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File metadata and controls

70 lines (52 loc) · 4.04 KB

API Version 1.0.0

HTTP API to make your own UI. Version according maptoruim-server 1.0.0. Subject to change in future according needs.


All requests return JSON object with next interface:

    result<string>: "success"|"info"|"warning"|"error",
    message<string>: "[Code exucution result description]",
    data<any>: [Data according request can be there]

result - Success and Info state consider as true state (mean code finish execution without errors). Warning and Error state consider false state (mean code finish execution with some errors. Warning used commonly in cases if search data is empty or non critical errors. Error state is used in problems with input data verification, DB write/read errors and so one).

message - contain description of code execution result. In case of success state can be empty or missed in return json. Maptorium UI show this text in pop up windows usialy.

data - contain data, what returned by script. Missed in all error|warning cases and can be empty in case success|info script execution isnt return any data.



PATH Method Params Return Description
/default get none Return content of config/config.user.json
/default post Save new default config to server
/updates get none Return changes on server from last update request
/maps get none Array<MapInfo> Return Array what contain maps info available on server
/mode post mode: DownloadMode none Set download mode.
"enable" - get tiles from internet if missed in DB.
"disable" - prohibit any internet activity.
"force" - get tiles from internet even they are present in DB.



PATH Method Params Return Description
/now get none GPSCoords Return current GPS Position
/point get none GPSCoords Return last route point what was inserted in DB.
/route/:routeID get none Array<GPSCoords> Return route points. If routeID set to 0 - return current route points.
/stoprecord get none none Disable route points record to DB.
/startrecord get none none Enable route points record to DB.
/routenew post name:string none Start new route
/routelist get none Array<ROUTE> Return Array what contain previous routes information.



PATH Method Params Return Description
/{mapID}/{z}/{x}/{y}.{format} get none Blob Return image or blob file according map type
/?map={mapID}&z={z}&x={x}&={y}&mode={mode} get none Blob Return image or blob file according map type



PATH Method Params Return Description
/ get none Array<POIInfo> Return Array what contain ALL POI in DB. Can be big data ammount, use with careful
/list/:categoryID get none Array<POIInfo> Return POIs what included in specified category
/info/:poiID get none POIInfo Return all data about POI by poiID
/add post POIInfo ID:number Add POI to database and return inserted POI ID
/delete post ID:number none Delete POI from DB
/update post POIInfo or
boolean Update POI in DB. Possible to send only points to update GPS coords instead of properties.
/category get none Array<POICategory> Return Array contain POI categories
/category/add post name:string
none Add new POI category to DB