a test runner based on python nose testing framework. Used to load, parse, control test case sequence and generate test report. support to specify test case execute order in a good-readable plan file. support to define test case timeout value for each test method. support to fetch "logcat/kmsg/tombstone/snapshot" from Android device in real-time. Support to send the test result to a remote HTTP server.
linux, Android "adb" in system $PATH
(For windows: todo)
sudo apt-get install -y python-pip
sudo pip install nose
1: download the latest release from [releases](https://github.com/hongbinbao/noserunner/releases/latest)
2: unzip it into an available path of HOST
$ cd noserunner
$ python runtests.py -h
python runtests.py [-h|--help]
[--cycle CYCLE]
[--duration DURATION_TIME]
[--plan-file PLAN_FILE]
[--server-config SERVER_CONFIG]
[--client-config CLIENT_CONFIG]
[--verbosity VERBOSITY]
Process the paramters of runtests
optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
--cycle CYCLE Set the number(int) of cycle. Execute test with a specified number of cycle Default is 1
--plan-file PLAN Set the absolute path or relative path of test plan file. If not provide this option. The "plan" file in current directory will be used as default
--duration DURATION The maxumum test duration before ending the test.
Here format must follow next format: xxDxxHxxMxxS
e.g. --duration=2D09H30M12S, which means 2 days, 09 hours, 30 minutes and 12 seconds
--timeout SECONDS The timeout specified in seconds to limit the maximum
period of test case method execution. The result of test method will be failure if the timeout exceeded. Default is 180 seconds
--livereport Enable the live report server feature. Default is disable
--server-config Specify the path of the lieve report server configuration file
If not provide this option. The "server.config" file in current directory will be used as default
--client-config Specify the path of device configuration file
If not provide this option. The "client.config" file in current directory will be used as default
--verbosity Default is 2. set the level(1~5) of verbosity to get the help string of every test and the result
argv Additional arguments accepted by nose
run test with 10 cycles:
$ python runtests.py --cycle 10
run test with 2 days and set each test method timeout value to be 360 seconds:
$ python runtests.py --duration 2d --timeout 360
run test with 10 cycles and expect to finish within 4 hours:
$ python runtests.py --cycle 2 --duration 4h
specify the location of test plan file:
$ python runtests.py --cycle 10 --plan-file path_of_plan_file
upload result to report server:
$ python runtests.py --cycle 10 --livereport
specify the config file location of the live report server and device:
$ python runtests.py --plan-file plan --cycle 10 --client-config device.config --server-config livereport.config --livereport
test case extends from unittest.TestCase is able to get TestCaseContext obj during nose run time.
def testMethod(self):
ctx = self.contexts
user_log_dir_path = ctx.user_log_dir
device_id = ctx.device_config['deviceid']
function test case is able to get TestCaseContext obj during nose run time.
def testMethod():
ctx = contexts
user_log_dir_path = ctx.user_log_dir
device_id = ctx.device_config['deviceid']
how to:
python makelog.py --help
python makelog.py -d path_of_report/2014-04-02_23:38:32 -f entire.log
'--device-config' option is enable as default. an available device config file MUST be required. device config file can be generated automatically by script.
how to:
python makeconfig.py --help
python makeconfig.py -s serial_number -f client.config
├── client.py #nose plugin module
├── planloader.py #nose plugin module
├── reporter.py #nose plugin module
├── makelog.py #make an entire log file based on report folder
├── makeconfig.py #generate device config file
├── runtests.py #launch script
├── tools.py #unit library
├── scripts #test case package
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── pics #test case related sources
│ │ ├── browser.BrowserTest.testOpenBrowser
│ │ │ ├── baidu_logo.png
│ │ │ └── baidu_logo.(x267y267w554h206).png
│ │ └── phone.PhoneTest.testCall
│ └── testcases #unittest test case package
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── browser.py #test case for browser
│ ├── phone.py #test case for phone
└── server.config #server config file (server, account, device...)
└── client.config #device config file (serial number, product name, revision number...)
├── plan #test case plan file
├── buildtest #unit test package
│ ├── planloader_test.py
│ ├── reporter_test.py
│ ├── resource
│ │ ├── device.config
│ │ ├── livereport.config
│ │ ├── plan
│ │ └── repeatplan
│ └── ut.py
$ cd noserunner
$ python buildtest/ut.py