PREVIOUSLY: Optics, Concretely
Today it's the turn of profunctors. We'll start with a very brief introduction to covariant and contravariant functors. Then, we'll see the most relevant members of the profunctor family. Particularly, we'll show their representation as typeclasses (along with their associated laws and several instances) and a visual representation where profunctors are seen as boxes that take inputs and produce outputs. Here we go!
(Covariant) Functors arise everywhere! When we put our programmer's glasses on,
we can view them as
that can be mapped over with fmap
class Functor f where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Not surprisingly, functions are functors, when they're parameterized on their result type:
instance Functor ((->) r) where
fmap f g = f . g
Contravariant functors are pretty much like functors, but they require a reversed arrow to map the container in the expected direction:
class Contravariant f where
cmap :: (b -> a) -> f a -> f b
Functions are also contravariant, this time on their first type parameter:
newtype CReader r a = CReader (a -> r)
instance Contravariant (CReader r) where
cmap f (CReader g) = CReader (g . f)
Now, we should be ready to approach profunctors. For each member of the
profunctor family, we'll show its typeclass and associated laws, along with a (->)
instance. Then, we'll provide an informal explanation which is supported by our
profunctor diagrams.
Profunctors are sort of functors which are contravariant on their first argument
and covariant on their second one. Thereby, its abstract method dimap
two functions as input:
class Profunctor p where
dimap :: (a' -> a) -> (b -> b') -> p a b -> p a' b'
lmap :: (a' -> a) -> p a b -> p a' b
lmap f = dimap f id
rmap :: (b -> b') -> p a b -> p a b'
rmap f = dimap id f
and rmap
are utilities to map either the covariant or the contravariant
type parameter. Therefore, they correspond with contravariant's cmap
functor's fmap
, respectively. As every interesting typeclass, profunctors do
obey some laws:
dimap id id = id
dimap (f' . f) (g . g') = dimap f g · dimap f' g'
As expected, functions do fit perfectly as instances of this typeclass:
instance Profunctor (->) where
dimap f g h = g . h . f
Profunctors are best understood as generalizations of functions. As a
consequence, we can see them as boxes that take an input and provide an output.
Thereby, dimap
just adapts inputs and outputs to conform new boxes. Given this
intuition, I noticed that drawing diagrams could be helpful to understand the
profunctor family. Soon, I realized that these new diagrams were quite similar
to the ones provided by Hughes for arrows. In
fact, there are strong
among them. From now on, we'll be using them to provide a visual perspective of
Here, h :: p a b
is our original profunctor box. For being a profunctor we
know that it can be extended with dimap
, using plain functions f :: a' -> a
and g :: b -> b'
, represented as circles. Once we apply dimap
a surrounding
profunctor box is generated, which is able to take a'
s as input and produce
s as output.
These diagrams also help to better understand profunctor laws. This picture
represent the first of them dimap id id = id
Basically, it says that we can replace an id
function with a raw cable. Then,
the surrounding profunctor box would become redundant. On the other hand, the
second law dimap (f' . f) (g . g') = dimap f g · dimap f' g'
is represented as
It tells us that we can split a dimap
which takes composed functions into a
composition of dimap
s where each takes the corresponding uncomposed functions.
Following down the profunctor family, we find Cartesian
class Profunctor p => Cartesian p where
first :: p a b -> p (a, c) (b, c)
second :: p a b -> p (c, a) (c, b)
These are the laws associated to this typeclass (skipping the counterparts for
dimap runit runit' h = first h
dimap assoc assoc' (first (first h)) = first h
-- where
runit :: (a, ()) -> a
runit' :: a -> (a, ())
assoc :: (a, (b, c)) -> ((a, b), c)
assoc' :: ((a, b), c) -> (a, (b, c))
The function instance for cartesian is straightforward:
instance Cartesian (->) where
first f (a, c) = (f a, c)
second f (c, a) = ( c, f a)
Again, this typeclass contains methods that turn certain box p a b
new ones. Particularly, these methods make our original box coexist with
an additional input c
, either in the first or second position. Using our
diagram representation, we get:
As usual, we start from a simple h :: p a b
. Once first
is applied we can
see how c
input passes through, while a
is turned into a b
, using the
original box h
for the task. The most characteristic feature of the resulting
box is that it takes two inputs and produce two outputs.
When we draw the first cartesian law dimap runit runit' h = first h
, we get
the next diagram:
This law is claiming that first
should pass first input through h
second input should be preserved in the output as is. That intuition turns out
to be implicit in our diagram representation. The second law dimap assoc assoc' (first (first h)) = first h
is shown graphically in this image:
This representation seems more complex, but in essence, it states that nesting
s doesn't break previous law. This is implicit in the diagram as well,
where b
and c
simply pass-through, regardless of the nested boxes in the
upper case.
