Key | Action |
<leader> |
, |
<S> |
shift |
<A> |
alt |
<C> |
ctrl |
<CR> |
cariage return |
Key | Action | Description |
<up> |
no op | |
<down> |
no op | |
<left> |
no op | |
<right> |
no op | |
<leader>w |
:w<CR> |
Save the current file |
<leader>q |
:q<CR> |
Close the current file |
Key | Action | Description |
<S-H> |
:tabprev<CR> |
Go to previous tab |
<S-L> |
:tabnext<CR> |
Go to next tab |
<leader>TT |
:tabnew<CR> |
Create new tab |
<leader>TC |
:tabclose<CR> |
Close current tab |
Key | Action | Description |
<leader>gg |
:LazyGit<CR> |
Open LazyGit neovim integration |
Key | Action | Description |
<leader>fd |
:Telescope file_browser<CR> |
Open file browser |
<leader>fb |
:Telescope file_browser path=%:p:h<CR> |
Open file browser in current dir |
<leader>ff |
:Telescope find_files<CR> |
Find a file |
<leader>fg |
:Telescope live-grep<CR> |
Find text with regex inside folder's files |
<leader>pp |
:Telescope project <CR> |
Select a project |
<leader>nc |
:Telescope neoclip<CR> |
Open clipboard |