###Shortcuts zz : Center cursor location
0 : Go to beginning of the line
:%so ~/.vimrc : reloads .vimrc
''! : copy into system clipboard in visual mode
###Match and replace end of line with new line :%s/$/^V^M/g
###Delete up to character
###Go to end of line and insert shift-a
###Select word under cursor viw # selects word vaw # selects leading and trailing spaces
###Record and replay repeated actions record: q[register][action]q replay: @[register]
example: qa^yw$pq
records yanking the first word on the line and pasting it to the end of line into register a, q ends the recording
###Loop through each line in file while read p; do echo $p; done < file
###Loop n times for i in {1..n}; do echo $i; done
###Loop through strings, useful for looping though executables prog="p1 p2 p3 p4" for p in $prog; do echo $prog done
###Redirect time output. Time sends to stderr time sleep 1 2> file
###Read file into variable file=$(<file)
###Less in color less -r
###copy directory recursivly
cp -r
adb -s shell top -m 1 | egrep --line-buffered "User .* System .*" | while IFS= read -r line; do printf '%s:%s\n' "$(date +%s)" "$line"; done >> ~/elov1-cpu
###Pretty print json
echo '{}' | jq
###Set global ignore
git config --global core.excludesfile ~/dotifle/.gitignore_global
###Rename branch on local and remote
git branch -m old_branch new_branch # Rename branch locally
git push origin :old_branch # Delete the old branch
git branch --unset-upstream # may be needed if the pushed branch get set to track the old branch
git push --set-upstream origin new_branch # Push the new branch, set local branch to track the new remote
###git log: find a commit between two timestamps
git log --pretty="%h %an %ad" --since=2018-04-15 --until=2018-04-18
###git bisect: for tracking down an old commit that introduced a bug
git bisect start <bad> <good>
git bisect run script.sh # script exits with 0 if good else bad
git bisect reset # resets bisect and goes to where you started
git bisect log > bisect.log # shows bisect history to check if your script is correct
git bisect replay bisect.log # if you mess up, correct the bisect log, reset and replay the log