Better format for the default units text file (toml maybe) #1561
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For maintainability reasons, I like the idea of having a format that we can use with a conventional parser, and TOML seems to be a good candidate (easy to read and write by humans, standard, and included in Python 3.11+). However, I still need to see how the definition file looks like. Because TOML is a standard, but how you write the definitions is not. I think that the current Pint definition file is extremely intuitive and easy to read by humans, and that is something I am not ready to loose In a recent PR (See #1464), we reorganized the internal infrastructure of pint Parser. And now I am tempted to additionally use what I have described in #1533. While I mention this here? Because together this helps to separate better between text format, loading, parsing, in memory representation and usage in the registry. If we go this way, we will be able to exchange parsers/formats easily to see how it works because the API will be clearly defined. |
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I get what you mean. Seems like those efforts are in favor of the package's API. I was hoping for a more standard non-specific formatted file so that it can be language agnosticly used. But not sure if that's the spirit here and it's understandable |
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I think it is important to keep in mind that "the format" actually encompasess two things:
Proposing a new format involves both. |
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Ah right, yes I'm referring to 1. here. As for 2. I support whatever is best for the API. In fact, one of the reasons I suggested toml, is bc the current format (2.) of the current txt file seems like pretty "tomlable" |
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I have worked on this, I think we need to push for supporting a standard file format which will help reading & even dumping registry. Code is available here : We can easily convert with supporting parsing of string definition for units just like it is done in the regular txt file. I wanted to simplify group units by only grouping reference to the canonical name and not defining units in groups. I had a working example with something like this: [defaults]
speed_of_light = "299792458 * meter / second = c"
standard_gravity = "9.806650 * meter / second ** 2 = g_0 = g_n = gravity"
vacuum_permeability = "4 * pi * 1e-7 * newton / ampere ** 2 = mu_0 = magnetic_constant"
vacuum_permittivity = "1 / (mu_0 * c **2 ) = epsilon_0 = electric_constant"
Z_0 = "mu_0 * c = impedance_of_free_space = characteristic_impedance_of_vacuum"
planck_constant = "6.62606957e-34 J s = h"
hbar = "planck_constant / (2 * pi) = ħ"
newtonian_constant_of_gravitation = "6.67384e-11 m^3 kg^-1 s^-2"
molar_gas_constant = "8.3144621 J mol^-1 K^-1 = R"
fine_structure_constant = "7.2973525698e-3"
avogadro_number = "6.02214129e23 mol^-1 =N_A"
boltzmann_constant = "1.3806488e-23 J K^-1 = k"
stefan_boltzmann_constant ="5.670373e-8 W m^-2 K^-4 = σ"
wien_frequency_displacement_law_constant = "5.8789254e10 Hz K^-1"
rydberg_constant = "10973731.568539 m^-1"
electron_mass = "9.10938291e-31 kg = m_e"
neutron_mass = "1.674927351e-27 kg = m_n"
proton_mass = "1.672621777e-27 kg = m_p"
micro={factor=1e-6,symbol="µ", aliases=["u"]}
deca={factor=1e+1,symbol="da", aliases=["deka"]}
kibi = {factor="2**10", symbol= "Ki"}
mebi = {factor="2**20", symbol= "Mi"}
