The mapping CLI tool provides functionality related to querying and visualizing the data contained in mapping files. It supports multiple functional modes with each mode accompanied with help text.
- Python 3
It is best practice to create an isolated Python virtual environment using the venv
standard library module to manage the dependencies between your different Python projects.
- Change directory (cd) into the tools directory.
- Create the virtual environment:
python3 -m venv venv
- Activate the environment:
source ./venv/bin/activate
- Install the project requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
./ -h
usage: [-h]
Provides functionality related to querying and visualizing the data contained in mapping files.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Specify the subcommand with -h option for help (Ex: ./mapping_cli visualize -h)
{validate,visualize,rebuild_mappings,list_mappings,list_scores} validate -h
usage: validate [-h] [--mapping-dir MAPPING_DIR]
[--mapping-file MAPPING_FILE]
Validates a mapping file or all mapping files in a directory.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--mapping-dir MAPPING_DIR
Path to the directory containing the mapping files
--mapping-file MAPPING_FILE
Path to the mapping file
--tags-file TAGS_FILE
Path to the file containing the list of valid tags
The JSON schema used to validate the mapping files can be found in the config/mapping_schema.json file.
- Validate all mapping files in the default mappings directory (
./ validate
- Validate all mapping files in a specified directory:
./ validate --mapping-dir /home/mapper/my_mappings_dir
- Validate a particular mapping file:
./ validate --mapping-file ../mappings/Azure/JustInTimeVMAccess.yaml visualize -h
usage: visualize [-h] --visualizer
[--mapping-dir MAPPING_DIR]
[--mapping-file MAPPING_FILE]
[--output OUTPUT] [--skip-validation]
[--tag TAG] [--title TITLE]
[--description DESCRIPTION]
[--relationship {OR,AND}]
[--include-aggregates] [--include-html]
Build visualizations from mapping file(s).
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--visualizer {AttackNavigator,MarkdownSummary}
The name of the visualizer that will generate the
--mapping-dir MAPPING_DIR
Path to the directory containing the mapping files
--mapping-file MAPPING_FILE
Path to the mapping file
--output OUTPUT Path to the directory were the visualizations will be
--skip-validation Skip validation when visualizing mapping(s)
--tag TAG Return mappings with the specified tag, this will
utilize the db rather than traversing the file system
--title TITLE Title of the visualization
--description DESCRIPTION
Description of the visualization
--relationship {OR,AND}
Relationship between tags
--include-aggregates When generating a visualization for mappings, generate
it for each tag and platform also. This depends on
visualizer support.
--include-html When generating a visualization, if supported,
generate an HTML version too.
The set of configuration and template files used to generate the visualizations can be found in the config directory:
- config/markdown_summary.json: contains the introductory text for each platform that is displayed in the Introduction section of the Markdown Summary view for a platform.
- config/markdown_summary_template.html: contains the HTML template used when generating an HTML version of the Markdown Summary view.
- config/navigator_layer_config.yaml: contains configuration settings for the Navigator Layer visualizer such as the colors to utilize for each score category and whether to include numeric scores in the generated layer files.
- config/navigator_layer_template.json: contains the Navigator layer template used by the Navigator visualizer when generating Navigator layer files.
- Generate ATT&CK Navigator layers for each mapping file in the default mappings directory (
./ visualize --visualizer AttackNavigator
- Generate an ATT&CK Navigator layer for a particular mapping file and save the layer in the
./ visualize --visualizer AttackNavigator --mapping-file ../mappings/Azure/IdentityProtection.yaml --output /tmp/my_layers
- Generate an ATT&CK Navigator layer for all mappings with the specified tag:
./ visualize --visualizer AttackNavigator --tag "Azure Defender" --title "Azure Defender" --skip-validation
- Generate ATT&CK Navigator layers for each mapping file in the default mappings directory (
). In addition, generate a layer for each tag and an aggregate layer for all mapping files for each platform:
./ visualize --visualizer AttackNavigator --skip-validation --include-aggregates
- Generate ATT&CK Navigator layers for each mapping file found only in the current directory. In addition, generate a layer for each tag and an aggregate layer for all mapping files for each platform: visualize --visualizer AttackNavigator --mapping-dir . --no-recurse --skip-validation --include-aggregates
- Generate a Markdown Summary view of all mapping files in the default mappings directory (
). In addition, generate an HTML version of the view:
./ visualize --visualizer MarkdownSummary --skip-validation --include-html
usage: rebuild_mappings [-h] [--mapping-db MAPPING_DB]
[--mapping-dir MAPPING_DIR]
[--skip-attack] [--skip-validation]
Builds the mapping database used to provide the query capabilities of the
list_mappings and list_scores subcommands.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--mapping-db MAPPING_DB
Path to the mapping.db file to generate
--mapping-dir MAPPING_DIR
Path to the directory containing the mapping files
--skip-attack Rebuild an existing mapping.db by just rebuilding the
mapping data (and reuse the already built ATT&CK data)
--skip-validation Skip validation of discovered mapping files, just
import them into the db.
