Install Docker Engine (recipe for EC3)
The variables that can be passed to this role and a brief description about them are as follows.
docker_mirror_protocol: "http"
docker_mirror_port: 5000
docker_opts: ""
docker_channel: "stable"
docker_version: "latest"
# Docker comaptible versions that if are installed docker will not be reinstalled
# ['17.03.', '18.06.', '18.09.', '19.03.']
docker_compatible_versions: []
docker_install_criu: true
docker_install_pip: true
docker_compose_version: "1.25.5"
docker_config_values: {}
docker_nvidia_support: false
default-runtime: nvidia
path: /usr/bin/nvidia-container-runtime
runtimeArgs: []
# Installs containerd only, not full docker
docker_containerd_only: false
docker_containerd_version: "latest"
# Set the version of the command nerdctl to install
docker_nerdctl_version: 1.0.0
# Install containerd CNI plugins
docker_containerd_install_cni: false
docker_containerd_cni_version: '1.1.1'
# Set the root path for containerd
docker_containerd_root: ""
- hosts: server
- { role: 'grycap.docker' }
- hosts: client
- { role: 'grycap.docker' }
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