gibi = {factor="2**30", symbol= "Gi"}
tebi = {factor="2**40", symbol= "Ti"}
pebi = {factor="2**50", symbol= "Pi"}
exbi = {factor="2**60", symbol= "Ei"}
zebi = {factor="2**70", symbol= "Zi"}
yobi = {factor="2**80", symbol= "Yi"}
length = {symbol="L"}
mass = {symbol="M"}
time = {symbol="T"}
current = {symbol="I"}
temperature = {symbol="Θ"}
substance = {symbol="N"}
luminosity = {symbol="J"}
acceleration = "[length] / [time] ** 2"
area = "[length] ** 2"
volume = "[length] ** 3"
speed = "[length] / [time]"
density = "[mass] / [length] ** 3"
concentration = "[substance] / [volume]"
frequency = "1 / [time]"
energy = "[force] * [length]"
power = "[energy] / [time]"
pressure = "[force] / [area]"
force = "[mass] * [acceleration]"
viscosity = "[pressure] * [time]"
meter = "[length] = m = metre"
second = "[time] = s = sec"
ampere = "[current] = A = amp"
candela = "[luminosity] = cd = candle"
gram = "[mass] = g"
mole = "[substance] = mol"
kelvin = "[temperature]; offset: 0 = K = degK"
radian = "[] = rad"
bit = "[]"
count = "[]"
#meter = {dimension="[length]",symbol="m",aliases=["metre"]}
#second = {dimension="[time]",symbol= "s" , aliases=["sec"]}
#ampere = {dimension="[current]", symbol="A", aliases=["amp"]}
#candela = {dimension="[luminosity]", symbol="cd", aliases=["candle"]}
#gram = {dimension="[mass]", symbol="g"}
#mole = {dimension="[substance]", symbol="mol"}
#kelvin = {dimension="[temperature]", offset=0, symbol= "K", aliases=["degK"]}
#radian = {dimension="[]", symbol="rad"}
#bit = {dimension="[]"}
#count = {dimension="[]"}
# Angle
turn = "2 * pi * radian = revolution = cycle = circle"
degree = "pi / 180 * radian = deg = arcdeg = arcdegree = angular_degree"
arcminute = "arcdeg / 60 = arcmin = arc_minute = angular_minute"
arcsecond = "arcmin / 60 = arcsec = arc_second = angular_second"
steradian = "radian ** 2 = sr"
# Area
are = "100 * m**2"
barn = "1e-28 * m ** 2 = b"
cmil = "5.067075e-10 * m ** 2 = circular_mils"
darcy = "9.869233e-13 * m ** 2"
hectare = "100 * are = ha"
# Concentration
molar = "mol / (1e-3 * m ** 3) = M"
# EM
esu = "1 * erg**0.5 * centimeter**0.5 = statcoulombs = statC = franklin = Fr"
esu_per_second = "1 * esu / second = statampere"
ampere_turn = "1 * A"
gilbert = "10 / (4 * pi ) * ampere_turn"
coulomb = "ampere * second = C"
volt = "joule / coulomb = V"
farad = "coulomb / volt = F"
ohm = "volt / ampere = Ω"
siemens = "ampere / volt = S = mho"
weber = "volt * second = Wb"
tesla = "weber / meter ** 2 = T"
henry = "weber / ampere = H"
elementary_charge = "1.602176487e-19 * coulomb = e"
chemical_faraday = "9.64957e4 * coulomb"
physical_faraday = "9.65219e4 * coulomb"
faraday = "96485.3399 * coulomb = C12_faraday"
gamma ="1e-9 * tesla"
gauss = "1e-4 * tesla"
maxwell ="1e-8 * weber = mx"
oersted = "1000 / (4 * pi) * A / m = Oe"
statfarad = "1.112650e-12 * farad = statF = stF"
stathenry = "8.987554e11 * henry = statH = stH"
statmho = "1.112650e-12 * siemens = statS = stS"
statohm = "8.987554e11 * ohm"
statvolt = "2.997925e2 * volt = statV = stV"
unit_pole = "1.256637e-7 * weber"
# Energy
joule = "newton * meter = J"
erg = "dyne * centimeter"
btu = "1.05505585262e3 * joule = Btu = BTU = british_thermal_unit"
electron_volt = "1.60217653e-19 * J = eV"
quadrillion_btu = "10**15 * btu = quad"
thm = "100000 * BTU = therm = EC_therm"
calorie = "4.184 * joule = cal = thermochemical_calorie"
international_steam_table_calorie = "4.1868 * joule"
ton_TNT = "4.184e9 * joule = tTNT"
US_therm = "1.054804e8 * joule"
watt_hour = "watt * hour = Wh = watthour"