- Scan all the mapping files in the default mappings directory (
) and build a SQLite database containing the mapping data. Produces themapping.db
file in the current directory:
./ rebuild_mappings
usage: list_mappings [-h] [--mapping-db MAPPING_DB] [--tag TAG]
[--relationship {OR,AND}] [--width WIDTH]
[--name NAME] [--platform PLATFORM]
List mapping files by name, tag and/or platform.
Requires the mapping database to be built using the rebuild_mappings command.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--mapping-db MAPPING_DB
Path to the mapping.db file
--tag TAG Return mappings with the specified tag
--relationship {OR,AND}
Relationship between tags (default OR)
--width WIDTH Set the width of the Comments column
--name NAME Filter the returned mappings by a substring of the
control name.
--platform PLATFORM Filter by mapping platform (e.g. Azure).
- List the mapping file of all controls that have "Defender" in the control name and limit the width of the comments section to 40 characters per line:
./ list_mappings --name Defender --width 40
- List the mapping file of all controls that have the tag "Linux" and are from the Azure platform:
./ list_mappings --tag Linux --platform Azure
- List the mapping file of all controls that have the tag "Linux" and the tag "Azure Security Center":
./ list_mappings --tag Linux --tag "Azure Security Center" --relationship AND
usage: list_scores [-h] [--mapping-db MAPPING_DB]
[--category {Protect,Detect,Respond}]
[--attack-id ATTACK_ID] [--tactic TACTIC]
[--control CONTROL] [--platform PLATFORM]
[--score {Minimal,Partial,Significant}]
[--width WIDTH]
[--level {Technique,Sub-technique}]
[--tag TAG]
Query mapping data by various filters and return a table consisting of the
following columns: Control Name, Mapping File Path, Technique/Sub-technique ID
& Name, Score, Score comment.
Requires the mapping database to be built using the rebuild_mappings subcommand.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--mapping-db MAPPING_DB
Path to the mapping.db file
--category {Protect,Detect,Respond}
Filter by score category
--attack-id ATTACK_ID
Filter by ATT&CK ID (specify Technique [default] or
Sub-technique using --level parameter)
--tactic TACTIC Filter by ATT&CK tactic name
--control CONTROL Filter by a control (name)
--platform PLATFORM Filter by mapping platform (e.g. Azure).
--score {Minimal,Partial,Significant}
Filter by mapping score
--width WIDTH Set the width of the Comments column
--level {Technique,Sub-technique}
Return technique data or sub-technique data
--tag TAG Return mappings with the specified tag. This does a
LIKE search for exact match, surround w/ quotes (e.g.
'"Azure Defender"'
Return a table with a row for each technique in a mapping file that has a Protect score category:
./ list_scores --category Protect
Return a table with a row for each mapping file that has a Protect score category for technique T1078 Valid Accounts:
./ list_scores --category Protect --attack-id T1078
Return a table with a row for each mapping file that has a Protect score category for technique T1078 Valid Accounts or technique T1578 Modify Cloud Compute Infrastructure:
./ list_scores --category Protect --attack-id T1078 --attack-id T1578
Return a table with a row for each mapping file that has a Protect score category for sub-techniques of T1078 Valid Accounts. Displays the sub-technique scores instead of technique scores:
./ list_scores --category Protect --attack-id T1078 --level Sub-technique
Return a table with a row for each Azure mapping file that has a Protect score category with a Minimal or Significant score. Limit the width of the score comments column to 40 characters:
./ list_scores --category Protect --platform Azure --score Minimal --score Significant --width 40
Return a table with a row for each score category for controls with a name that contains the "Identity Protection" that provide a mapping for technique T1078 Valid Accounts:
./ list_scores --attack-id T1078 --level Technique --control "Identity Protection"