Th is able to convert models between frameworks and models on the framework.
Taming Imperfect Optical Flows for Consistent Video-to-Video Synthesis
onnx-tensorflow Tool to convert ONNX to TensorFlow
tensorflow-onnx Tool to convert Tensorflow to ONNX
onnx2keras A tool to convert ONNX to Keras
tflite2onnx Tool to convert TensorFlowLite to ONNX
sklearn-onnx A tool to convert sklearn to ONNX
onnx-mlir Tool to convert ONNX to MLIR
keras-onnx A tool to convert Keras to ONNX
onnx-tensorrt Tool to convert ONNX to TensorRT
onnx-coreml Tool to convert ONNX to CoreML
onnx-simplifier Tool for optimizing the ONNX model structure
OpenVINO Deep Learning Deployment Toolkit (DLDT) - Model Optimizer Conversion of TensorFlow, ONNX, MXNet, and Caffe to OpenVINO IR format and other useful toolkits
coremltools Tools for converting various frameworks to CoreML models
MMdnn a comprehensive and cross-framework tool to convert
torch2tflite It uses ONNX and TF2 as bridge between Torch and TFLite'
openvino2tensorflow Tool to convert OpenVINO IR models to TensorFlow
PINTO_model_zoo Model collections for PyTorch (ONNX), Caffe, TensorFlow, TensorflowLite, CoreML, TF-TRT and TFJS. A large number of model conversion scripts have been committed