hartree = "4.35974394e-18 * joule = = Eh = E_h = hartree_energy"
toe = "41.868e9 * joule = tonne_of_oil_equivalent"
# Force
newton = "kilogram * meter / second ** 2 = N"
dyne = "gram * centimeter / second ** 2 = dyn"
force_kilogram = "g_0 * kilogram = kgf = kilogram_force = pond"
force_gram = "g_0 * gram = gf = gram_force"
force_ounce = "g_0 * ounce = ozf = ounce_force"
force_pound = "g_0 * lb = lbf = pound_force"
force_ton = "2000 * force_pound = ton_force"
poundal = "lb * feet / second ** 2 = pdl"
kip = "1000*lbf"
# Frequency
hertz = "1 / second = Hz = rps"
revolutions_per_minute = "revolution / minute = rpm"
counts_per_second = "count / second = cps"
# Heat
#RSI = "degK * meter ** 2 / watt"
#clo = "0.155 * RSI = clos"
#R_value = "foot ** 2 * degF * hour / btu"
# Information
byte = "8 * bit = B = octet"
baud = "bit / second = Bd = bps"
# Irradiance
peak_sun_hour = "1000 * watt_hour / meter**2 = PSH"
langley = "thermochemical_calorie / centimeter**2 = Langley"
# Length
angstrom = "1e-10 * meter = Å = ångström = Å"
parsec = "3.08568025e16 * meter = pc"
light_year = "speed_of_light * julian_year = ly = lightyear"
astronomical_unit = "149597870691 * meter = au"
# Mass
carat = "200 * milligram"
metric_ton = "1000 * kilogram = t = tonne"
atomic_mass_unit = "1.660538782e-27 * kilogram = u = amu = dalton = Da"
bag = "94 * lb"
# Textile
denier = " gram / (9000 * meter)"
tex = "gram / (1000 * meter)"
dtex = "decitex"
# These are Indirect yarn numbering systems (length/unit mass)
jute = "lb / (14400 * yd) = Tj"
Ne = "1/590.5 / tex"
Nm = "1/1000 / tex"
# Photometry
lumen = "candela * steradian = lm"
lux = "lumen / meter ** 2 = lx"
# Power
watt = "joule / second = W = volt_ampere = VA"
horsepower = "33000 * ft * lbf / min = hp = UK_horsepower = British_horsepower"
boiler_horsepower = "33475 * btu / hour"
metric_horsepower = " 75 * force_kilogram * meter / second"
electric_horsepower = "746 * watt"
hydraulic_horsepower = "550 * feet * lbf / second"
refrigeration_ton = "12000 * btu / hour = ton_of_refrigeration"
# Pressure
Hg = "gravity * 13.59510 * gram / centimeter ** 3 = mercury = conventional_mercury"
mercury_60F = "gravity * 13.5568 * gram / centimeter ** 3"
H2O = "gravity * 1000 * kilogram / meter ** 3 = h2o = water = conventional_water"
water_4C = "gravity * 999.972 * kilogram / meter ** 3 = water_39F"
water_60F = "gravity * 999.001 * kilogram / m ** 3"
pascal = "newton / meter ** 2 = Pa"
bar = "100000 * pascal"
atmosphere = "101325 * pascal = atm = standard_atmosphere"
technical_atmosphere = "kilogram * gravity / centimeter ** 2 = at"
torr = "atm / 760"
pound_force_per_square_inch = "pound * gravity / inch ** 2 = psi"
kip_per_square_inch = "kip / inch ** 2 = ksi"
barye = "0.1 * newton / meter ** 2 = barie = barad = barrie = baryd = Ba"
mm_Hg = "millimeter * Hg = mmHg = millimeter_Hg = millimeter_Hg_0C"
cm_Hg = "centimeter * Hg = cmHg = centimeter_Hg"
in_Hg = "inch * Hg = inHg = inch_Hg = inch_Hg_32F"
inch_Hg_60F = "inch * mercury_60F"
inch_H2O_39F = "inch * water_39F"
inch_H2O_60F = "inch * water_60F"
footH2O = "ft * water"
cmH2O = "centimeter * water"
foot_H2O = "ft * water = ftH2O"
standard_liter_per_minute = "1.68875 * Pa * m ** 3 / s = slpm = slm"
# Radiation
Bq = "Hz = becquerel"
curie = "3.7e10 * Bq = Ci"
rutherford = "1e6*Bq = Rd"
Gy = "joule / kilogram = gray = Sv = sievert"
rem = "1e-2 * sievert"
rads = "1e-2 * gray"
roentgen = "2.58e-4 * coulomb / kilogram"
# Temperature
degC = "kelvin; offset: 273.15 = celsius"
degR = "5 / 9 * kelvin; offset: 0 = rankine"
