- OS: Ubuntu 22.04
- hummingbot: v1.13.0
sudo apt update -y
sudo apt install -y build-essential curl git httpie jq wget
cd ${HOME}
wget https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
chmod +x Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
./Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -b -u
./miniconda3/bin/conda init
# Reload .bashrc to register "conda" command
exec bash
conda install -y conda-build
cd ${HOME}
git clone https://github.com/Carry-So/hummingbot.git
cd hummingbot
git checkout xdc-release-1.13.0
conda activate hummingbot
Start hummingbot by run command:
cd ${HOME}/hummingbot
Setup your password when first login, refer to https://docs.hummingbot.org/operation/password/#creating-a-password.
Then run command gateway generate-certs
in the input panel to generate self-signed certificates, refer to https://docs.hummingbot.org/gateway/installation/#generate-certs.
cd ${HOME}
git clone https://github.com/Carry-So/hummingbot-gateway.git
cd hummingbot-gateway
git checkout xdc-release-1.13.0
# Install dependencies
# Complile Typescript into Javascript
yarn build
Run Gateway setup script, which helps you set configs and certificates:
cd ${HOME}/hummingbot
Below is the interactive process:
=============== SETUP GATEWAY ===============
Enter path to the Hummingbot certs folder >>> /home/liudan/hummingbot/certs
Confirm if this is correct:
Copy configs FROM: /home/liudan/hummingbot-gateway/src/templates
Copy configs TO: /home/liudan/hummingbot-gateway/conf
Copy certs FROM: /home/liudan/hummingbot/certs
Copy certs TO: /home/liudan/hummingbot-gateway/certs
Do you want to proceed? [Y/N] >>> Y
Files successfully copied from /home/liudan/hummingbot-gateway/src/templates to /home/liudan/hummingbot-gateway/conf
Files successfully copied from /home/liudan/hummingbot/certs to /home/liudan/hummingbot-gateway/certs
Start gateway using passphrase:
cd ${HOME}/hummingbot-gateway
# yarn start --passphrase=daniel
yarn start --passphrase=<passphrase>
The client should show: Gateway: ONLINE
on the top of log pane(right) now. Run the command gateway test-connection
in Hummingbot to test the connection. Now, you can type command exit
in client to quit now. When you exit and restart client, it should automatically detect whether gateway is running and connect to it.