SoCRocket is distributed under the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 and is also available under alternative licenses negotiated directly with TU-Braunschweig, c3e. If you obtained SoCRocket under the AGPL, then the AGPL applies to all loadable SoCRocket repositories used on your system as well, except as defined below. The AGPL (version 3) is included in this source tree in the file @ref license_agpl "".
This repository also includes various components that are not part of SoCRocket itself; these components are in the 'contrib' directories and its subdirectories. These components might be distributed under different license than the AGPL version 3.
TU-BRaunschweig, c3e holds copyright and/or sufficient licenses to all components of the SoCRocket repositories, and therefore can grant, at its sole discretion, the ability for companies, individuals, or organizations to create proprietary or Open Source (even if not AGPL) repositories which may be linked with the portions of SoCRocket which fall under our copyright/license umbrella, or are distributed under more flexible licenses than AGPL.
If you wish to use our code in other (A)GPL programs, don't worry -- there is no requirement that you provide the same exception in your (A)GPL'd products (although if you've written a module for SoCRocket we would strongly encourage you to make the same exception that we do).
The 'SoCRocket' name and logos are owned by TU-Braunschweig, c3e, and use of them is subject to our licensing policies. If you wish to use these for purposes other than simple redistribution of SoCRocket source code obtained from TU-BRaunschweig, c3e, you should contact us to determine the necessary steps you must take.
If you have any questions regarding our licensing policy, please contact us:
- Tel.: +49 531 391 2376
- Fax: +49 531 391 2375
- Email: [email protected]
- Email: [email protected]
SoCRocket Team
TU-Braunschweig, c3e
Mühlenpfordtstr. 23
D-38106 Braunschweig