degF = "5 / 9 * kelvin; offset: 255.372222 = fahrenheit"
# Time
minute = "60 * second = min"
hour = "60 * minute = hr"
day = "24 * hour"
week = "7 * day"
fortnight = "2 * week"
year = "31556925.9747 * second"
month = "year / 12"
shake = "1e-8 * second"
sidereal_day = "day / 1.00273790935079524"
sidereal_hour = "sidereal_day / 24"
sidereal_minute = "sidereal_hour / 60"
sidereal_second = "sidereal_minute / 60"
sidereal_year = "366.25636042 * sidereal_day"
sidereal_month = "27.321661 * sidereal_day"
tropical_month = "27.321661 * day"
synodic_month = "29.530589 * day = lunar_month"
common_year = "365 * day"
leap_year = "366 * day"
julian_year = "365.25 * day"
gregorian_year = "365.2425 * day"
millenium = "1000 * year = millenia = milenia = milenium"
eon = "1e9 * year"
work_year = "2056 * hour"
work_month = "work_year / 12"
# Velocity
nautical_mile = "1852 m = nmi # exact"
knot = "nautical_mile / hour = kt = knot_international = international_knot = nautical_miles_per_hour"
mph = "mile / hour = MPH"
kph = "kilometer / hour = KPH"
# Viscosity
poise = "1e-1 * Pa * second = P"
stokes = "1e-4 * meter ** 2 / second = St"
rhe = "10 / (Pa * s)"
# Volume
liter = "1e-3 * m ** 3 = l = L = litre"
cc = "centimeter ** 3 = cubic_centimeter"
stere = "meter ** 3"
grain = "avdp_pound / 7000 = gr"
drachm = "pound / 256 = dr = avoirdupois_dram = avdp_dram = dram"
ounce = "pound / 16 = oz = avoirdupois_ounce = avdp_ounce"
pound = "453.59237 gram = lb = avoirdupois_pound = avdp_pound"
short_hunderdweight = "100 avoirdupois_pound = ch_cwt"
long_hunderweight = "112 avoirdupois_pound = lg_cwt"
short_ton = "2000 avoirdupois_pound"
long_ton = "2240 avoirdupois_pound"
pennyweight = "24 grain = dwt"
troy_ounce = "480 grain = toz"
troy_pound = "12 troy_ounce = tlb"
scruple = "20 grain"
apothecary_dram = "3 scruple = ap_dr"
apothecary_ounce = "8 apothecary_dram = ap_oz"
apothecary_pound = "12 apothecary_ounce = ap_lb"
stone = "14 pound"
quarter = "28 stone"
UK_hundredweight = "long_hunderweight = UK_cwt"
UK_ton = "long_ton"
US_hundredweight = "short_hunderdweight = US_cwt"
US_ton = "short_ton = ton"
link = "0.66 survey_foot = li = survey_link"
survey_foot = "foot / 0.999998 = sft"
rod = "16.5 survey_foot = rd = pole = perch"
chain = "66 survey_foot"
survey_mile = "5280 survey_foot"
acre = "43560 survey_foot ** 2"
square_rod = "1 rod ** 2 = sq_rod = sq_pole = sq_perch"
fathom = "6 survey_foot"
us_statute_mile = "5280 survey_foot"
league = "3 us_statute_mile"
furlong = "us_statute_mile / 8"
inch = "yard / 36 = in = international_inch = inches = international_inches"
foot = "yard / 3 = ft = international_foot = feet = international_feet"
yard ="0.9144 metres = yd = international_yard"
mile = "1760 yard = mi = international_mile"
square_inch = "1 inch ** 2 = sq_in = square_inches"
square_foot = "1 foot ** 2 = sq_ft = square_feet"
square_yard = "1 yard ** 2 = sq_yd"
square_mile = "1 mile ** 2 = sq_mi"
cubic_inch = "1 in ** 3 = cu_in"
cubic_foot = "1 ft ** 3 = cu_ft = cubic_feet"
cubic_yard = "1 yd ** 3 = cu_yd"
acre_foot = "acre * foot = acre_feet"
dry_pint = "33.6003125 cubic_inch = dpi = US_dry_pint"
dry_quart = "2 dry_pint = dqt = US_dry_quart"
dry_gallon = "8 dry_pint = dgal = US_dry_gallon"
peck = "16 dry_pint = pk"
bushel = "64 dry_pint = bu"
dry_barrel = "7065 cubic_inch = US_dry_barrel"
minim = "liquid_pint / 7680"
fluid_dram = "liquid_pint / 128 = fldr = fluidram = US_fluid_dram"
fluid_ounce = "liquid_pint / 16 = floz = US_fluid_ounce = US_liquid_ounce"
