All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Fix imports
- More restructuring. Testing the lib integration
- Updated dependencies and prepare for v2. Not sure yet how much this lib should provide. Maybe it is not a great idea to provide the complete server, but just upnp, mdns, models, error codes and helper methods to create the dedicated responses. Not 100% sure yet.
- Allow stopping of HueServer
- fixed build of 0.1.3
- improve feedback if used behind proxy
- add formatted message in HueError
- bridgeId toUpperCase
- simplify HueBuilder.
- upnp is more intelligent. Follows concept of deconz.
- allow stopping of upnp server.
- add mac to HueBuilder which can then provide useful methods like shortMac and bridgeId.
- improve and simplify logging.
- add interface for http server so it is easier to replace the used library.
- replaced express with fastify.
- wrong parameter provided in pairing callback.
- group api parameters.
- allow configuration of upnp port. If not set default 1900 is used
- update upnp binding so it does not pick wrong interface in case multiple networkf interfaces are used. Thanks Arvid! Sorry that it took so long.
- update discovery.xml
- allow access to complete request object in all callback function
- start with groups api
- Made callback functions optional. If not specified fallback will handle the call
- allows https connection as well
- add helper method for certificate generation
- new configuration due to https
- restructure server so that apis can be separated
- some callback method changed
- error handling in onState function
- error handling and response
- a lot of errors
- initial implementation