Next, there is Cocartesian
, whose primitives are shown in the following
class Profunctor p => Cocartesian p where
left :: p a b -> p (Either a c) (Either b c)
right :: p a b -> p (Either c a) (Either c b)
Its laws are these ones (ignoring right
dimap rzero rzero' h = left h
dimap coassoc' coassoc (left (left h)) = left h
rzero :: Either a Void -> a
rzero' :: a -> Either a Void
coassoc :: Either a (Either b c) -> Either (Either a b) c
coassoc' :: Either (Either a b) c -> Either a (Either b c)
And here it's the function instance:
instance Cocartesian (->) where
left f = either (Left . f) Right
right f = either Left (Right . f)
Indeed, this typeclass is very similar to Cartesian
, but the resulting box
deals with sum types (Either
) instead of product types. What does it mean from
our diagram perspective? It means that inputs are exclusive and only one of them
will be active in a particular time. The input itself determines which path
should be active. The corresponding diagram is shown in the next picture:
As one could see, left
turns the original h :: p a b
into a box typed p (Either a c) (Either b c)
. Internally, when an a
matches, the
takes the upper path, where h
delivers a b
as output. Otherwise, when c
matches, the lower path will be activated, and the value passes through as is.
Notice that switches in both extremes must be coordinated to make things work,
either activating the upper or the lower path. On the other hand, right
like left
where paths are swapped. We left diagram representation of laws as
an exercise for the reader.
Finally, the last profunctor that will be covered is Monoidal
. As usual,
here's the associated typeclass:
class Profunctor p => Monoidal p where
par :: p a b -> p c d -> p (a, c) (b, d)
empty :: p () ()
Monoidal laws are encoded as follows:
dimap assoc assoc' (par (par h j) k) = par h (par j k)
dimap runit runit' h = par h empty
dimap lunit lunit' h = par empty h
-- where
lunit :: ((), a) -> a
lunit' :: a -> ((), a)
Instantiating this typeclass for function is trivial:
instance Monoidal (->) where
par f g (a, c) = (f a, g c)
empty = id
Now, we'll focus on par
. It receives a pair of boxes, p a b
and p c d
, and
it builds a new box typed p (a, c) (b, d)
. Given this signature, it's easy to
figure out what's going on in the shadows. It's shown in the next diagram:
The resulting box make both arguments (h
and j
) coexist, by connecting them
in parallel (therefore the name par
So far, we've been instantiating profunctor typeclasses with plain functions. However, as we said before, profunctors do generalize functions. What other kind of things (beyond functions) can be represented with them?
Well, there is UpStar
, which is pretty similar to a function, though returning
a fancy
newtype UpStar f a b = UpStar { runUpStar :: a -> f b }
We can provide instances for many profunctor typeclasses:
instance Functor f => Profunctor (UpStar f) where
dimap f g (UpStar h) = UpStar (fmap g . h . f)
instance Functor f => Cartesian (UpStar f) where
first (UpStar f) = UpStar (\(a, c) -> fmap (,c) (f a))
second (UpStar f) = UpStar (\(c, a) -> fmap (c,) (f a))
-- XXX: `Pointed` should be good enough, but it lives in external lib
instance Applicative f => Cocartesian (UpStar f) where
left (UpStar f) = UpStar (either (fmap Left . f) (fmap Right . pure))
right (UpStar f) = UpStar (either (fmap Left . pure) (fmap Right . f))
instance Applicative f => Monoidal (UpStar f) where
par (UpStar f) (UpStar g) = UpStar (\(a, b) -> (,) <$> f a <*> g b)
empty = UpStar pure
Notice that we need some evidences on f
to be able to implement such
instances, particularly Functor
or Applicative
. We encourage the reader to
instantiate these instances also for DownStar
(where the fanciness is in the
parameter type) as an exercise:
newtype DownStar f a b = DownStar { runDownStar :: f a -> b }
(You may not able to instantiate all three classes for DownStar
. If so, try to
reason about why certain class cannot be instantiated.)
Take Tagged
as another
newtype Tagged a b = Tagged { unTagged :: b }
This is just a wrapper for b
s, having a
as a phantom input type. In fact, it
represents somehow a constant function. You can provide instances for many
profunctor typeclasses with it:
instance Profunctor Tagged where
dimap f g (Tagged b) = Tagged (g b)
instance Cocartesian Tagged where
left (Tagged b) = Tagged (Left b)
right (Tagged b) = Tagged (Right b)
instance Monoidal Tagged where
par (Tagged b) (Tagged d) = Tagged (b, d)
empty = Tagged ()
Try to reason about the impossibility of determining an instance for Cartesian
as an exercise.
We've chosen DownStar
and Tagged
because we'll use them in the next part of
this series. However, you should know that there are other awesome instances for
profunctors out
As you see, profunctors also arise everywhere!
NEXT: Profunctor Optics