gill = "liquid_pint / 4 = gi = liquid_gill = US_liquid_gill"
pint = "28.875 cubic_inch = pt = liquid_pint = US_pint"
quart = "2 liquid_pint = qt = liquid_quart = US_liquid_quart"
gallon = "8 liquid_pint = gal = liquid_gallon = US_liquid_gallon"
teaspoon = "tablespoon / 3 = tsp"
tablespoon = "floz / 2 = tbsp = Tbsp = Tblsp = tblsp = tbs = Tbl"
shot = "3 * tablespoon = jig = US_shot"
cup = "8 fluid_ounce = cp = liquid_cup = US_liquid_cup"
barrel = "31.5 * gallon = bbl"
oil_barrel = "42 * gallon = oil_bbl"
beer_barrel = "31 * gallon = beer_bbl"
hogshead = "63 * gallon"
pixel = "[printing_unit] = dot = px = pel = picture_element"
pixels_per_centimeter = "pixel / cm = PPCM"
pixels_per_inch = "pixel / inch = dots_per_inch = PPI = ppi = DPI = printers_dpi"
bits_per_pixel = "bit / pixel = bpp"
point = "yard / 216 / 12 = pp = printers_point"
thou = "yard / 36000 = th = mil"
pica = "yard / 216 = P̸ = printers_pica"
imperial_fluid_ounce = "imperial_pint / 20 = imperial_floz = UK_fluid_ounce"
imperial_fluid_drachm = "imperial_fluid_ounce / 8 = imperial_fluid_dram"
imperial_gill = "imperial_pint / 4 = imperial_gi = UK_gill"
imperial_cup = "imperial_pint / 2 = imperial_cp = UK_cup"
imperial_pint = "568.26125 * milliliter = imperial_pt = UK_pint"
imperial_quart = "2 * imperial_pint = imperial_qt = UK_quart"
imperial_gallon = "8 * imperial_pint = imperial_gal = UK_gallon"
imperial_peck = "16 * imperial_pint = imperial_pk = UK_pk"
imperial_bushel = "64 * imperial_pint = imperial_bu = UK_bushel"
imperial_barrel = "288 * imperial_pint = imperial_bbl = UK_bbl"
maps=["[length] <-> [frequency]: speed_of_light / n / value",
"[frequency] -> [energy]: planck_constant * value",
"[energy] -> [frequency]: value / planck_constant",
"1 / [length] <-> [length]: 1 / value]"]
maps=["[mass] / [length] <-> [length] / [mass]: 1 / value"]
aliases=["SI", "international system"]
length = "meter"
mass = "kilogram"
time = "second"
current = "ampere"
temperature = "kelvin"
substance = "mole"
luminosity = "candela"
length = "yard"
mass = "pound"
time = "second"
current = "ampere"
temperature = "kelvin"
substance = "mole"
luminosity = "candela" |
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I have created a branch with the proposed implementation of the new parser. I am very happy as it clearly separates the concerns. The parser parses the text and emit definitions, the definitions are added to the registry. This will make it very easy to try out other parsers in the future. Please take a look at #1595 for more details. |
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If pint ever changes the format, it would be great to add a field to reference the source of the respective definitions/factors (links to respective publications). |
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The .toml file idea is interesting. I wonder if it could be used by other libraries, including those in other programming languages. The unit definitions would then be used by a great deal more people. I also wonder whether a standards organisation like NIST would be interested in maintaining such a file. |
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Wouldnt it be nice if the file with all the default unit information were a TOML or some other easier to read file? For instance if it were a TOML we could head directly into the UNITS section and maybe then head into a specific dimension section inside there and grab all those units, and so no.
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