By default, Honeycomb includes events for all web vitals except first-input-delay. First-input-delay is set to be replaced by interaction-to-next-paint as a core web vital in March 2024.
This instrumentation is automatically initialized with the HoneycombWebSDK
. To disable the instrumentation, use the following config:
import { HoneycombWebSDK } from '@honeycombio/opentelemetry-web'
const sdk = new HoneycombWebSDK({
serviceName: 'my-app',
webVitalsInstrumentationConfig: {
enabled: false,
All vitals have the following attributes, they will each be namespaced by the name of the vital:
* The name of the vital (in acronym form).
"name": 'CLS' | 'FCP' | 'INP' | 'LCP' | 'TTFB';
* The rating as to whether the metric value is within the "good",
* "needs improvement", or "poor" thresholds of the metric.
"<vital-rating>.rating": "good" | "needs-improvement" | "poor"
"<vital-id>.id": string;
Cumulative Layout Score attributes
/* Shared fields */
"": "CLS",
"cls.rating": "good" | "needs-improvement" | "poor",
"": string;
"cls.value": number;
"": number;
* A selector identifying the first element (in document order) that
* shifted when the single largest layout shift contributing to the page's
* CLS score occurred.
"cls.largest_shift_target": string
/* if available, the data-attribute on the largest shift target. Otherwise, an alias for cls.largest_shift_target */
"cls.element": attribution.largestShiftTarget
* The time when the single largest layout shift contributing to the page's
* CLS score occurred. The number of milliseconds elapsed since navigation.
* [OPEN QUESTION] should this be cls.elapsed_time? or have something as an
* alias? it records the ms since navigation (performance.timeOrigin) — it
* isn't a timestamp as a DateTime
"cls.largest_shift_time": DOMHighResTimeStamp;
* The layout shift score of the single largest layout shift contributing to
* the page's CLS score.
"cls.largest_shift_value": number;
* The loading state of the document at the time when the largest layout
* shift contribution to the page's CLS score occurred (see
* for details).
"cls.load_state": LoadState
/* attribution.largestShiftEntry.hadRecentInput */
"cls.had_recent_input": boolean;
The event time is when the single largest layout shift contributing to the page's CLS score occurred. (performance.timeOrigin + metric.largestShiftTime)
Largest Contentful Paint attributes
/** Shared fields */
"": "LCP",
"lcp.rating": "good" | "needs-improvement" | "poor",
"": string;
"lcp.value": number;
"": number;
* if available, the data attribute on the element corresponding to the largest
* contentful paint for the page. Otherwise, its selector.
"lcp.element": string;
* The URL (if applicable) of the LCP image resource. If the LCP element
* is a text node, this value will not be set.
"lcp.url": string;
* The time from when the user initiates loading the page until when the
* browser receives the first byte of the response (a.k.a. TTFB). See
* [Optimize LCP]( for details.
"lcp.time_to_first_byte": number;
* The delta between TTFB and when the browser starts loading the LCP
* resource (if there is one, otherwise 0). See [Optimize
* LCP]( for details.
"lcp.resource_load_delay": number;
* The total time it takes to load the LCP resource itself (if there is one,
* otherwise 0). See [Optimize LCP]( for
* details.
"lcp.resource_load_time": number;
* The delta between when the LCP resource finishes loading until the LCP
* element is fully rendered. See [Optimize
* LCP]( for details.
"lcp.element_render_delay": number;
The event time is the start of the page load (performance.timeOrigin), the duration is equivalent to "lcp.value"
Interaction to Next Paint attributes
/** Shared fields */
"": "INP",
"inp.rating": "good" | "needs-improvement" | "poor",
"": string;
/* How long from the user interaction until the next paint */
"inp.value": number;
"": number;
* Either a selector identifying the element that the user interacted with for
* the event corresponding to INP or its data-attribute (when `dataAttribute`
* option is set in the config). This element will be the `target` of the
* `event` dispatched.
"inp.element": string;
* The `type` of the `event` dispatched corresponding to INP.
"inp.event_type": string;
* The loading state of the document at the time when the event corresponding
* to INP occurred (see `LoadState` for details). If the interaction occurred
* while the document was loading and executing script (e.g. usually in the
* `dom-interactive` phase) it can result in long delays.
"inp.load_state": LoadState;
The event time is equal to the time the interaction began {[TODO] attribution.eventTime + performance.timeOrigin
? or just attribution.eventTime
}, the duration is equal to inp.value
First Contentful Paint attributes
/** Shared fields */
"": "FCP",
"fcp.rating": "good" | "needs-improvement" | "poor",
"": string;
/** FCP specific fields */
"fcp.value": number;
"": number;
* The time from when the user initiates loading the page until when the
* browser receives the first byte of the response (a.k.a. TTFB).
"fcp.time_to_first_byte": number;
* The delta between TTFB and the first contentful paint (FCP).
"fcp.time_since_first_byte": number;
* The loading state of the document at the time when FCP `occurred (see
* `LoadState` for details). Ideally, documents can paint before they finish
* loading (e.g. the `loading` or `dom-interactive` phases).
"fcp.load_state": LoadState;
The event time is equal to the start of the page load, the duration is equal to fcp.value
Time to First Byte attributes
/** Shared fields */
"": "TTFB",
"ttfb.rating": "good" | "needs-improvement" | "poor",
"": string;
/** TTFB specific fields */
"ttfb.value": number;
"": number;
* The total time from when the user initiates loading the page to when the
* DNS lookup begins. This includes redirects, service worker startup, and
* HTTP cache lookup times.
"ttfb.waiting_time": number;
* The total time to resolve the DNS for the current request.
"ttfb.dns_time": number;
* The total time to create the connection to the requested domain.
"ttfb.connection_time": number;
* The time time from when the request was sent until the first byte of the
* response was received. This includes network time as well as server
* processing time.
"ttfb.request_time": number;
The event time is equal to the timeOrigin & the duration is equal to ttfb.value
For more fine-tuned event processing, pass in a custom callback functions for each of the web-vitals:
const sdk = new HoneycombWebSDK({
webVitalsInstrumentationConfig: {
lcp: {
applyCustomAttributes: (vital, span) => {
// a value under 3000ms is acceptable as a 'good' rating for our team
// this would otherwise show up as 'needs-improvement' if the value is less than 2500 in 'lcp.rating' according to the
// set standards but we want to record this as well.
if (vital.value < 3000) {
span.setAttribute('lcp.custom_rating', 'good');
The callbacks are passed their respective metric with attribution as well as the span. web-vitals docs
Note: passing in a custom callback will augment the attributes created by this package. If the same attribute names are used, they will replace the data generated by this package.