This is a Physics calculator built using HTML, Javascript, CSS deployed at
As a student, I always wanted a way of having formulas that were never readily available to me and that required me to calculate manually.
This website is a calculator that offers multiple calculations for different physic formulas.
We built it using HTML, CSS, Javascript and Photoshop
This is the first time I am trying front-end applications and so it was quite the learning curve to learn everything.
Animated and design a theme to fit Astro with relevant content that had adaptive boxing and allowed the user to resize to fit their needs.
We learned how to write better javascript code along with design elements and patterns that can be used in front-end coding.
We plan to add more possible calculations and ramp up the design elements of the page to be more visually accessible while maintaining a phone-capable version.
We present to astrophysics-themed calculators. These calculators feature Gravitational Force, Force, Acceleration, and Friction Calculations. These are tremendously useful for physicists to easily calculate by adding inputs and receiving a correct calculation. For this Astro project, we also added a space-themed background and animations to enhance the UI and quality of life design.
You put your inputs here and then hit CALCULATE which will instantly output your solution and when switching calculators will reset your previous output. So whenever you have physics-related calculations which require the use of any formulas, this is a useful and easy way to perform quick calculations.
We hope you enjoy