This is the base ROS package to be used to complete the HMEE303 project.
- CMakeLists.txt: Root CMake configuration file
- src: Source files and CMake description of the libraries and applications
- vrep_remote_api: library to communicate with the V-REP simulator
- vrep: the node in charge of the communication with the simulator
- supply_conveyor: example implementation of the supply conveyor
- camera: example implementation of the camera
- include: Headers files
- common: folder containing declarations needed by several components
- vrep_remote_api: public header files for the vrep_remote_api library
- vrep: header files for the vrep node
- launch: ROS launch files
- msg: ROS message files
- share: Additional files
- petri_nets: where to put the TINA files corresponding to the cell modelisation
- vrep/assembly_cell.ttt: scene to be loaded in V-REP simulating the cell
- Petri nets go to share/petri_nets/{without_io,with_io}
- Custom input and output messages to go msg
- Each node goes in an src subfolder matching its Petri net's name
Don't forget to declare your new nodes in src/CMakeLists.txt (you can use the add_machine
function) and to add them in the launch/assembly.launch launch file.
You can also indicate your name(s) and e-mail address(es) in the maintainer
field of the package.xml file.
First open V-REP and load the vrep/assembly_cell.ttt scene.
Then just use the launch/assembly.launch launch file:
roslaunch assembly_control_ros assembly.launch
If V-REP doesn't run locally you can specify its IP address using for example:
roslaunch assembly_control_ros assembly.launch vrep_ip:=