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File metadata and controls

456 lines (352 loc) · 12.2 KB



LayoutBundle help users build layout with pace and provide support for fully customized multi-themes. This bundle provide regions(header, footer, sidebar) and blocks to build compact layout. this bundle provide all components necesssary for layout building e.g : Regions (Header, Footer, Sidebar) and Blocks


LayoutBundle Provides the following features:

  1. Regions and blocks
  2. Xml based layout config file
  3. Multi-theme
  4. Inline blocks
  5. Fully customizable

Todo list.

  1. Theme assets management
  2. Fully customizable header and footer
  3. Role/permission base layout
  4. Dashboard/Widgets
  5. Dynamic Page titles
  6. Meta tags, Meta keywords, Meta Description
  7. Social Media sharing tags
  8. Quick Guide (commands list)

alt text


Using composer

$ composer require kamran/layout-bundle dev-master

Add the KamranLayoutBundle to your AppKernel.php file:

new Kamran\LayoutBundle\KamranLayoutBundle();


  1. Add the kamran_layout service in symfony config:

     # application/config/config.yml
     		_theme_bundle: 'AppFrontBundle'
     		_theme_namespaces: ['App','Systems']
    • _theme_bundle : Your theme bundle with namespace.
    • _theme_namespaces : Add bundles namespaces for collect blocks for theme regions
  2. The themes directories will placed in AppFrontBundle. Here is directory tree. Now create a themes directory in anyone of your bundle as specified below

    • themes All themes will be placed inside this directory

Themes Configuration file

For handling themes you need to create a theme configuration file with name of 'layouts.xml' inside themes directory:


In layouts.xml file you can define your theme rules. Here is the structure of layouts.xml file:

    <theme name="bluestar">
        <layouts url="/" template="default.html.twig" >
                <index url="/" template="front.html.twig"></index>
                <about url="/about" template="content.html.twig" ></about>
                <terms url="/terms-and-conditions" template="content.html.twig"></terms>
  1. <themes> : This is main tag of layouts.xml file. All theme tags be will wrapped in this tag. so we can have multiple themes in this layout configuration file

  2. <theme> : Every theme will be wrapped inside its own theme tag

  3. <layouts> : Inside every theme there is a layout tag. This tag has two attributes.

    • url: This attribute defines the prefix of url like '/', this means all root level urls will go inside this tag.
    • template: This is the default template for your theme, if you leave this attribute blank then default template will be used.
  4. <templates> : templates tag contains all url rules tag.

    • <any_unique_tagname> : This tag will be a unique, it will have two attributes:
      • url : This url can be prefix or page url
      • template : The defined template name will be used. If left blank it will inherit template from parent tag

Nested Urls in layouts.xml

Here are example layouts.xml file for nested urls

    <theme name="bluestar">
        <layouts url="/" template="default.html.twig" >
                <login url="/login"></login>
                <dashboard url="/" template="dashboard.html.twig"></dashboard>
                <contact url="/contact" template="contact.html.twig" >
                        <add url="/add"></add>
                        <edit url="/modify" ></edit>
                        <search url="/search">
                                <show url="/show"></show>
                        <remove url="/remove" ></remove>
                <help url="/help"></help>

Use multiple themes

If you want to implement more then one theme follow the syntax below.

    <theme name="bluestar_frontend">
        <layouts url="/" template="default.html.twig" >
                <index url="/" template="front.html.twig"></index>
                <about url="/about" template="content.html.twig" ></about>
                <terms url="/terms-and-conditions" template="content.html.twig"></terms>
    <theme name="bluestar_backend">
        <layouts url="/administrator" template="default.html.twig" >
                <login url="/login"></login>
                <dashboard url="/" template="dashboard.html.twig"></dashboard>
                <contact url="/contact" template="contact.html.twig" >
                        <add url="/add"></add>
                        <edit url="/modify" ></edit>
                        <search url="/search">
                                <show url="/show"></show>
                        <remove url="/remove" ></remove>
                <help url="/help"></help>

Themes Templates

In your themes you must define parent template using url rules. This parent template is defined in layouts.xml file. Here is a simple theme parent template:

<!doctype html>
<html class="no-js" lang="en">
    <title>Themes default page</title>

    {% block body %}{% endblock %}


Theme parent template is ready, now you need to implement this template with your project. Now add this line in your child template :

{% extends themes %}

{% block body %}
    .... child content
{% endblock %}

Template Regions & Blocks

A theme templates may have many regions(Header, Footer, Sidebar) and inline blocks. Region is collection of blocks. All regions that are to be used in theme are defined in layouts.xml file.

Define regions in layouts.xml

    <theme name="undp_frontend">
        <layouts url="/" template="main-default.html.twig" >
                <index url="/" template="front.html.twig"></index>
                <about url="/about"></about>
                <terms url="/terms-and-conditions"></terms>

<regions> : All regions are defined in this tag. * <unique_regionname> : Define regions

Use regions in template file

<!doctype html>
<html class="no-js" lang="en">
    <title>Theme template</title>

<div class="header">
    {{ region('header') }}

<div class="left">
    {{ region('sidebar') }}

<div class="content">
    {% block body %}{% endblock %}


Add blocks in regions

A region consists of many blocks. You can define any number of blocks in 'layout.xml'

  1. A sub configuration file is created for every bundle that is included in the layout sub configuration file. Here is the pattern for creating sub configuration file

    • [bundlename]_layout.xml : The file name starts with bundlename as prefix. Use lowercase letter for file name.
  2. Here is the structure of '[frontbundle]_layout.xml' file.

            <logo template="logo.html.twig"></logo>
            <topmenu template="topmenu.html.twig"></topmenu>
            <sidemenu template="sidemenu.html.twig"></sidemenu>
  1. Create blog template file: All block template are placed in blocks directory.


    block template example:

        <div class="topmenu">
            .... block content

Use inline block in template file

If you want to insert a block direct in theme template file, then you can use inline block option.

  1. Regiter a inline block in '[frontbundle]_layout.xml' file.
        <loginform template="sidemenus.html.twig"></loginform>
            <logo template="logo.html.twig"></logo>
            <topmenu template="topmenu.html.twig"></topmenu>
`<inlineblocks>` : All regions are defined in this tag.
    * `<unique_inlineblock>` : Define your bundle inline blocks for theme.
  1. Use inline block in theme template.
<!doctype html>
<html class="no-js" lang="en">
    <title>Theme template</title>

    {{ inlineblock('loginform') }}

<div class="content">
    {% block body %}{% endblock %}


Passing data to block templates

  1. If you want to pass some data to your block, then you need to pass a static function which returns the data.
class FrontHelper{
    public static function getMenuOption(){
        return array(
                'home'=> array(
                    'link'=> 'front_index',
                'user'=> array(
                    'link'=> 'user_index',
                'organization' => array(
                    'label' => 'Organization',
                    'link' => 'organizations_index',
  1. Add data class into your block configuration file.
                <topmenu template="topmenu.html.twig">\Namespace\FrontBundle\Helper\FrontHelper::getMenuOption</topmenu>
  1. Block template topmenu.html.twig
<ul id="large-nav" class="">
{% for k,v in menu %}
    <li class="">
        <a href="{{ path( }}">
                <span>{{ v.label }}</span>
{% endfor %}

Usefull links:

  1. Concept behind LayoutBundle
  2. Create a simple theme using layoutbundle

Reporting an issue or feature request.

Issues and feature requests are tracked in the Github issue tracker.

How to contribute?

The contribution for this bundle for public is open, anybody could help me to participate bugs, documentation and code.


This software is licensed under the MIT license. See the complete license file in the bundle:


Read the License