A darker theme for Mantis bug tracking software - Mantisbt.org
- Copy the css folder into Mantis root folder.
- Add the following code to the config_inc.php file.
$g_css_include_file = "/css/custom/default.css";
- Add the following code to the config_inc.php file for logo and material design colors.
# --- Branding ---
$g_window_title = 'Mantis Bug Tracker';
$g_logo_image = 'images/mantis_logo_dark.png';
$g_favicon_image = 'images/favicon.ico';
# --- Status color additions ---
$g_status_colors['new'] = '#ff9800';
$g_status_colors['feedback'] = '#ff5722';
$g_status_colors['acknowledged'] = '#795548';
$g_status_colors['confirmed'] = '#607d8b';
$g_status_colors['assigned'] = '#2196f3';
$g_status_colors['resolving'] = '#e91e63';
$g_status_colors['resolving_standby'] = '#673ab7';
$g_status_colors['readytotest'] = '#cddc39';
$g_status_colors['testing'] = '#8bc34a';
$g_status_colors['resolved'] = '#4caf50';
$g_status_colors['closed'] = '#9e9e9e';
- Add responsive css?
- Turn into a plugin?
- Add screenshots?
2016-5-18: First release
TODO: Write credits
TODO: Write license
- Henry Triplette - Initial work - Twitter