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Configuring Hypr

vaxerski edited this page Dec 21, 2021 · 49 revisions

Configuring Hypr

The configuration file is stored in ~/.config/hypr/hypr.conf

The WM does not create a config itself (why? because it's constantly evolving), so you need to paste it youself.

A config is required. The WM will throw you an error at the top of the screen without one.

Get the example config from /example/hypr.conf and paste it into ~/.config/hypr/hypr.conf. You're done! Now you can edit it using the guidelines below.

General WM Options

gaps_in=int - Gaps between windows

border_size=int - Border size

gaps_out=int - Gaps between monitor edges and windows

max_fps=int - Max fps for updates of config, animations and the bar. (Recommended: 30-60)

layout=int - Layout to use (0 - dwindling, default, 1 - master)

focus_when_hover=int - (0/1) change focus when your cursor moves to a different window

intelligent_transients=int - (0/1) intelligent transients make sure floated children windows are on top of their parents. (recommended 1, very useful and intuitive!)

col.active_border=hex - Color of the active window border

col.inactive_border=hex - Color of the inactive window border

status_command=string - Deprecated

Window Animations

Warning: True animations ( can be very laggy. Use if you have a very powerful PC and don't care about the choppiness.

Cheap animations do not look bad. They are just different, and way way smoother and easier for your PC to handle.

Start the animations section with Animations { and end with } in separate lines!

enabled=int - Enable window animations (0/1)

speed=float - Animation speed (default: 8)

cheap=int - Enable cheap animations (0/1) - HIGHLY recommended to set this to 1.

borders=int - Enable border animations (0/1)


start the bar section with Bar { and end with } both in separate lines!

enabled=int - Enable the bar (0/1)

height=int - Pixel height of the bar

monitor=int - Monitor to place the bar on (0 = default)

mod_pad_in=int - The padding (in px) between the modules edge and text edge - Color of the bar's background

col.high=hex - Default high color for the bar (used in e.g. the workspaces widget)

font.main=str - The main font to use (for the text)

font.secondary=str - The font for the icons to use


Modules are created with the module= keyword. Some examples to show you how they work:

module=right,X,0xffffffff,0xff00ff33,1000,$date +%a,\ %b\ %Y\ \ %I:%M\ %p$





For icons, I recommend using the Nerd fonts (e.g. Iosevka Nerd) and unicode. (see here for a cheat sheet)

Content can have 2 types of tokens: %PERCENTTOKENS% and $COMMANDTOKENS$

PercentTokens are given by Hypr and an invalid one will throw an error.

CommandTokens are basically commands that Hypr will execute and return the output of.

Percent Tokens list


RAM - RAM usage (using/total)

CPU - CPU usage (percent)

WINNAME - Current window's title (e.g. - where the world writes code - Firefox Nightly)

WINCLASS - Current window's class, aka. short title (e.g. Firefox)

Special contents

content of workspaces will draw a workspaces widget.

content of tray will draw a systray widget.

Special modules

There is one special module which is a separator. It's created like this:


Where you put pad, then the alignment, and the pixel width of it.


Binds are done fairly simply. The syntax for creating a bind is as follows:


For moving windows and resizing them,


And then hold the main_mod and left/right mouse button.

You can find example binds in the examples/hypr.conf config file.

Mod list


You can mix them, eg.: SHIFTSUPER or CTRLALTSUPER

Dispatcher list

exec - executes a shell command - COMMAND: command to execute
killactive - kills the focused window - No params
fullscreen - fullscreens the focused window - No params
movewindow - moves the focused window - COMMAND: l/r/u/d (left/right/up/down)
movefocus - moves the focus to the window neighboring - COMMAND: l/r/u/d (left/right/up/down)
movetoworkspace - moves the focused window to a workspace - COMMAND: number (workspace ID)
workspace - switches your view to a workspace - COMMAND: number (workspace ID)
togglefloating - toggles the focused window's floating state - No params


There are two keywords for executing stuff, exec and exec-once. They look like this:



exec - executes a command every time the WM is reloaded. (on start and on config change)

exec-once - executes a command ONLY on WM startup.

Window Rules

You can set specific window rules, for example:




Where rules implemented are:

tiling - set window to tiling
floating - set window to floating
monitor <int> - set launch monitor id
size <int> <int> - set launch size (for floating only)
move <int< <int> - set launch coord (for floating only, on the launch monitor)

and tests are structured PROP:REGEX, and the implemented props are

class  role

which correspond to the role and class ewmh atoms.

Please note that all rules are evaluated as a window is mapped (opened) and will NOT update already existing windows.

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