From 9b50bb2c297ac65d280ddc49803de71c93932e31 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: outfoxxed Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2024 17:33:44 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] qml: fix scaling and clean up layout (#7) Fixes behavior with varying font sizes + general cleanup. --- qml/main.qml | 244 +++++++++++++++++---------------------------------- 1 file changed, 80 insertions(+), 164 deletions(-) diff --git a/qml/main.qml b/qml/main.qml index e4ab54e..379b968 100644 --- a/qml/main.qml +++ b/qml/main.qml @@ -1,255 +1,178 @@ +pragma ComponentBehavior: Bound + import QtQuick import QtQuick.Controls import QtQuick.Layouts ApplicationWindow { - property var _width: 720 - property var _height: 440 - property var _first_panel_height: 120 - - minimumWidth: _width - maximumWidth: _width - width: _width - minimumHeight: _height - maximumHeight: _height - height: _height + id: window + + FontMetrics { id: fontMetrics } + + property var firstPanelHeight: fontMetrics.height * 7 + + minimumWidth: Math.max(fontMetrics.height * 50, mainLayout.Layout.minimumWidth) + mainLayout.anchors.margins * 2 + minimumHeight: Math.max(fontMetrics.height * 30, mainLayout.Layout.minimumHeight) + mainLayout.anchors.margins * 2 + maximumWidth: minimumWidth + maximumHeight: minimumHeight visible: true - SystemPalette { - id: system + component Separator: Rectangle { + color: Qt.darker(window.palette.text, 1.5) + } + + component VSeparator: Separator { + implicitWidth: 1 + Layout.fillHeight: true + Layout.topMargin: fontMetrics.height + Layout.bottomMargin: fontMetrics.height + } - colorGroup: SystemPalette.Active + component HSeparator: Separator { + implicitHeight: 1 + Layout.fillWidth: true + Layout.leftMargin: fontMetrics.height * 8 + Layout.rightMargin: fontMetrics.height * 8 } ColumnLayout { id: mainLayout - - anchors.margins: 4 + spacing: fontMetrics.height anchors { - top: - left: parent.left - right: parent.right - bottom: parent.bottom + fill: parent + margins: 4 } RowLayout { // First panel hyprland and distro info - Layout.fillWidth: true - Layout.preferredHeight: _first_panel_height - Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter + Layout.preferredHeight: firstPanelHeight + Layout.maximumHeight: firstPanelHeight + Layout.topMargin: fontMetrics.height + spacing: fontMetrics.height + + Item { Layout.fillWidth: true } RowLayout { id: distroLogoName - - Layout.preferredWidth: _width / 2 - 40 - spacing: 10 + spacing: fontMetrics.height Image { visible: hsi.hasSystemLogoName() source: "image://systemIcons/" + hsi.getSystemLogoName() - sourceSize.width: _first_panel_height - 10 - sourceSize.height: _first_panel_height - 10 - Layout.preferredWidth: _first_panel_height - 10 - Layout.preferredHeight: _first_panel_height - 10 + sourceSize.width: firstPanelHeight + sourceSize.height: firstPanelHeight + Layout.preferredWidth: firstPanelHeight + Layout.preferredHeight: firstPanelHeight Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter smooth: true } ColumnLayout { + id: distroText + + Layout.preferredWidth: hyprlandInfo.visible ? Math.max(Layout.minimumWidth, hyprlandText.Layout.minimumWidth) : Layout.minimumWidth spacing: 2 + Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter - Text { + Label { text: hsi.getSystemName() Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter - color: system.windowText } - Text { + Label { text: hsi.getSystemURL() Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter - color: system.windowText } - Text { + Label { text: hsi.getSystemKernel() Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter - color: system.windowText } - } - } - Rectangle { - visible: hsi.hasHyprland() - color: Qt.darker(system.text, 1.5) - Layout.preferredWidth: 1 - Layout.preferredHeight: _first_panel_height - 40 - Layout.leftMargin: 20 - Layout.rightMargin: 20 - Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter - } + Item { visible: hyprlandInfo.visible; Layout.fillWidth: true } + VSeparator { visible: hyprlandInfo.visible } + Item { visible: hyprlandInfo.visible; Layout.fillWidth: true } RowLayout { id: hyprlandInfo - visible: hsi.hasHyprland() - Layout.preferredWidth: _width / 2 - 40 - spacing: 10 + spacing: fontMetrics.height Image { source: "qrc:/resource/hyprlandlogo.svg" - sourceSize.width: _first_panel_height - 10 - sourceSize.height: _first_panel_height - 10 - Layout.preferredWidth: _first_panel_height - 10 - Layout.preferredHeight: _first_panel_height - 10 + sourceSize.width: firstPanelHeight + sourceSize.height: firstPanelHeight + Layout.preferredWidth: firstPanelHeight + Layout.preferredHeight: firstPanelHeight Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter smooth: true } ColumnLayout { + id: hyprlandText + Layout.preferredWidth: Math.max(Layout.minimumWidth, distroText.Layout.minimumWidth) spacing: 2 + Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter - Text { + Label { text: "Hyprland" Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter - color: system.windowText } - Text { + Label { text: hsi.getHyprlandVersion() Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter - color: system.windowText } - Text { + Label { visible: hsi.getHyprlandVersion() != hsi.getHyprlandVersionLong() text: hsi.getHyprlandVersionLong() Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter - color: system.windowText } - } - } + Item { Layout.fillWidth: true } } - Rectangle { - color: Qt.darker(system.text, 1.5) - Layout.preferredHeight: 1 - Layout.fillWidth: true - Layout.leftMargin: 180 - Layout.rightMargin: 180 - Layout.topMargin: 10 - Layout.bottomMargin: 10 - } + HSeparator {} ColumnLayout { spacing: 6 - Layout.leftMargin: 60 - Layout.rightMargin: 60 - - Text { - visible: hsi.getUserAt().length > 0 - text: "User: " + hsi.getUserAt() - Layout.maximumWidth: _width - 120 - color: system.windowText - elide: Text.ElideRight - textFormat: Text.PlainText - wrapMode: Text.NoWrap - } + Layout.leftMargin: fontMetrics.height * 4 + Layout.rightMargin: fontMetrics.height * 4 - Text { - visible: hsi.getModel().length > 0 - text: "Model: " + hsi.getModel() - Layout.maximumWidth: _width - 120 - color: system.windowText + component DetailsLabel: Label { + Layout.fillWidth: true elide: Text.ElideRight - textFormat: Text.PlainText wrapMode: Text.NoWrap } - Text { - text: "CPU: " + hsi.getCPUInfo() - Layout.maximumWidth: _width - 120 - color: system.windowText - elide: Text.ElideRight - textFormat: Text.PlainText - wrapMode: Text.NoWrap - } + DetailsLabel { text: "User: " + hsi.getUserAt(); visible: hsi.getUserAt() != "" } + DetailsLabel { text: "Model: " + hsi.getModel(); visible: hsi.getModel() != "" } + DetailsLabel { text: "CPU: " + hsi.getCPUInfo() } Repeater { model: hsi.getGPUInfoCount() - Text { + DetailsLabel { required property int index - text: "GPU: " + hsi.getGPUInfo(index) - Layout.maximumWidth: _width - 120 - color: system.windowText - elide: Text.ElideRight - textFormat: Text.PlainText - wrapMode: Text.NoWrap } - - } - - Text { - text: "Memory: " + hsi.getRAMInfo() - Layout.maximumWidth: _width - 120 - color: system.windowText - elide: Text.ElideRight - textFormat: Text.PlainText - wrapMode: Text.NoWrap - } - - Text { - text: "DE: " + hsi.getDE() - Layout.maximumWidth: _width - 120 - color: system.windowText - elide: Text.ElideRight - textFormat: Text.PlainText - wrapMode: Text.NoWrap - } - - Text { - text: "Uptime: " + hsi.getUptime() - Layout.maximumWidth: _width - 120 - color: system.windowText - elide: Text.ElideRight - textFormat: Text.PlainText - wrapMode: Text.NoWrap - } - - Text { - text: "Displays: " + hsi.getDisplays() - Layout.maximumWidth: _width - 120 - color: system.windowText - elide: Text.ElideRight - textFormat: Text.PlainText - wrapMode: Text.NoWrap } + DetailsLabel { text: "Memory: " + hsi.getRAMInfo() } + DetailsLabel { text: "DE: " + hsi.getDE() } + DetailsLabel { text: "Uptime: " + hsi.getUptime() } + DetailsLabel { text: "Displays: " + hsi.getDisplays() } } - Rectangle { - color: "transparent" - Layout.fillWidth: true - Layout.fillHeight: true - } + Item { Layout.fillHeight: true } - Rectangle { - visible: hsi.hasHyprland() - color: Qt.darker(system.text, 1.5) - Layout.preferredHeight: 1 - Layout.fillWidth: true - Layout.leftMargin: 180 - Layout.rightMargin: 180 - Layout.topMargin: 10 - Layout.bottomMargin: 10 - } + HSeparator {} RowLayout { visible: hsi.hasHyprland() @@ -259,20 +182,13 @@ ApplicationWindow { Button { text: "Copy Hyprland System Info" - onClicked: (e) => { - hsi.copySystemInfo(); - } + onClicked: hsi.copySystemInfo(); } Button { text: "Copy Hyprland Version" - onClicked: (e) => { - hsi.copyVersion(); - } + onClicked: hsi.copyVersion(); } - } - } - }