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In the Mood for Shaders

Abe Pazos edited this page Apr 27, 2019 · 5 revisions

Live coding

GLSL functions

Processing Shader Tool

Makes it easy to add / remove / edit shaders inside the PDE

Blog about Shadertoy

Useful tricks and links

Abbreviated GLSL reference

Detailed GLSL reference (pages 3 & 4)

For more references, search for OpenGL / OpenGL ES at

and in those PDF search for Shading Language. One part of the PDF is about the OpenGL API and the rest about GLSL (shaders).

Book of Shaders

Inigo Quilez, author of Shadertoy

He has many blog posts describing techniques and some live coding video sessions.

Signed Distance Functions exercises

SDF is an advanced technique used for rendering 3D worlds in a fragment shader. Frequently used in ShaderToy and in the demo scene. Not mentioned during the workshop.


To understand OpenGL and how frameworks like Processing & oF work: (cameras, lights, matrices, etc)

You can spend a long time trying to understand every detail, but I defend just knowing enough (to keeping it fun) and writing useful shaders in a few lines of code, without studying for months. Unless going deep is what you really want and have time for it :)


3 books by NVidia written by many developers. Describes rendering techniques used in games (blur, DoF, glow, ambient occlussion, etc.)

How to write shaders in Unity

OpenGL in Metal (Apple)

Apple has deprecated OpenGL in favor of their own system called Metal. These people have written a software that enables using OpenGL inside Metal. It runs faster, and allows you to keep using OpenGL so you can use one system cross-platform.