripe webhooks